Whats the Difference Between a Poltergeist and a Ghost?

From what I have read a poltergeist is not the same thing as a ghost. My cousin had some weird things going on at her house and one of the preachers said it was a poltergeist or a demon.

I read the stuff about poltergeists but I just dont get it. Whats the difference?

Asked by Adam

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  1. Hi Adam,

    No, a poltergeist is not the same as a ghost, nor, generally, is it a demon. A ghost is the spirit of a dead person. A poltergeist is a collection of energy, enchanted, in a way, to follow the will of the person who created it, if they know what they are doing .. which, generally, 9 -19 year old kids don’t .. and having been there, menopausal women can create the energy of them too. In the first case, most kids going through puberty create a lot of negative energy .. they can be angry about everything and anything, and in some cases, but not very frequently, this energy can seem to take on a life of its own, and cause havoc in their households.

    In the case of menopausal women, we can produce tons of negative energy ourselves, with mood swings and general atittudes that need adjusting, so there too the energy can, when directed, usually through hatred, take on a a life of its own and be quite destructive. And if you try to talk to it, its not intelligent at all, which most ghosts appear to be, even if they are confused.

    And then there are cases where lesser demons take over the energy and create their own beings from it .. but it doesn’t happen very often .. and I find some preachers are very good at pointing a finger and blaming the devil for something that might have a much simpler explanation. Did the preacher bless the house, because that might have helped settle the energy?

    and then there is the case of Gef ..

    http://ufofreeparanormal.com/node/60 always interesting.

    Love & Peace,

  2. A Poltergeist is not the same as a ghost. Poltergeists rarely appear as an “apparition” nor are they usually linked with an individual who may have died.

    The vast majority of poltergeists occur around girls aged 11 to around 15. There are many theories that perhaps a Poltergeist is infact a psychic force, released by the hormones that naturally occur when a girl starts to become a woman. For example the Enfield Poltergeist, one of the most documented Poltergeists ever, (given that we are personifying the Poltergeist to assume it is a human/demonic spirit) was much more active around Janet. Janet was 13, and the night of her first period was one of the most active nights they had, and after about a year when she turned 14/15 the activity died down.

    Whether a Poltergeist is just a hoax by attention seekers, a psychic energy, or a spirit, they are definitely very different to usual ghosts. Far more powerful, and things like EVP are barely ever recorded. Things such as levitation and objects hurling themselves around, even things substantially larger such as furniture have been known to move. However cold spots, apparitions,EVP, and everything else associated with a haunting is far rarer. They also tend to only last for a few months, perhaps a year at the most. Where as hauntings have been known to last hundreds, even thousands of years.

  3. today me and my friend were off work, so i went round to her house, and she lives right by a grave yard, and all this stuff kept on happening like doors slamming, objects moving and stuff like that. anyone have any idea of what it could be?!

  4. I don’t entirely agree with some of the poltergeist v ghost explanations on here as, based on experience, both earthbound spirits and demonic spirits have managed to tap into my energy in order to boost up its own, so it can move objects – or more specifically – throw things at me, pick me up or throw me across the room. Any ghost ordemon would not be able to do this without vamping my energy though, so I am a battery of sorts.

    The real difference between a ghost (passive) and a poltergeist (active) is that the poltergeist moves or throws objects around, or makes sounds (knocking for example), where as ghosts are usually just seen, but do not move objects or make noises.

    There is also another kind of supernatural occurance, often confused with ghosts, which is when an apparition is witnessed playing out the same thing over and over again – a bit like constantly replaying a bit of film. These apparitions do not acknowledge, nor react to the living, so they are without consciousness. These are believed to be nothing more than a past event being constantly replayed, rather than the apparition actually being that of a ghost. As such, these glimpsies into past events are perfectly harmess.

