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The Girl in the Mirror

My best friend in middle school lived in a house that had so much spiritual energy running through it, I found it hard to sleep when I stayed over. She told me stories about things that happened to her while living there. Her uncle had died of cancer in that very house, and she told me she knew that several people had died there because their spirits were still there.

One day she was on the phone with a friend in her room, which is at the end of the hall. She got up to go to the kitchen, and as she passed her mom’s room, she glanced in. She saw a person lying on the bed with a sheet over them, and there was blood all over the bed. She dropped the phone and screamed and covered her eyes, and when she looked again, it was all gone. The friend she was talking to had to calm her down, …

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From Category: General Paranormal

February 12th, 2011


Shadows and Orbs What are They?

At my dads house in the country me and my friends were sitting in the living room watching TV and eating hot dogs. We were talking and I looked up and I saw this shadow in the kitchen that had to of been 7 feet tall and it was black and bulky.

There was no one in the house at all except for us and it stood there and looked at me and I could make out what is was and then it moved on to where I couldn’t see it any more. Then I jumped up and screamed to my friends “what was that, d-d-did you just see that!” Then I ran over there to see what It was but when I got there it was gone.

That night I woke up to a noise thinking it was my dad coming home but I looked around and he was already asleep so I went and laid back down on …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Orbs, Shadows
February 12th, 2011


Haunted Ranch in Falfurias Texas

Hello Everyone, my name is Crystal and I’m just the kind of person that I don’t believe in the paranormal, ghost, or the supernatural kind of things. That was all until I had visited my grandparents ranch which is in a small town called Falfurias, Texas.

Falfurias was built in the 1700′s and they also had a revolution there. Its known to have Indian burial grounds all over the place.My grandparents have a huge piece of land where its out in the middle of no where. Once the sun goes down you should start heading towards the house because, its hard to see at night with the cornfields and the cattle.

It was about 4 years ago I was the age of 16 when I saw and heard something I’ll never forget. I was in the living room watching TV and my mother, father, aunt and uncle were in the kitchen talking as usual. My grandparents had gone out that …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

Tags: Texas
February 12th, 2011


My Mama or Something Else

I am 19 years old, I live with my grandmamy in a small town in Nakuru Kenya in a 14 room stone house granddad build. I have no siblings, never set eyes on my dad and my mama is too much of drinker. When I was 6 my aunt Sonnie died and was buried  behind the animal shelter about quarter a km from the main house next to my granddad and my nanas graves.

About a year after Aunty passed away when I joined class one in 1999, I remember quite clearly it was on a weekend and after dinner I kissed my grandma goodnight and went to bed. Mine was a small bedroom with my  belongings and my toys. I fell asleep instantly and I didn’t dream like I usually never do, well until around 3 am when I woke up with what felt like a pat on my thigh. I couldn’t move or even say a word, I …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Kenya, Sleep Paralysis
February 11th, 2011


Not all Skeletons are in the Closet

It was 1986, I was 5 years old and living with my mother at the time. She was heavily into Santeria and liked to call her self a white witch. She would light candles, lay out food and pray to these so-called saints and guides.

Even at my young age I knew that the things she was doing was wrong. It put fear in me. We lived in a two bedroom apartment in the Bronx. When you walk in there’s a short hallway that was leading to the living room. To the right before the living room was a long hallway to the right that lead straight to my bed room. The kitchen was off to my right and my mom’s room was off to the left.

My mom would put me to bed and turn off the lights. I was not scared of the dark until I started to see it. I was in bed, I don’t remember if …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Santeria
February 10th, 2011


Dream Girl

Back in 1990 (or was it in ’91?) I decided to stay on campus for the summer at U of I; I would usually go home for the summer but this time around I wanted to see what it would be like to work and live away from my parents. It was a great summer. I worked at the campus coffee shop and hung out in the evening with friends. Well, I didn’t realize until it was too late that there is about a week where old leases ended and new leases began. During this time management companies would clean and touch up apartments for incoming students/tenants. Literally I was going to be homeless for a week.

Fortunately a couple of my friends were able to move into their apartment 10 days earlier. Even better was that their apartment complex was across the street from where I would be living. So, I gathered my things and moved in with them. …

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From Category: General Paranormal

Tags: Dreams, Sleep Paralysis
February 10th, 2011


Haunted House in Birmingham

I arrived in Birmingham, England in Sept. ’89 to attend college there. For the first few months I stayed with a lady and her three kids in an older 3 floor house in one of the suburbs.

