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My Mothers Demons

Hi all I talk about my mother on here before but now I would like to tell a bit of her story.

Ok my mom was sick for many years having heart attacks and strokes. In one year she had 10 no lie! She was in and out of the hospital a lot. I called her everyday to check on her three or four times a day to the point she was a little tired of me. Well she started to tell me she was feeling things in her home. I asked her what was wrong? So she told me something evil was trying to kill her. So I believed her because I’ve seen with my eyes spirits and demons growing up.

My mother also dealt with santaria in the past. So she said that my big sister just brought her a pretty plant and it was nice and green and healthy. She said the next day she went out …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

Tags: Demons, Santeria, Shadows
July 18th, 2011


Terrified Laughter and the Tall Man

I was laying in my bed not able to fall asleep. It was a hot summer night. My parents and sister were all asleep. It was pitch dark outside. All of a sudden I hear my dog barking like crazy downstairs, and then my room got really cold. I got kind of afraid so I got up from my bed and stood at the top of the staircase, deciding if I should check downstairs or not. I then decided I was too scared, and went back to my room.

Then the barking stopped. I was somewhat relieved. I then decided that if I were to fall back asleep, it would be bright and sunny and my parents would be awake so I wouldn’t be afraid anymore. But that wasn’t until I heard sounds downstairs. Never have I heard sounds this audible. I heard laughter downstairs. Laughter from children, men, women, almost as if it were a party. Then they started …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Laughter, Voices
July 17th, 2011


Shadows and Weird Things

I’ve had a lot of weird things happen in the last 7 months, so I’ll write them in as much detail as possible:

During January, my friend was living at her uncle and aunty’s house after her house was flooded. I went to stay over there because she was home alone and bored. During the day she was at the other end of the house when I had gotten out of the bathroom.

When I got to the hallway I saw a tall shadowy figure walk behind me, I turned around, saw nothing and guessed it was my imagination. Later that night, my friend and I were talking when she told me she saw a tall shadowy figure walk past the bedroom door. I hadn’t even told her about what I saw. I think what ever was in that house, just wanted us to know it was there.

About two days ago, I was walking to the toilet at my …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Shadows
July 17th, 2011

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My Parents Closet a Doorway to the Spirit World

When I was a child, I was taking an afternoon nap in my parent’s bed. As I’m waking up, I see this very tall shadow man with a top hat step out of their closet. He looked as though he was wearing a suit, but he was somewhat transparent and gray in color. As he walked straight out of the closet towards me, it seemed as though he was walking up steps. He kept close to the wall as he walked and didn’t walk straight towards me, but disappeared as he reached me. I remember feeling frozen and scared at what I was seeing and relieved to see him go.

A little background about my parent’s house. It was built in a town that is the site of an ancient Indian burial ground. So when I read the post about the Native American Tall Man, I couldn’t believe the similarity!

As I’m typing this, I’ve got an episode of Paranormal …

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From Category: Shadow Creatures

Tags: Shadows
July 17th, 2011


Girl With Gray Eyes Caused Strange Things to Happen

It started in my village at Chittagong. It was a long time ago when I was around nine or ten years old. My family planned to visit my grandparents in Agrabad. My cousin, aunt and uncle also went there for a visit. We decided to briefly settle there.

About the story, I would first like to inform that I did not face it. I was very young and did not have any idea of what happened, just heard from one of my aunts who was the main victim.

Anyway, I guess you all believe in spirits. Many years back, my grandma (who now passed away) kept a girl for handling house works. She was with long black hair, big grey eyes, had quite dark complexion and slender figure. I cannot give a plausible description about her for I had not seen her in my entire life. They knew nothing about her but for the sake of taking care of house …

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July 17th, 2011

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Ghost Cat Sebastian

The story begins to when, my family and I had moved into our previous house. In my room there was a closet that had a small bed inside. At first I didn’t take noticed in it since it was a new house. The next time I had heard soft meowing coming from the Closet so I opened it. And there it was a small Cat that was quietly sleeping in the bed.

A few weeks passed that I had been taking care of it, and my dad had told me the cat had passed. Of course like a kid I cried and I wish he never left. A month after he passed I heard clawing from the closet and I opened it slowly. Nothing was there but the cat’s bed, and Sebastian’s (the cat) collar. So I closed it and went to bed.