  5. Hi AJ,

    We are all batteries, not just one or two people, but the entire population of the planet. We make energy all day and night, and pump it out of system constantly through our actions, moods and emotions. Spirit has been reminding me for years to think about what I am ‘creating’, and have control over all reactions, particularly the angry or fearful ones. I learned to wrap a white light shield around myself when I lose my temper .. so that I don’t affect everyone around me – and believe me, I don’t have to say a word when I am in a cranky mood .. people can feel it and try and avoid me if I have not set the shield. LOL

    The entity you described is also called ‘residual’ or ‘imprinted’ energy and is caused by the emotions of the people at the time of the event, as though it has been stamped into the place, or as if on film (as you say). That is how Anne Boelyn could be in two places at once .. once as a residual ghost, and the other she is actually haunting. And I agree these ‘memory in the walls’ ghosts are perfectly harmless.

    Poltergeist are not normally demonic. They are usually created by an over-active living people. Once the child moves house the energy either goes with them, or disapates. It is amazing what humans can do!

    Love & Peace,

  6. A-ha “Residual” … that was the word I was trying to think of – haha! Thanks!

    I’m intrigued by your belief that poltergeist activity is caused by Psychokinesis, particularly as I know my mood at any given time (negative or otherwise) has never played any part, nor been connect to any activity experienced. Things just happen when they happen – completely at random. I am rather sceptical of William G. Roll’s conclusions based on his studies of a mere 116 different poltergeist cases, if I’m honest.

    My understanding of ‘poltergeist’ is any spirit which is active (wants to be noticed or recognised) will do or say something for cause and effect. Based on my understanding the following all come under the umbrella of poltergeist :

    * moving or throwing objects
    * noises
    * bits & scratches
    * hitting or any other kind of attack
    * voices
    * possession

    Indeed the word poltergiest literally means “noisy ghost” (German: poltern geist). Or, in other words, a spirit which wishes to communicate in some way ,shape, or form – for good or ill intent.

    Therefore I beleive that all spirit, including the passive ones, are capable of poltergeist activity and so, any ‘active’ spirit must be considered a poltergeist because it wants to attact our attention. This includes our spirit guides of God’s light. How else can we explain how they are able to communicate with us?

  7. Hi AJ, this is fun. :-)

    Have you read Colin Wilson? I noticed the other day he’s just been republished. I have not read William G Rolls. I will look him up. Ok, I think he’s muddled, according to some of the stuff on webpages.

    Yes, poltergeist means ‘noisy ghost’ translated directly from the German, but does not include intelligent reaction to outside stimulus, nor biting and scratching etc, nor voices. It is generally undirected kinetic energy created by out-of-balance humans, teenagers (girls for the most part – they used to be believed to be more ‘emotional’ – while boys were taught to suppress their emotions), and girls dumped more unbalanced energy into the atmosphere, when the research was done, and then later people added menopausal women, and from my own experiences with that I am not surprised. Poltergeist energy tends to be in outbursts of activity, like things being thrown, or flinging themselves off surfaces, or loud cracks or bangs.

    Everything in your list is not generally seen as poltergeist behaviour … to me you are listing demonic behaviour – though ghosts have been said to push people around, and I did watch one ‘direct’ a young lady up some stairs in a hurry when we were at the Ararat Mental Assylum last year. She felt like she had a hand on her elbow ‘assisting’ her upwards, and was quite puzzled how she got there .. and so fast! I do not know of any cases of biting and scratching that belongs to ghosts, but I do know of things being thrown at people by them, or levitated. Interestingly, the amount of energy available to the ghosts in the houses I visited, because of those events, was very high, with or without power lines. Usually the household was large .. lots of kids, lots of noise and emotions to draw from.