One afternoon, when classes were finished early, I got home before anybody else. I went to the kitchen to have a snack but felt increasingly restless. I was uncomfortable in the house after a short while and was feeling a little spooked. I thought I had just imagined noises in the hallway outside the kitchen door which led to the front door. The family dog too was looking towards the door to the hallway and whining continuously.

I eventually gave up and went out the back door to the garden, bringing my sandwich with me (the dog was happy to accompany me). The whole time I was outside I was compelled to look at the window of the small room facing the back. …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

Tags: England
February 9th, 2011


A Haunting in South Dakota

When the real estate agent was showing me the house, I specifically asked if it was haunted. Or if anyone had died in it. She said no. I liked the house, the price was right, and it wasn’t infested with spirits so I bought it. Everything was fine… for a month or so.

My first indication something was amiss was the simple sensation that I was being watched. Next came the creepy feelings of dread in my bedroom. Now, I’ve always slept in total darkness. When I tried doing just that in my new house, it felt as if someone was hovering mere inches from my body. That and the being watched thing. So the light stayed on. Then there are the footsteps. was in my room on the second floor and heard my partner coming up the stairs. I looked and found nothing. Turns out he was fast asleep in the basement family room.

My son woke up late …

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From Category: Ghosts & Hauntings

Tags: South Dakota
February 9th, 2011


The Poltergeist Phenomenon

Lately I have been reading a book about poltergeists. It is titled The Poltergeist Phenomenon an In-Depth Investigation Into Floating Beds, Smashing Glass, and Other Unexplained Disturbances.

If you are interested in learning about poltergeists this is one of the best books you will find on the subject. It is full of case studies and interviews about various poltergeist activity.

One story/case I thought was very interesting was referred to as The Demon of Olive Hill.

In Olive Hill, Kentucky two paranormal investigators saw objects being levitated in a home. The family who lived there wouldn’t allow the researchers to stay because they feared that they had brought demons along with them.

The story began in 1968 at the home of John and Ora Callihan in Olive Hill.

One day in late November, the family reported strange rumblings in the house. Glass shattered in a picture of Jesus and furniture moved… From then on about 200 incidents were

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From Category: Books,Poltergeists

Tags: Books, Poltergeists
February 8th, 2011


The Rocking Horse

For the longest time I can remember my grandparents who are on my mothers side of the family, have owned this property outside of town. Its a old farm house, with the common barn, house, etc. I’m 16 now, but when I was little (around 4 or 5) my mom used to always take me over there to see them. Nothing paranormal or anything ever happened. Except for when I spent the night there for the first time.

It was my mothers wedding night, they were out partying at a hull they rented for after the ceremony. And it was 9 at night, my grandparents took me to there house so I could sleep. Its a 2 story house and I slept in the former attic that they cleared out; the previous owners left an abundance of stuff in there. The house was empty for about 10 years before they bought it and they already had it for a few …

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From Category: General Paranormal

February 8th, 2011


Question About Dreams and Meanings

I have a question that has been bugging me for the longest time and was wondering if it meant anything.

I have been dreaming of my husband cheating on me almost every other night, but it is never the same girl or sense. Its always a different scenario.

Then some times I have dreams about my ex and its always the same scenario. I want to know if these dreams mean anything or am I just paranoid. I’ll be honest that sometimes I fear my husband will cheat on me but even when its not in my mind I get reminded by dreams it is possible.

So my question is am I just being paranoid or can dreams really tell you something that you cant see in your right state of mind? The dreams of my ex, what does that mean he is always in them? Does it mean something about me or something about him?

Sorry so confusing I’m …

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From Category: Dreams and Nightmares

February 7th, 2011


The Black Shadow in the Hall

This happened to me when I was around twelve I am 18 now.

Well me and my family used to live with my grandmother in her house before we used to live in the house we do now. My grandmother’s house is old, and by old I mean it was in the same location when the town was still mostly orange groves. It is also a very small house it used to be a one room one bath, but my very greedy uncle had added on two more rooms and one bath with very cheap supplies to keep most of the money that my grandmother had given him to build it. Well the floor was basically hollow through out the new part of the house, so if anyone was moving in the house you could hear them since there was only one hallway.

Well one night in the summer before we moved it was around 3 am I had suddenly …

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From Category: Shadow Creatures

Tags: Shadows
February 7th, 2011

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