Spiritual Experience Undergoing Open Heart Surgery

Posted on October 12, 2009

Back in November 2003, my husband and I received the devastating news that I had to undergo open heart surgery for a valve replacement. On the morning of my surgery and before the nurse wheeled me to the operating suite, my husband leaned over, gave me a kiss and said, “you come back to me, now”. I took his hand, and said, “I will”.

The day before my surgery, the surgeon, who was to do my valve replacement, came into my hospital room and told my husband and I what I would more than likely be experiencing while I was under, during the surgery. He said that I would probably hear mumbling voices, which would be the surgeons working on me, that I would be put on life support for a short time, all that interesting stuff.

Anyway, when they gave me the gas to put me to sleep, a little while later it seemed like I had woke up, but I was in a dark area… sort of like being in space. I did hear mumbling voices (like the surgeon said I would). It seemed like I was floating in one spot and I couldn’t feel my arms, legs, hands, etc. It was like I was in suspended animation, in a vapor form.

A little distance away, there appeared to be five Angels (beings). All five of them had a beautiful white glow about them. I felt very much at peace, and wasn’t scared whatsoever. These five Angels (beings) seemed to be floating as well, but they were very still. At first, they were a ways away from me. They seemed to be coming closer and closer to me. When they were right next to me, almost touching me, I could feel the presence of my mother and father.

Both my parents have been gone now for some years (my father died when I was nine years old, and my mom died when I just turned 40). I could especially feel the presence of my father. It seemed like they were protecting me, keeping anything evil from entering my soul while the surgeons were working on my heart, since it had to be stopped for awhile. I wasn’t able to touch them, but, I noticed that they appeared to be wearing beautiful silk white gowns with beautiful stitching on it. Their gowns were plain, but, just awesome! All five of them had their hands out to their sides with their palms up. They did not appear to have faces. For some reason, I was able to look down and I noticed that their feet were wrapped in what seemed to be white ace bandages. I noticed that the Angel, who gave me the strong presence of my father, had feet that kind of looked like my dad’s. I always remembered my dad’s feet. His big toes seemed to always stick up. I would always ask him about why his big toes always seem to be sticking up. He would always laugh and say that he had “crab” feet.

All of a sudden, I woke up and I was in my room in the Cardiac ICU. The first person I saw was my husband (he had tears coming down his face and he looked very tired… I felt so bad for him, because I knew that he was very worried about losing me). I also remember still having that tube down my throat… Yuck!

Several months after my surgery, I told my husband about what I had experienced. He said that he honestly believes that it was my mom and dad protecting me while my heart was stopped for awhile. I’m not sure who the other three Angels were. They could have possibly been my aunt (my mom’s sister), my cousin (my aunt’s son) and my brother, who have all passed on as well.

It will be six years this coming November since my open heart surgery. I can still remember my beautiful experience with the Angels, as if it happened just yesterday. Not only did the Good Lord give me a second chance at life, but, I honestly believe that my parents were protecting me from evil. And, for some reason if the surgery didn’t go well (I’m sure glad that it did, though), and it was my time to go, I felt that my parents were there to lead me to Heaven.

I apologize for such a long story. Thank you for listening to my “novel”. I have written several stories on this website in the past couple of months. Everyone has left such nice and heartwarming comments. Thank you so much.

Written by Bonnie, Copyright 2009 TrueGhostTales.com

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25 Responses to “Spiritual Experience Undergoing Open Heart Surgery”
  1. Camille says:

    Dear Bonnie,
    Thank you for sharing your story.
    I would tend to think as you do, that those beings were angels, protecting you,
    or waiting to guide you, if needed to the other side.
    There are many people who have told of similar experiences in similar situations.
    Sylvia Browne has written several very good books, one in particular gives different
    insights to Angel experiences. I enjoyed reading her books, you might too.
    I know I look forward to seeing my dearly departed ones.
    Thanks again for telling your story.

  2. Bakulaw says:

    such a nice experience. i also believe that the angels are your folks taking care of you. and i’m glad that your surgery went well… i wish you good health and thanks for sharing your story ^.^ !

  3. Kat says:

    Wow great story and glad to hear that the surgery went well!! :)

  4. Karen M. says:

    Wow that just reinforces the fact “that there is something more after”!

  5. Bonnie says:

    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments. And Camille, thank you for telling me about the author, Sylvia Browne, and her books on her various Angel experiences. I’m looking forward to reading one of her books and some of her experiences. Everyone have a wonderful day!

  6. Bonnie says:

    Hi Karen M.

    I totally agree with you. I honestly feel that there is life after death, once our time is finished here on earth. Thank you for your nice comment. You have a wonderful day.

  7. Ryan says:

    Thank you Bonnie.