I was lying completely still contemplating whether or not to get up and get ready fro school, …

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From Category: Pet & Animal Ghosts

Tags: Cats, Pets
July 16th, 2011

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Darkness Inside

All of this started with a certain event that happened to me when I was sixteen years old. For awhile my family and I used to live in a really small portable trailer in the mountains of Colorado. On this particular night, everyone had gone to bed besides me. When I finally decided to go to bed, I remember laying there watching my breath reflect out of me into the moon.

I laid awake for awhile until my eye’s finally closed and I passed into “sleep”. Except I was not sleeping, I felt like I was real but not really there in my own world. I was falling down a black pit, for lack of a better word. And I felt like I was falling for hours. Next thing that I remember I fell into what I felt was a icy bottom of water. Except that it wasn’t water. It had the texture of oil. Then came a voice, it …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Dreams, Nightmares, Shadows
July 16th, 2011


Dark Shadow and Paralysis

OK, this is the absolute most malevolent occurrence I’ve ever experienced. I have been witness to literally hundreds of paranormal events in my life. No I’m not talking about things being misplaced or I could have sworn I left such and such on that table. Things that fly across the room. Absolutely zero interpretation need be applied. When they are active they make believers real fast out of people who swear the contrary.

Get ready, just the story alone here still creeps me out. And I was there. Keep in mind that the majority of my experiences were basically benevolent. Not this one.

We have a farm in Palestine, Texas. I was sleeping in the bed with my current wife. When all of a sudden I was awakened and I could swear there was someone standing at the foot of the bed. I was groggy and thought my eyes weren’t focusing right but the truth it it was a shadowy …

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From Category: Sleep Paralysis

Tags: Shadows, Sleep Paralysis
July 16th, 2011


Is it Sleep Paralysis?

I have had four encounters with what the doctor says is Sleep Paralysis.

It all started last year when I woke early hours in the morning with the feeling of not being able to move, not scream, eyes wouldn’t open fully only slightly and when they did open I saw a black cloaked figure who sat on top of my body pulling something from my chest. Shutting my eyes again trying to scream and when my eyes opened once more it vanished.

This happened a further three times all between 4 – 5 am but the fourth time was different, this time when I opened my eyes there were two dark figures that I could see through corner of my eye; one on top of my chest another at the side of my bed. This time I fought. I tried screaming harder than ever before and I managed to wriggle and fight it off me and kick it then …

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From Category: Sleep Paralysis

Tags: Sleep Paralysis
July 15th, 2011


Lucy and the Invisible in My Dreams

I have bad dreams before, infrequently and usually only twice a year. The difference between those and these is that those frequented around living scary things – spiders, dolls that talked, cats that multiply (don’t ask).

This week I’ve had ghosts.

I’ve never been one to fear ghosts. I accept that they’re out there somewhere, and that maybe some are not sugar and honey. But I’ve never thought of them as particular to hanging around me, and I subscribe to the belief that if you think they exist they won’t bug you, and if you don’t your doomed (personal mantra I’ve had since I was little).

The first dream was familiar, which suggests I’ve had it before (this often happens to me). I was at a party with what appeared to be a company of firefighters in a warehouse (i don’t know any firefighters, but our local branch held a pancake breakfast recently). Suddenly there were sirens outside, and people …

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From Category: Dreams and Nightmares

July 15th, 2011


Things I Have Seen in My Life

Hi I’m new at this not much of a story it more like little stories. Well when I was 5 I lived with my mom note (she did so called white magic) anyways I would wake up at night my room was facing a long hallway to the living room I would see a skeleton, at the end of the hallway it would look at my with a big smile. I was scared and that was the first time I saw something.

The next time is when I was about 7 a family friend had died my aunts just came from the funeral. They lit up a candle for her and prayed over it. We were talking about her in a the room with the candle. All of a sudden the flame went up hi then the candle just popped there was glass all over. Needless to say we all flew out that room. It’s funny now but I was …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 14th, 2011

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My Grand Grand Mother Haunts Me

A few days ago, July 12, 2011 to be exact, I was surprised when my Dad showed me a published item in your site a ghost story entitled “My Daughter and The Third Eye”, he asked me to read it. As I browse through it put a smile on my face, because the story is all about me with reference to my ability of seeing things.

Yeah, I am very much scared to death of the black figure that I saw as described by my Dad in the story mentioned above. It is always part of my system to keep on feeling eerie things around me as well as seeing silhouetted white object (of a human figure).

Please call me Prinsesa, just a regular high school student of one of the exclusive school at Pasig. During the past school years till the end of school year 2010-2011 it was my Dad who drops me to my school since …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

July 14th, 2011

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