Good and Evil Spirits?

How do you discern between good and evil spirits, and understand the source of your insights, spiritual abilities, etc.?

Asked by Ben

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  1. Usually, I observe them, use my intuition and analyzing their behaviours. As long as they do no harm to the other creatures, I will consider them as “good”.

  2. Hi Ben,

    Tough and easy question. I have had a LOT of training over the decades I’ve been working with the Holy Spirit (aka Spirit). They didn’t just throw me in head first. I can remember lessons relating back to when I was a child. I ‘knew’ I would be a demonologist when I was five. It’s not something the average person grows up knowing. My brother ‘knew’ he would be a mechanic. He’s brilliant with machines. It’s his gift, really. Well, mine was to learn to face things no one should ever have to, and stand between them and ordinary people and say “God says you will not cross here”. So .. I know because of my psychic gifts how to discern when an entity, not a spirit, which is a human being, but an entity that is not a human being, is good or evil. And there is more out in the spiritual planes than demons, ghosts and spirits .. we also have elementals and they can be just as nasty, when they are cranky, as the average human.

    For people venturing into the fun of ghost hunting. If you sense something that scares the blazes out of you .. run, do not walk .. run away. Do not stand there and talk to the blessed thing. Don’t decide you want to experience a demon ‘just because’ .. believe me, once they latch on to you .. they don’t want to let go. And you will KNOW its not a good entity .. your soul knows, your connection to God inside you knows. And Ben, you’d know it too, loud and clear.

    When it comes to lost human spirits .. some are just trying to find help to get out of the situations they have go themselves into .. they want to go Home (heaven). They might feel scary .. its a physical human reaction .. completely normal .. but they don’t try to scratch you or bite you or twist your thinking and make you kill people. But they will make you feel cold, tired, sad, angry, hungry, want to get drunk or stoned, whatever they did in their lives they will want you to repeat .. and they ‘need’ to be in healing .. not hanging around messing with your head.

    So when the Church says ‘stay away from the occult’, these days, I tend to agree with them, and Lucinda will tell you how angry I can get when people are being hurt by their own decisions to fool around with entities that are not friendly. If you, any of you, still intend to .. learn psychic protection. It’s simple enough to do, and might just save you from nasty attaching entities in difficult situations. It’s fun to ghost hunt .. I do it myself (for ‘clearance’ reasons) but its not fun to take them home, to share their nightmares and get depressed because they are draining you dry of your core energy everyday.

    Ok, we shall now turn the rant off. Sorry.

    Why do I trust the source of my gifts? I had the advantage of being reminded of who I am by a large gathering of angels one afternoon back in 1996. Twelve of them dropped in for a visit .. actually 11 .. one of them was my guardian angel. They are all Michael. Because I can ‘see’ entities some of the time, I could see them. At that point I wasn’t sure if I even believed in angels, but its hard to argue with 12 tall male looking angels, in togas .. no wings .. standing around you saying “are you ready?” over and over, as if you already know what they are talking about .. and you know you know, but you don’t consciously know … LOL And so, after thinking about it, I said yes, and lifted out of my body and had a vision of the City of Light in Heaven, and 1001 of us all gathered together. We are ‘called to serve’. Specific to our training we are here to help. And we try to.

    And I trust me because the angels trust me, because God trusts me – otherwise I could not do what I do when I reach across the world and change someone’s energy structure and clear their house, and them, of attaching entities .. and it works .. and has for the past 14 years since I got on the net. So its all down to experience, or experiences. :-)

    If you could feel the Love of God the way I can, surrounding us all so completely and profoundly, you would have no doubts, the way I have no doubts, about the source of my gifts, and my service to God/Spirit. If you could see the changes in people’s lives, through God’s word and works, via me .. you could have no doubts.

    Trust God Ben. The world will change profoundly (and I don’t mean ascension or 2012), and religions might fall away, but there will ALWAYS be God.

    Love & Peace

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