
Spirits Faces in the Mirror?

Both my best friend John and my grandmother have died over the last year, a photo I took of my baby boy in the mirror (‘named after my friend John’!) clearly shows my friends face and my grandmothers face side by side in the mirror, although not completely clear everyone who has seen the photo sees the resemblance.

Why would my gran and friend be in picture when they did not know each other? If you take photos in mirrors is it more likely to see spirits? Thanks. Steven

Asked by Steven Stewart

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A Ghost that was Blue in Color?

Has anyone ever reported seeing a ghost that was blue in skin color?

My daughter who is 15 years old has had experiences with spirits, entities, ghosts and dark shadows since a young age, as well as I myself have. During a brief time while staying at her aunts house she was having encounters with a tall man who she says was blue in skin color. She also said he tried to offer her tea and seemed sad when she said no. But also would say curse words often when she was alone with him in the room she stayed in.

Has anyone ever reported seeing a ghost that was blue in skin color? She called him the “blue man” and this was before we had ever heard of the “Blue Men Group”.

I also would hear a man and woman arguing softly and the woman would often cry. I would always think it was my sister and her husband arguing, but they would be asleep when I would check on them.

There was always a foul odor in between the doorway from the kitchen into the living room. This is where my daughter says he was standing there when he had offered her the tea and that when I left the living room to go into the kitchen, not knowing what she was experiencing, she said I walked right through him.

The TV in the living room would turn off by itself at different times after 9:00 p.m. This television was a very old TV and there was no sleep timer on it.

Asked by Danah

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Should I Worry About Daughters Imaginary Friend?

My daughter is 3 1/2. Her “imaginary friend” who has been popping up from time to time is now back again, stronger than ever.

My mother, who was helping me raise my daughter, just passed away about a week ago now. Is there any connection with my daughter’s “imaginary friend” (who I thought I had figured out) coming back into the picture and my mother’s passing? I’m afraid if I don’t get a grip on this now, it could turn into something serious if it is indeed a spirit or ghost of some sort.

Asked by Stephanie

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Can a Ghost Detect Someone Who is a Medium?

I am staying at a reputed haunted 13th century Inn next weekend and am scared that I will be bothered by the reputed ghosts.

I have been sensitive all my life with many ghostly experiences but this is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the UK so am a little scared that they may in someway be attracted to me.

Can a ghost tell if someone is able to sense them?

Asked by Spooky

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Haunted Apartment What Do I Do?

Let me just say I’ve had experience with ghosts already. My parents’ house is home to 3, and the man has only made contact with me. He’s never done anything, he just likes to whisper and pace.

I’ve also heard the woman various times and always at the same time and in the same room. This other encounter is very different.

A few years ago I moved into this apartment. It is above the store my mother owns. At first nothing happened. Then, I would be walking through a specific hallway in the store and hear laughing. A man laughing. I would always be alone and it would be at various times of the day. It freaked me out. There is a mirror on the storage room door. I started seeing a man in the mirror. Again, while I was alone and at various times. Then he appeared with a top hat in various corners.

One night, about a year after my first encounter with him, he appeared near the stairs of my apartment. Always with the top hat. He’d mostly be a shadow. It would be at night when I would lay down to sleep, or when I would get up to go to the bathroom. Again he’d never do anything, just be there.

At one point I got so scared I spread table salt across the top of my stairs as I had read it repelled ghosts. I moved out for a few months then moved back in. Occasionally I’d see something from the corner of my eye in the shop but nothing like before.

Now, since the store has closed, and I know no one is down there, I hear doors open and close. What’s worse is I’m starting to hear a mans voice close to the door to the apartment. Sometimes I think I can hear my apartment door opening and footsteps coming up the stairs but he never appears. Early in the morning, I hear both a man and a woman. I can’t make out anything they are saying.

I know there is no one down there and I keep the TV on constantly so I can’t hear them. I don’t know what to do but I’m scared to even enter the lobby to the apartment. What do I do? I’ve already told him he’s scaring me and to leave but he’s still bothering me. It’s nothing like the ghosts in my parents’ house. They’re harmless and I haven’t heard the man since I told him to stop. Any advice would be nice.

Sent in by KnittingBlonde, Copyright 2011

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Is There a Way to Hear Spirits Without a Digital Recorder?

I have done alot of EVPs but usualy get nothing but maybe a knock or a humming sound because I use a phone to record it. Is there another way to hear spirits without a digital recorder?

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Is it a Poltergeist or a Ghost?

I have lived in my house a long time now and I have had benevolent poltergeists/ghosts in my house. The reason why I put both is because I can’t tell if he is one or the other and need help distinguishing. He often plays tricks and is very peevish and during such times he does not show himself yet at other times I can see him clear as day and converse with him. I am sure both entities are one in the same for I have asked him if he did the pranks himself.

He does such pranks as simply playing with the lights or rolling things around or throwing non breakable objects across the room. He always appears as an elderly gentleman looking to be pushing 65 – 70 years dressed in semi formal attire with a long sleeve button down black shirt and what I presume are khaki slacks. He himself is very bony to the point of being skeletal but still looks fit enough to be living

Asked by JR

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Difference Between a Ghost and a Spirit?

What’s the difference between a ghost and a spirit?

Asked by Skylark

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Can Attached Spirits be Passed from Generation to Generation?

My mother tells me she has had a sprit attached to her since birth, she even played with it when she was little. I was wondering if when she died it would be passed on to me or my sister. Let me tell you our story. The spirit is my aunt. I don’t know her name. She was killed when she was a kid. She was shot by my grandfather, who was also a kid. She was first attached to my grandmother when she married my grandfather, she nearly killed my grandmother when she gave birth to my mother. She stayed with my mother, causing her to become Bi-Polar, Depressed, and nearly Psychotic, until 4 years ago. That year was bad for me because of my Step-Father.

One night I completely lost my mind and begged for God to kill me. After that night she stayed with me. One year ago, my mother called her back, not wanting me to go through what I was going through. By that time I was suffering from Schizophrenia, Hallucinations, Depression, and I was nearly Psychotic. I’m still on my Depression, Schizophrenia, and Hallucination medicine.

I’m just wondering if I’ll have to go through all of this again? Please answer and help.

Asked by Josephine Alice

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Does the Moon Bring Out Ghosts?

I would like to know does the moon bring out the ghost in some kind of way?

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