Mary Buth Haunted House Story

Posted on February 15, 2011

Note: the first part is a summary by me, and the other one is the actual story, told by my brother. I had him type it up for me. I wasn’t there, but I wish I was.

My Version:

My brother and his friends went to Germantown to stand outside the Mary Buth house. Apparently she was a woman murdered by her husband dating back to the civil war, and legend has it that you can hear shoveling sounds in the backyard or in the barn because he buried her there. Lights have been known to flicker off and on, and figures have been seen in the house. My brother and his friends saw a black figure walking back and forth across the room, like a huge black mass, and it actually stopped and stared at them, which totally creeped them out and they also saw a doghouse. Story goes her dog still watches over her grave even in death.

Also, as they were walking down the driveway, they heard the frogs stopped croaking, as if they knew something was there, it was totally creepy, so they decided to leave and the guy in front of my brother opened the door and ran out of his car causing my brother to hit the brakes, but the person in the last car crashed into one car, which crashed into another, and the police, ambulance, fire department, and tow truck was called, and my mom had to go out in the middle of the night to sign a form saying my brother didn’t need to go to the hospital, and this was late at night, which is even scarier. And the guy who jumped out of his car said that while he was driving he could hear her whispering in his ear and freaked out. He also said that he ‘could see her’ and was completely scared.

Legend also has it that her fiancé left her at the altar so she went crazy and started killing soldiers with an ax (this was during the time of the civil war and she had taken wounded soldiers in to take care of them) and while she was doing this, a farmer shot her with his gun and killed her. Also, legend says that if you go all the way up to her house and then try to leave, she will chase you, and that is what happened to my brother and his friends. Apparently, one of the girls saw a white figure emerge from the woods and chase after them in her rearview mirror. It is also said that if the gate to Mary’s house is open, she is outside and that if the gate is closed, she is inside. Same thing with the stop sign, if it is not black, she is inside. If it is black, she is outside.

My Brother’s Story:

On May first 2010 about 11 at night, a few friends and I decided that we were going to go pay a visit to the Mary Buth House, legend has it that Mary Buth took in injured civil war soldiers and nursed them back to health. One day she and one of her soldiers fell in love and decided to get married, the ceremony was to be held in a nearby field, but the solider never showed. This made Mary very mad which caused her to go back to her house and begin murdering all of the soldiers with an axe until she was shot by a farmer that lived close by. Story has it that if you see her like and you run away she will attack you because she will think you are her fiancé running away from her again.

Also if you look at the stop sign right out front of her house and it is black it means that she is out, same with the fenced gate surrounding her house, if it is open she is out if it is closed she is in the house. She was buried by her parents’ graves about a mile west of the house; her pet dog was at the ceremony and sat at the grave staring at the grave stone. People tried to take the dog home and feed it but the dog refused to leave and eventually starved to death while sitting at the grave. We didn’t go to the grave but from what I have heard if you go there you see two blood red eyes hovering above her grave and if you approach them it gets freezing cold around you and you hear growling, also Mary’s grave seems like it is sinking into the earth because the ground level over her grave is about two feet deeper than the ones next to hers. If you stand on the grave you get a strong sensation like you are sinking into it.

Back to my story, me and about 10 – 12 friends went to the house to see what it was all about; before we went and parked we drove past very slowly and could see that there was a light on in the front yard. When we walked back to the driveway the light was off so we knew something was going on. 6 of us me my girlfriend, my best friend, another couple, and another girl decided that we were going to walk down the driveway to get a better look. The driveway is pretty long and twisted making it pretty difficult to see the house. So we were about half way down the driveway when things started happening first my best friend looked up and saw an owl in the tree staring down at us (nothing much but creepy all the same) everybody in the group stared at that for about 30 seconds but I looked away first and started looking at the house again. There were two lights on, one in the upstairs floor and one in a room that looked to be the kitchen in the down stairs floor.

Right as I looked at the house I saw a big black figure move across the window (at the time I thought it was hilarious) but we continued to see this figure move across the window like another 8-10 times over another two minutes. It was defiantly not a shadow and not a person dressed in black. So we continued closer to the house, after about another 30 feet up the driveway we saw a silvery white figure move across the down stairs window that really creeped me and the others out. After about 30 seconds of watching these two figures move across the windows they both moved into the window at the same time and stopped then slowly turned to look down the driveway seeming to look right at us. And that was when we decided to book it out of there (I was laughing really hard as we ran away) we got back our cars, two of the people got in a car with four other people who were waiting at the end of the drive way and left right away. There were six of us left with four cars, I was driving me and my girlfriend behind a solo driver who didn’t even go down the driveway then behind me was the couple that went down the driveway, behind them was a girl that did not go down the driveway either.

The last girl that was following was having car troubles that we didn’t know about, the back of her car was facing the house she looked up in her rear view mirror and saw a bright white oval of light approaching from the house. A second later she booked it out of there and came flying down the road trying to play catch up.

Meanwhile I was about 150 feet behind the guy in first, when all of a sudden he slammed on the brakes put the car in park and jumped out of his car faster than I thought possible. So I started slowing down to see what was wrong, when all of a sudden I got hit from behind(keep in mind we only got a tenth of a mile down the road from the Buth driveway). I didn’t hear the collision behind me before we were hit so I didn’t hear the girl In the car behind screaming and my girlfriend didn’t scream but when we got hit my head got fuzzy and I heard screaming. The girl that was trying to catch up had hit the guy behind me who then hit me but I stopped in time and didn’t hit the guy who stopped.

After everything was sorted out we asked the guy who stopped why he did he said when he started his car his radio went out so he turned it off then he said he heard somebody whispering in his ear and then he jumped out. After the cops got there we were all ok (weird enough no air bags went off even thought the initial collision was at about 40 mph, and the guy that went furthest down the driveway got the most hurt In the crash) then the guy in who had stopped sat down by himself away from everybody and after about 5-10 minutes he laid down and started crying, so my girlfriend went over to comfort him. He then started to shake violently and he was mumbling stuff like “I see her" “I see the witch".

That was all the weird things that happened to us that night.

Sent in by Molly, Copyright 2011

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3 Responses to “Mary Buth Haunted House Story”
  1. trolldoll says:

    i’m glad you were in a large group. there is safety in numbers but things start to collide and kaos ensued. i don’t understand why she picked your friend out of all of you. great post!

  2. vzy4kat63 says:

    I think it would be best to never go back there to the house. It had a dark tragic ending and it became quiet clear that you and your friends being there was a recipe for disaster.

    Perhaps that was her way ( though unpleasent ) to give you a warning to not return.

  3. BekkieLassy says:

    I agree completely with the two commenters.
    It’s realy a sad story.
    Well the legend is true that when you see her and run away that she would attack you. Well thats exactly what happened. You ran and you were some how attacked by her. Thats why the accident happened.

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