  8. Bonnie says:

    You’re very welcome, Ryan. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Have a great Columbus Day!

  9. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for your nice comment, Bakulaw. I honestly believe that the Angels were my family members as well. You have a great day!

  10. trolldoll1681 says:

    how did the surgeon know what you would experience but for the fact that everyone he operated on had a similar experience? i am a firm believer in guardian angels and we always have them with us!! i don’t think angels come from humans but our relatives don’t alway appear as themselves either. great story and i’m glad you have recovered!

  11. Bonnie says:

    Hi trolldoll,

    I’m not sure how the surgeons knew what I might be experiencing when I was having my surgery. More than likely, they had asked other patients what they had experienced during theirs. Thank you so much for your nice comment. You have a great rest of the Sunday and have a great week.

  12. trolldoll1681 says:

    bonnie, thanks so much! take care!

  13. meli§a says:

    i love these heart-warming stories, thank you bonnie for sharing your experience. i believe God sent your family of angels to protect you from harm during your procedure. how crazy your heart was merely stopped for those moments, yet you could hear the mumbling of the surgeons… i’m happy it went well and you kept your word to come back!

  14. Bonnie says:

    Hi Melissa,

    Thank you so much! It always nice to hear from you and all the other wonderful people who comment on this website. You are all GREAT people! You and your family have a wonderful upcoming week.

  15. Bonnie says:


    You’re very welcome. And, you take care as well. Have a wonderful week!

  16. Tonja says:

    Good story Bonnie. I definitely believe in Near Death Experiences, and your operation was truly that ! I have done a lot on research on NDE’s, enough to convince me that they are real.

  17. Jenn says:

    Beautiful story.

  18. KNOWTOMUCH says:

    what an AWESOME story !!! thank you so much for sharing that with us….. i cant wait to tell my mom, as she had the same type of experience after i was born, except in her case she had postclampsia, and her blood pressure and fever when up very high…. they almost lost her…. i also had a cousin, bless her heart, who had a heart transplant, and died 32 times on the operating table as the surgery proceded. she said that she wasnt afraid because the angles where all around her and that her body also floated..

    thank you again for such a great shareing expereince!!!!! bless you,,, ktm

  19. Bonnie says:

    Thank you Tonja and Jenn. You both have wonderful evenings.

  20. Jamie says:

    Thank you Bonnie, it was refreshing and encouraging to read your story!

  21. -.- says:

    Sylvie Browne is fake she was busted by James Randi in a tv-show (lol).

  22. Bonnie says:

    Thank you, Jamie and Jenn, for your nice comments.

  23. Bonnie says:

    Hi KTM,

    Thank you for your nice comment on my story. I hope that both your mom and cousin are doing better. How are you doing? I hope that you are feeling better and getting alot of rest. Bless your heart! You take care and have a nice evening.

  24. KNOWTOMUCH says:

    hi Bonnie, mom and i are doing well, we both have some illness, but all in all ,doing well.. i was wondering how you are doing now??? and, have you had other experiences?

  25. Bonnie says:

    Hi KTM,

    I’m doing much better since my surgery, thank you for asking. It will be six years in November since my heart surgery, and I have to tell ya, it’s been a tough road to recovery. It took me five years to actually get back to doing what I was able to do before I had gotten sick with my heart. My husband has been through alot as well with my surgery and all. He’s been so supportive. He’s a great guy. I’m so sorry to hear that you and your mom are suffering from illnesses, but, I’m glad to hear that you both are doing fine and are hanging in there. I bet that your mom is a kind and caring person, just like my mom was. Both you and your mom and the rest of your family stay strong, As for other experiences, I’ve had dreams of what I had experienced during my surgery, once or twice. I seem to be much more aware of the paranormal since my surgery. It sort of scares me at times. I try not to think about it too much and just pray alot. I know that my mom and dad, and the rest my loved ones who have passed on would never hurt me. We were a very close family, and am I still very close with my sisters and their families. I don’t know if it’s the fact that I was clinically dead for an hour, and it’s affected my mind, or what. I’ve spoken to the Chaplain about this several times. It seems like the farther I get from my surgery, the more strength I’m starting to feel again.
    I admire your strength, KTM. Sometimes I feel that the Good Lord creates these websites to help bring people together in a supportive kind of way.

    KTM, you take care and both you and your family have a nice Friday and a great weekend. I use to be a nursing assistant awhile back, after I had gotten out of the Navy and I use to take care of patients who suffered from MS. Bless your heart. You take care of yourself and stay strong and be sure to get plenty of rest. I can tell that through your comments to others that you have a strong faith. Also, all that you’ve been through, you take the time to ask how others are feeling and doing. You’re a very good person, KTM, and for sure one of God’s Angels on earth. You take care.

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