    Also, in my experience most new ghosts (there will probably be exceptions to this rule, but I have never met, or heard, of any) are not capable of moving stuff, but the longer they have been a lost soul, the stronger, and angrier, they become. After 40+ years its pretty much easy .. they are churning up their own energy. But there are not as many around as people think, and the amount of energy they generally have is limited to one or two outbursts of some kind at a time – just enough to scare the hell out of the living …

    Ghosts do not possess people, they can only ‘attach’ themselves to the person’s aura, and chakras, if they can get through .. and then try and influence their behaviour. Demons, on the other hand, in full possession, suppress the will of the person and generally take them over. In that case you are looking at a supreme change of behaviour .. which can also include changes to the person’s facial appearance, posture and mannerisms. That includes voice manifestations, and voices in the head telling people to do harmful things to themselves and others, which the demons are also capable of doing when in oppression, or just harassing people.

    Spirit guides are not ghosts. They are not lost souls. That’s why we have two different definitions for dead people .. ghosts – lost souls who have not gone through healing, and spirits (small ‘s’) (aka manifestations of Spirit (Holy Spirit) since we all go back to Source when in healing and become ‘one’ with it, and then are able to come back to visit the living). They don’t need to throw things to get attention, nor do they need our energy on any level. If they want to move anything they can simply reach back to Source, draw energy and make it happen. If they want us to hear them, and we choose to allow it, they simply speak to us and we hear through our hearts .. through our emotions .. just as the angels do, another group of beings connected to Source.

    Now .. demons, and older ghosts, might well respond to commands, as long as it gets what they want .. your attention, or your fear, to feed upon. They might mimic poltergeist behaviour, such as Gef http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gef . He’s an interesting case of possibilities, labelled a poltergeist, but the research has proved to be faulty. What they generally want to do is to frighten and confuse people. With luck, if they don’t get what they want, they will move on – but sometimes they actually want you to get to know them and co-operate with them .. and that’s when the trouble really starts.

    Have a great day,
    Love & Peace,

  8. Ama,
    I am deeply enjoying the “paranormal” discussions here and am fascinated by your theories! Your theory on Gef; classified as a poltergeist, do you think he was more of a demon trying to luer the Irvings? Obviously, any theories you provide, you back up with some form of research, which I am greatly appreciatve of! You also mentioned, (but not in this forum) about Houska Castle. I read the research and was very frightened! I was not aware that it existed(however, I am not very worldy! :) ) What is your opinion on that? Do you really believe it is a portal to hell? I think there is so much around us in this world that we are unaware of and many go through day to day not knowing the dangers lat lurk.
    As for ghosts vs poltergeists, I was never aware of a distinction, other than the noisy ghost theory. I have heard of research performed about the teenage girls and telekinesis theory. Somewhat to your reference as well as BigJim13. Also a question; just recently, I was sleeping(now, it is possible that this could be classified as a dream, but I really don’t think so!) and someone or something was tickling my back; I opened my eyes and heard a woman’s voice(don’t remember what she said now,but deffinately remember it as a woman’s voice. I wasn’t affraid, just startled. What would you classify that occurance as being? Ghost, poltergeist, another spirit, or a demon? Be interested to hear the theories!!!

  9. Hi LunaTerror,

    From what I have read of the Gef story, over the years on the net, and before that in books, I really don’t know. The outcome wasn’t nasty enough to be a real demon, and it was possibly a combination of ghostly activity and the girls kinetic energy feeding the ghost. It would be interesting to walk into the energy of something like that, which I have done once, but only in a minor way. I never actually saw anything move, in that instance, but there were plenty of occurances when I wasn’t around. At that time it helped me consider a theory that ghosts run away when they see me. LOL

    Houska Castle as a gateway to hell .. we have one in a suburb about an hour from here .. or we might. It has been ‘seen’ clairvoyantly as that but my partner and our friends. The area is very active, and very negative a times. Is it possible .. yes. Probable, maybe. I don’t think investigating it would be a safe thing to do .. but we will go back and check when the area is unfenced. They are building houses over the location. …..

    The lady tickling your back? If it was a spirit guide you would remember, or have a conscious feeling of remembering ‘something’ of what she said. If it was a ghost, were you cold, or the room cold (not including the weather), if not, then one of your family spirits perhaps? Was there some reason why you had to be suddenly woken up? What happened immediately after you did?

    Love & Peace,

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