Posts Tagged ‘Santeria’

Visions Since Break up with Boyfriend

Hi I’ve been having strange visions of this ex boyfriend of mine since we broke up 2 years ago. I’m well over him not to mention discovered after the break up his was involved in Santeria. Not to mention 1 year after the breakup my daughter found this amulet that he placed in a pair of shoes in my closet. In which I had to get rid of without touching.

I have cleansed my home myself my daughter and everything involving him is long gone. Now still occasionally I have visions again but they more or less are directed towards seeing him suffer. I don’t wish anything bad on him never did I really don’t understand why he did what ever he is doing to me and really prefer to be left alone I find it quite annoying.

Also have woken up after some visions with strange symbols on my foot. I come from a family who has visions so yes I am aware of things but what he is doing I don’t understand. Someone give me some in sight please!

Asked by Tia

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