Have you Seen or Talked to the Suicide Spirit?

Hello, I am the author of a book called Suicide Spirit, and I am deeply bothered that so many people and now very young children are taking their lives. I have battled personally with this spirit for 22 years and I was just wondering if others were like me that could see him and talk to him. See he appeared to me so beautiful like an angel and he would always lift me up but than try to convince me how I should take my life.

Countless times I have heard this statement, “its too bad you didn’t become a great athlete, God has made so many mistakes with you so there’s really no reason to just keep living. Look so many of your friends, psychologist and co workers have taken their lives, why would you want to keep suffering?

Asked by Tim Thompson

Note from admin aka CareTaker:

I am adding a link to Tim’s book on Amazon.com:

Suicide Spirit

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  1. You know, I’ve doubted myself, many many times. I have berated myself, been disgusted with myself and I’ve had moments where I would have gladly traded places with just about anyone in this world. Granted, I’m sure we’ve all had those little moments where that fleeting voice tells us that things would be so much better if all of it would just disappear..if we would just disappear. I just don’t think I’ve ever considered that those little blips of self destructive thoughts have come from anywhere other than my own psyche. It’s a very interesting theory and it certainly gives one something to chew on.

  2. Hi Tim,

    To start with .. a spirit is a person without a body who has gone into heaven and can come and visit anytime they like. They usually visit family and friends and leave a loving feeling and good memories.

    A ghost is a lost soul. They died and didn’t go into heaven, but they should. I am a Spirit Rescuer. I attract lost souls and help them pass over into heaven to find the healing they need. I have dealt with a lot of souls who have committed suicide. They are not, and never have been, nor ever will be, demons.

    A demon of suicide is a whole different thing. I believe you are a minister of a church, or certainly well connected with one, from what you have said in other posts. Why has your church not removed this demon from you?

    We are caught in a spiritual war right now. In a way we can use it to show us our strengths, and to show us the power of God’s love in our lives, and Jesus’ ability to rescue us from demons when we allow Him to. Yes I know demons appear as beautiful angels. I’ve seen many myself. It does make trying to keep people on track towards God a real challenge when their ‘guiding angels’ turn out to be like your demon.

    Ask yourself this if this demon is still around: how do you benefit from its presence? What is it teaching you about your own strengths and your relationship with Jesus and God? We are all seeking solutions to getting rid of these beings, not just suicide ones but incubus and succubus are problems at the moment. I know of many people who suffer because of them. Not having read your book I cannot say what you have learned from your experiences, but perhaps you could summarise here?

    Love & Light

  3. I have seen one but I never told a single soul because I was threatened by a suicide spirit.It came to me and said “You are talentless you aren’t good at music.Why should you live when you have so many mistakes?” I refused to kill myself but it came back.I hope this helps you. :(

  4. Hi Kalie,

    Either the thing you saw was a demon (which some churches insist on calling spirits .. they aren’t). How did it threaten you? From what you have written here it sounds more like the ghost was telling you what s/he was thinking about when s/he committed suicide. I hope s/he went away and stayed away, or that you prayed for him/her and helped him/her cross over. You guys must have had a love of music in common.

    Love & Light

  5. It said if I ever told anyone it would hurt me.(I’m thinking it is a demon.) So I prayed then it came back then that day I clensed my house.It never came back after that.

  6. Kalie you did face the demond of suicide.I must caution you to becareful of who you listen to.I was deep in the occult and satanism for almost 20 years.I have now worked in the deliverance minestry for over 20 years and when people tell me things I ask them 3 basic questions how much experiance do you have with demons?Have you ever casted demons out?Also how many people have you truely helped?I have written 2 books and getting ready to publish another book,I have been asked to speak all over and there is only one name and that name is Jesus Christ.I have several people who are pastors and several people that have their doctrine,but intelligence doesnt mean allot ,what means so much is humilty.If you want real freedom and you want to help others look at no other name than Jesus Christ.I have gone to mental wards,churches and homes and the name of Jesus Christ is the only name I have ever seen in the 22 years in the minestry of deliverance cause demons to manifest.

  7. Diana, I don’t know if your born again sweetheart, but it sounds like you need Jesus, if your not already born again. He can help you come out of that and be who God intended you to be, set free. I myself suffered with the same sort of thing as you I was messed up and done some regretful things but you know Jesus dead for you and me to take away all sin, sickness (i.e depression etc). He loves you so much. If it weren’t for JESUS and my faith in him I would not be here.

    Also We are not ment to talk to a suicidal spirit? Don’t talk to it command it to leave in JESUS name!!
    As it say’s in God’s word Matthew 16v19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and WHATSOEVER THOU SHALT BIND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN; AND WHATSOEVER THOU SHALT LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN. Luke 10v19 Behold I give unto you POWER to TREAD ON SERPENTS AND SCORPIONS, AND OVER ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY; and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you.
    The reason why people struggle with these things is because they simply don’t know WHO THEY ARE IN CHRIST! The knowledge and understanding.

  8. Dear Anonymous,

    You said “The reason why people struggle with these things is because they simply don’t know WHO THEY ARE IN CHRIST!”

    How I wish what you said was true – but I know of at least two truly beautiful loving people, true believers solidly grounded in Christ, Baptised and blessed by Bishops in the Church – one lady is a Catholic with such firm and loving belief in Jesus Christ and the other is a young man, a active member of his Christian Church, and BOTH of them are besieged by a succubus/incubus. One in here in Australia and the other is in America .. and I know of many more good people around the world suffering the same.

    I’m sorry, but professing Christ is Lord is not saving them from the harassment, much as I wish it was that simple.

    And I just want to warn everyone else reading these posts .. if you spend a lot of time thinking about demons you will draw them to you. It is far better to think that some simple (though frightening) experience you had is a ghost, a lost soul, and be grateful it is gone, than to worry that it MIGHT have been a demon and MIGHT come back.

    Use commonsense. I am not kidding when I said this is a spiritual war.

    Love & Light

  9. Hi Tim,

    I absolutely agree about humility. Knowing Christ is Lord is the foundation of my life, His authority of demons has rescued so many people who have come to me looking for assistance. They would not go to the churches because they were condemned first and often turned away .. so much for good Christians. What was their crime? They, like you and I, dabbled in the occult. God and the Holy Spirit sent me among them to help instead, and I still work there today.

    BTW, these days anyone can write a book, and they often do. I don’t see it as a mark of actually knowing anything (believe me the amount of rubbish I read about the paranormal makes me want to weep) .. but I have one too, only I chose not to self publish .. its on the internet for all to read.

    http://www.heirarchyofheaven.com/LoveSongoftheUniverse/Contents.html Take it as fact or fiction, it is designed to make people THINK.

    Love & Light

  10. Grumble… that should read ‘authority ‘over’ demons’ .. haven’t had breakfast yet …

    Love & Light

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