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Guardian Angel Or Midnight Hauntings?

Is it true infants and younger children posses a connection and communication to the other side? Or is it only some children? Is it only those of purest souls? It is those who had a past life or perhaps have a guardian angel through the journey to the beginning of a new life?

This is a true story, not that I remember this myself, however being told by my parents (dad being a former skeptic in the after life) that around the age of three when I began to speak, for countless nights and several months I had woken my parents from their sleep in the middle of night or a few hours after midnight with ear piercing screams. Alarmed as they would enter my room each time they would find me sitting upright on my bed staring in one particular corner at the top of my ceiling balling my innocent eyes out.

When my parents asked what’s wrong? What …

December 19th, 2008 by Caretaker 

Little Elizabeth My Ghost Friend

I have always been interested in the supernatural, wanting to know more about those who come back from the dead. I have only have a couple things happen in my life, but at least something has happened to me. This is something that happened, and surprisingly, out of all the scary things you hear about ghosts, this one was rather nice.

When I was a little girl, around six and seven years old my family used to live in a big farm house. At the time I was just getting used to sleeping in my own room, so I was all ready a bit creeped out, since the house cracked and made sounds on its own.

But after a month or so of having my own room, odd things started happening in that small purple room, the window would open on its own, the curtains would flutter and shake, the door which I opened for light closed on its own …

December 6th, 2008 by Caretaker 

Robert My First Friend My First Ghost

When I was a little girl I had very little friends. I spent most of my time in my backyard. I’ve lived in the same house for 10 years, I’m now four-teen. I spend a lot of my time studying the supernatural. I can see them.

When I was little there was this little boy that only stayed in my backyard. He talked with me and I with him. He was my best friend. I told no one of him not even my parents or my grandmother who lives with me as well. Robert was always friendly and sweet but when I started to get friends he would be angry with me.

I remember inviting some friends over for my 7th birthday party. It was my first and last birthday party. He stayed at our dining room window. He watched me the whole time, whenever I’d look at him he’d have this look of pure hatred on his face.

After …

October 26th, 2008 by Caretaker 

My Encounter With A Teenage Ghost Boy

When I was around eight or so, my Grandmother – Vanessa – would tell me stories about how she used to have an imaginary friend, well she didn’t believe he was imaginary, but her parents did. My grandmother has lived in the same house since she was born, which is a big old house just outside of the town’s main streets where she lives. The woods are just outside her house so you can see the border line. Where my Grandmother lives it’s usually really rainy and very green, though I still love it there.

Anyway, like I said, I was eight, and my Grandmother was telling me about how she had this best friend called Barren, apparently he was nineteen and she was ten when she met him. She would sometimes see him on the border line of the woods and when she would tell her family to look they would see nothing, though she could see him. …

September 23rd, 2008 by Caretaker 

Imaginary Friend Or Not?

OK, so my story starts like this, in the summer of 2006 I was living with my friend and her two little girls. The oldest being three and the youngest being one.

The oldest little girl kept on talking to the walls and the corners. I would ask her who she was talking to, and she would reply by saying “two”. I asked her who “two” was and she would say, her friend. It was kinda weird but I dismissed it.

As time went on weird things started happening around the house. Things would go missing and then show up a couple of hours later in the same spot I checked. The oldest daughter started being really bad and doing things she knew was wrong and talking back all of a sudden, she just changed a lot in a little amount of time. I would ask her why she would do the things that she did wrong and she would …

August 4th, 2008 by Caretaker 

My Invisible Imaginary Friend

When I was very young, I had a friend named George only I could see. My mother and father knew I had an invisible friend and didn’t worry too much about it. My father said once that I’d grow out of it. I never cared that I was the only person who could see George either. He was as real to me as anyone I have ever met.

George was a child about the same age as me. He had red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. I never knew his last name. I don’t suppose I ever asked. I don’t remember him dressing strangely or wearing the same thing all of the time. I don’t remember him ever eating anything but know he drank water from of our garden hose at least once. I have no idea where he ‘lived’ or where he went when he wasn’t with me. I can’t remember when I first met him. It just seemed …

July 26th, 2008 by Caretaker 

Blain’s Imaginary Friend

Our family has had several ghost experiences, but this one is about my cousin’s son who had an imaginary friend.

