Are Orbs Paranormal?

I like the new questions thing here and so I thought I would send one in too. I was looking through my old photos and noticed that there are a lot that have orbs in them. I never really paid attention or noticed them before but now I am wondering if I might have some ghosts or something paranormal in these old pictures.

Are orbs paranormal?

Asked by Randall C

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  1. Hi Randall,

    Paranormal just means ‘outside the ordinary’ .. so yes and no. To me, the extraordinary is normal .. so orbs are normal. LOL But yes, they are paranormal, but some people think they are just dust on the lense of the camera (no, we checked that) or something natural.

    We don’t know exactly what creates them but there are many different beliefs out there, and its fun to do some research (put ‘what are spirit orbs’ in google and then read a few pages).

    Lucinda … come out, come out .. she takes the most AMAZING orb photos. She gets hundreds at times. I can’t seem to get more than one once in a while .. and at the same location, at the same moment.

    I’ll leave the rest of the answer to her ..

    Love & Joy

  2. My theory is that orbs are souls, who once lived in a physical
    body on earth. I do not believe they are any different from
    ghosts/spirits. They can either be transparent, show themselves in a
    solid white form, or as beautiful multi-coloured orbs. We had a large
    multi-coloured orb with us for approximately 2 years. I only noticed a
    few weeks ago that that particular orb was no longer around.

    It is rare for me to see a single orb as they tend to travel in groups.
    When I sense a presence in my house, I would take a photo in that
    particular area. If nothing is captured, I would then ask them to show
    themselves, and they do!

    My dogs sometimes chase orbs in our house :) After my dog Fergie died,
    I took a photo of my husband sitting on the couch with our other dog. It
    was so lovely to see Fergie, in the shape of an orb, sitting on Alex’s
    lap. Another time I sensed Fergie in the house, and asked her to show herself
    as I wanted to take a photograph. I took the photo, and there she was, a
    bright shining orb in the passage.

    Some people say orbs have no intelligence. Gosh, they are so wrong.

    Love and Blessings

  3. Ok, going back to an old questions .. but very interesting, since none of us really know what they are … Lucinda, on this site too, and I, have been discussing orbs for many, many months, and these are some of my thoughts to Lucinda’s questions last night …

    One thing I do know about is that living people produce energy, both positive and negative, and that that energy probably has a shape, so I think orbs are the positive energy form which living people produce from their emotions of happiness etc, and perhaps animals and elementals do too.

    I know people produce negative energy too .. they can form really nasty entities that are magnetic, gather together to form even nastier entities, which then try to attach to living humans, attracted by the same energy from which they are created (which is why we called them attachments). I have cleared them ‘off’ people. I have never seen a non-positive orb. I have only once read of someone thinking an orb wasn’t positive energy .. and a lady we both know saw a black one when I first met her at the haunted house in Talbot, Victoria, Australia, but that didn’t hurt her, she just said the colour was black and was frightened by that .. but the colour of something is probably not a good indicator fo the nature of the being, in my opinion.

    Angels, when they are not in the form we recognise as human, look like a leaf shaped (an eye on its side), pointed at both ends, not orbs. It’s their natural form. They live in the ‘here and now’ and don’t need to ‘travel’ in any sort of vehicle to get where they want to go, so I doubt they would waste time and energy travelling ‘in’ orbs.

    I don’t think ghosts produce orbs .. they feed on energy, they don’t exchange it with anyone, or each other, so they don’t ‘produce’ any energy for the exchange. Do ghosts travel in orbs .. orbs are positive energy .. ghosts are attracted to negative energy .. does that work as a scenario for you? It doesn’t for me.

    We both went to a ‘trance mediumship’ demonstration last weekend, at a spiritualist group headquarters in Melbourne. The place started out filled with negative energy so I cleared the building. Lucinda’s husband saw (with his eyes – wonderful!) light coloured orbs and she asked if a negative place could have positive orbs. My answer was that we are constantly producing energy – expending it out of our chakra system. It’s not a ‘once a day thing’, its 24/7. People enjoying themselves produce positive energy, just like angry people produce angry energy etc. So yes, there would have been positive energies in the building .. and negative, because the people there were enjoying the talk, or some of them were. And my daughter and I were laughing, even if it was at some of the strange concepts the entity was talking about .. that produces positive energy.

    Now .. faces in orbs .. fascinating stuff. I believe that the faces we see in orbs are the faces of the people that produced the orb .. so if you see 2 faces, or 10, its because the orbs are magnetic and draw other orbs of the same energy towards them, to form bigger orbs (the negative ones certainly do, as I said earlier, and to have a balance the light ones must do it also) .. might explain why we have little and big ones?

    And then I asked her to think of when she and her husband where last here visiting (we live in an apple orchard), there were so many orbs outside. Where did they come from? Us .. but .. I think they came from the orchard as well .. and what is in the orchard – birds, animals and elementals .. and the orb energy that night was lovely. It would be interesting to have you visit, Lucinda, on a really creepy night and see what sort of orbs we get??? Or not?

    Would Spirits travel in orbs. In the same way as with the angels, it takes no energy for a ‘spirit’ (not a ghost) to ‘travel’. They don’t have to move anywhere, or anywhen, they are also part of the ‘here’ and ‘now’. Both groups are connected to Source (God by whatever name) so they ‘are’ wherever they choose to be in a blink. They do not require other forms of transport.

    Wolves have been seen in orbs .. wolves are very intelligent beings. Does it take intelligence to produce orbs .. I think it takes emotion, if nothing else? Wolves, and other animals, have emotions .. that’s been proved .. so they can produce orbs .. in my opinion.

    We don’t believe that every orb captured is an entity, or comes from humans, elementals or animals .. some are just dust, or rain .. I have a lovely picture of Williamstown, Victoria, one night when it rained. The light from the flash caught the raindrops and we had ORBS! LOL

    Thanks for the questions to clarify my thoughts, Lucinda,
    Wishing everyone a great day,
    Love & Peace

  4. I knew a girl that used to attract these orbs of light as she described them….she thought them to be faeries…and would catch them and try to absorb them into herself..

    Needless to say she ended up finding out, that it was actually malign spirit that was tricking her into inviting it in. After I looked into this for quite sometime, I only actually got involved when she lost legal guardianship of her children and her parents dissowned her for drinking too much and becoming obssessed with some fairly strange things I wont bother mentioning.

    I have heard of the orbs of other varities described as spirits, of either people or animals.Im actually not an expert in this particular field though I have seen orbs around myself and others in pictures. They arent always visible to the naked eye. So I usually consider them like stars that wink in here and back to where they were. My personal “guess” that wherever they are its like dropping a parascope and we can just see the lens. Is it true I have no idea but have no further explanation but i do know they wink in and out and a lot of times appear at the shoulders of people….thats where id drop my parascope.

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