What Is A Portal?

I sometimes see a reference to something called a portal, which seems to be some sort of doorway for the supernatural. There may be one in one corner in a room in my house.

Occasionally I have seen either shadows or a person (the person was seen reflected in a mirror) coming out of that corner. Once it even looked like there were luminous pieces of lumber sticking out of it. The house has never had a door way there and there has not been another building on this site as far as I know.

Also, is there anything that could or should be done about a portal?

Asked by Mary

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  1. Hi Mary,

    Close the thing if you can. Portals are also known as gates or vortexes, and can appear sponteously, or people can open them and forget to close them again. They should not remain open as they disrupt the energy of wherever they are, and if its a house, the energy of the people in it.

    There are a number of ways of closing the gate (I call them gates). You can outline the gate in your mind and then Command it closed, you can close it with the Choku Rei symbol if you are a Reiki practitioner, you can sprinkle it with Holy Water while telling it to close, or you can spread salt across the corner on all four sides, which will seal the gate, but probably not close it.

    An uncontrolled gate is a real pain because you cannot control who is using it, so ghosts, spirits and other entities can come and go to suit themselves.

    Anyone else know of ways of closing a portal?

    Love & Light

  2. Hi Ama,

    Thanks for your quick response. I’m afraid I’m not familiar with Reiki, but I could try for some holy water. The portal (I’m guessing that’s what it is) has been there for a long time and so have I, but it’s in the room I sleep in which has always been a bit unnerving. There is always a spirit (or two) in that rrom at night (I can see them out of the corner of my eye as a white entity standing there (usually)) but there always seems to be a female spirit in the room who seems to act as a protector (or at least I hope that’s what she’s doing). However, the corner with the possible portal is the only thing in the house that the cat has reacted negatively to – she will watch other things occassionally, but she arched her back and hissed at that corner. It’s the only time she’s done that and there was absolutely nothing there that I could see, and believe me, I looked.

    This may be a silly question, but if a portal is a gate, what is it a gateway between?

    Thanks so much.

  3. Hi Mary,

    Good .. there is a gatekeeper on this side. That means the gate is between this plane (Earth) and Heaven. You can command it closed, or you can just ask nicely of the lady when you know she is around. Tell her the gate is in the wrong location and ask her to move it ‘outside and away’ if there is a good reason for it to be there. Energy follows though, and we have the right to ask Spirit’s help when our lives are being disrupted as yours has been.

    Cats love negative energy. Think about when you are feeling cranky and the cat comes and sits in your lap and purrrrrrs .. and you start feeling better. They absorb your negativity and give you back positive energy. I love cats.

    Wishing you a lovely day,
    Love & Light

  4. Ama Nazra – thanks so much for your help and thank you, Caretaker, for creating a place for people to ask questions. It’s not easy to find answers in this area and I know this website must take a lot of work.

    • Hello Mary, thanks and yes it does take quite a bit of time. I appreciate those who send in stories and questions, and read and comment. I hope that this new section becomes as popular as the stories.

  5. You are welcome Mary.

    … and it should have read ‘Energy follows Thought’. LOL

    Love & Light

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