This cousin and his wife moved into a house in Fort Wayne, Indiana that was owned by our great aunt. Their son Blain was three at that time. They would hear Blain talking to someone all the time and playing house or having a tea party. They would ask him who he was talking to, and he would say his friend.

They thought it was quite alright that he had an imaginary friend and thought nothing of it, until that was all he wanted to do, and strange things started to happen. At times things were not always where they left them and the attic door was always left open.

Nikki, my cousin Troy’s wife, would often smell women’s perfume when she walked into the boys room or where he was playing with his friend. She got upset …

July 17th, 2008 by Caretaker 

The House Of The Green Man

I’ve had many encounters with ghosts, spirits, and very strange things in my life. The house we lived in for 10 years, in a small town in Washington, made believers out of the rest of my family. Our children were young when we lived there, being 12 and 8 years old when we moved from there. It was a two story duplex.

Not long after we moved in, I would often be standing in the bathroom at the top of the steps, and out of the corner of my eye see the faint figure of a man standing at the bottom of the steps. Tall, thin, and wearing a longer button-up jacket, like a uniform. I’d turn to look, and it would be gone. A few other people saw the same thing, and described the same man. Sometimes we could smell an unusual but good smell, much like a man’s cologne.

Things would often disappear, only to reappear later, …

July 11th, 2008 by Caretaker 

Ronny, The Evil Imaginary Friend

When I was in the 4th grade it was nice and peaceful quiet for the most part. There was a little girl that would ride her tricycle past my house several times a day. She was a lot younger than me, I could tell, but I knew she needed someone to play with or have fun.

For the next several days I played with her at the park across the street. I started to notice something weird about her, she laughed at random things, and when I wasn’t around she would talk to people that weren’t there. I began to ask why she would do such things she told me that Ronny really liked her and he would come and play with her under her bed. I figured it was little girls and their imaginary friends.

The next day I went to her house to look for her. The little girl never really told me her name until she …

June 21st, 2008 by Caretaker 

Ghost Boy on the Playground

There’s a lot of talk about children with imaginary friends. But what happens when the line between what is imaginary and what is real, is crossed? I don’t like to talk about my paranormal experiences. For one, I don’t want to believe them, and two, I don’t like to talk much. But there are times where I can’t just wave away the obvious truths. This is one of those times when it really wasn’t just “a part of my imagination.”

When I was in elementary school, I had little to no friends, because I was the most timid little thing you could find on the playground. Nobody wanted to play with the “quiet girl” who didn’t know how to play ball or climb monkey bars. So I often found myself sitting on the swings, looking out at the green field to watch the other kids fool around.

One day, I finally noticed another loner wandering around in the …

June 2nd, 2008 by Caretaker 

My Daughter’s Imaginary Friend – A Ghost In Our House

Often times we hear about a child who’s imaginary friend seems to be a ghost. Here is just such a story. This story of ghostly encounters was submitted by a member of our paranormal forum.

I have only shared this with a few people and only after they have had an experience at my home. My son was 3 and my daughter 1 when the first thing that happened was as I was laying down in bed my boyfriends radio that he placed in our bedroom turned not just on but slowly it started turning up.

He was working 3rd shift at a local gas station. So I called him. I asked him where he put the remote for the radio, logical thinking, I laid on the remote. He began telling me about how he lost the remote a few years back at his fathers house. So I slept on the couch after unplugging the radio.

The rest …

March 17th, 2008 by Caretaker 

My Imaginary Friends Were Ghosts

Ever since I was a little girl I can remember talking to kids, well at least I thought they were real like me. I had two imaginary friends which with time I found they were once like me.

I lived in a home where we had a huge yard that had a little house as if someone had lived there. The house we lived in was very old and the little house in the backyard seemed more old, and creepy I would say. It was locked when we first moved in but my dad opened it as extra storage for our things. In it were old toys and clothing of two little kids, a boy and a girl. My mom never told me about the clothes until later but I kept the toys.

I would talk to a little girl about my age, I was five at the time and her brother was seven, he did not talk much. She …

February 29th, 2008 by Caretaker 
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