How Do Ghosts Make Sounds?

Supposedly a ghost can’t hurt someone because they can’t affect physical objects. How does a gohst make sounds? A sound is an energy wave and is a physical thing that can be measured.

If a ghost can affect sound waves wouldnt it also be able to move or interact with other things?

Asked by Katie and Phil

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1 Comment
  1. Hi Katie and Phil,

    The longer a ghost has been a ghost the stronger it becomes and the more trouble it can create, including pushing things and people, throwing things, making noises etc etc. That’s one of the reasons its wise not to let ghosts hang around long. So yes, it can make noises, and they do.

    How they do it is to gather energy from the environment around them, which includes people .. and interestingly enough .. the internet, which is constantly fed with energy by everyone who spends any time focused on writing things on the screen, sending emails, making webpages, or playing online games, more etcs .. so the myth of the ‘ghost in the machine’ is not so mythological as it seems.

    It’s all usable energy, and if you know how to tap into it, it can also be very helpful when you are tired, but that’s the realm of psychic vampires, and we won’t go there today.

    So, if you have a ghost, find someone to help you send it into a healing place. It’s better for everyone.

    Love & Peace,
    Ama (

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