What is Your Opinion of the Ghost Shows on TV?

What is your opinion of the ghost shows on TV such as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Lab etc.?

Asked by Jim

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  1. Personally, I think shows like these require something to happen most episodes in order to keep the ratings up and, therefore, continue to be made. Unfortunately, ghosts need to deliver in order for the viewing public to remain interested. But ghosts don’t perform on demand, preferring to catch their ‘victim’ unawares.

    This conundrum inevitably opens the doors for the temptation to fake paranormal activity in order to keep viewer ratings up, as no one wants to what a program about ghosts, when those ghosts never appear on camera.

    Call me an old cynic, but I’m not overly convinced about the authenticity of some of those ghost hunting programs etc.

  2. Another good answer AJ. I would be more blunt. I’ve met the group making Haunted Australia, and from my experience of them .. I’m not even going to watch the program. The person running the ghost group .. doesn’t believe in ghosts.

    When Most Haunted first came out I was in England and avidly watched every program for months .. the nightvision stuff puzzled me, and all that screaming? I agree with AJ .. the programs are designed to scare and entertain .. but mostly they just bore me, and misinform the public about the reality of ghosthunting, and what does and doesn’t happen.

    No thanks, reality is just fine for me. LOL

    Love & Joy

  3. i love these programs but the screaming from most haunted is more scary than anything they aught to get a grip

  4. It’s pretty much entertainment/Hollywood. I used to watch Paranormal State quite a bit a few years back, but a little while ago, stopped watching the show (for the most part), when I learned that much/most of the “supernatural” events that were being recorded were fabricated, probably to raise ratings, etc. for the show. I have little doubt that in most cases, there were some funky things going on in those houses/among those families in the spiritual realm. Sometimes in some of those episodes, it isn’t much of a stretch to believe that there were definitely evil spirits in those places, and I highly doubt that in many cases, the evil spirits left certain folks 100% alone entirely after the Paranormal folks did what they could to help them. Many reasons why of course, and it is all highly spiritual/moral/doctrinal, etc. I still very much like Ryan Buell, Sergei, and most of the folks on the show (I have wanted to talk to Ryan for some time now, and still do one of these days), but I distrust/dislike Chip Coffee for some reason… And I have my own reasons/I think I know what is going on with that guy, and it isn’t good… Chip is in my estimation… not a very moral or saintly person. Not really sure about that other woman either. Most any “psychic” is in my estimation, not a very saintly or good person, and cannot be getting their information from a source that is good (other than the spirit, supposedly a human one, that may be just desperate to communicate with the living through any means they can), even if they (the psychics) are very, very emotionally or spiritually sensitive people. Psychics are, in my opinion, much more associated with the devil than god.
    As for the other shows, well… They may be more “authentic” than Paranormal State, but they are that much more dull/boring because of it. I kind of like the show “Fact or Faked”, it is much easier to sense what is real about that show, and much easier to trust that I know what is really going on. It really is a great, great show. “A Haunting” is a good show too, it can be pretty intense though.

  5. I consider these ghost shows to be for entertainment, and not very good entertainment either LOL

  6. Hi Ben,

    You said: “Most any “psychic” is in my estimation, not a very saintly or good person, and cannot be getting their information from a source that is good (other than the spirit, supposedly a human one … Psychics are, in my opinion, much more associated with the devil than god.”

    Ben,you are welcome to your opinion, but this psychic is more associated with God than the Devil .. though I’ve had my dealings on an occasion or too many with the latter to the benefit of the people being harassed by them.

    I was wondering if you ever trust your instincts, go with a gut feeling about something, or someone .. now hang on … didn’t you just write that you distrust Chip Coffee for ‘some reason’? What was the reason? Could it be that ‘something’ inside you tells you there’s a problem there? Isn’t that what you just described.

    I am not trying to be a bitch here. I just don’t like being swept up in an assumption that just because I have gifts, and use them daily, I am working for the devil, and so are billions of other people, consciously or unconsciously.

    We are all psychic to varying degrees. It is part of the protective instincts of a human being. You could call it your intuition, or the gift of ‘knowing’ among many others. And don’t you have prophets in your faith, they ‘hear’ the Word of God, their psychic gift is called clairaudience. I am not sure what the Mormon’s believe anymore, it has been over 20 years since I had long conversations with a good friend who was Mormon about your beliefs, but she trusted her ‘feelings’ about things, and people, and didn’t think that a gift like that came from the Devil.

    Yes, some psychics work on the dark side, but the majority of us don’t. We honour God (I’m also Christian, but known as a Christian Spiritualist because of my work) by many names. Some people call God Spirit (which is the Holy Spirit BTW) .. and yes, there’s some kooky beliefs out there, but don’t paint us all with the same brush, because your feeling of uncertainty about Chip means you have either the gift of empathy (knowing what another person is feeling) or or clairsentience (being able to sense something about people around you that they are not telling you, the world, or perhaps, even themselves.) That makes you one of us.

    Being psychic is a natural, normal part of our lives. Some people ignore it, but its not logical to fear something that is a gift from God to help to keep us safe.

    Keep trusting your feelings about people, and other things in your life. They will stand you in good stead. That is what they are supposed to do.

    And yes, I talk to dead people. I do it to help the living, but I also do it to rescue lost souls .. and I’ve been doing this for most of my life, and I’m almost 49. And God still loves me. The church doesn’t fall down around me, and I don’t go up in flames when I enter there. I am also Anglican.

    Love & Joy

  7. I may have to reconsider some of my thoughts here. I am definitely sorry if I offended you. I appreciate your understanding and maturity online, etc. You’ve brought up some points that I am a bit unsure of myself, quite honestly, regardless of how convinced I am of my own knowledge of certain subjects at this time in my life. I’m going to reread your thoughts here for a bit, and then comment when I have formed my thoughts… a little more completely/can articulate them more clearly. It may take some time. Plus, as you may have guessed, I doubt that I’ve ever really met a (working?) psychic. Such a thing has always been highly discouraged amongst Mormons and many Christians I’ve known. It is a topic that I have thought a great deal about, and continue to think about. But yeah, the emotional/social/spiritual vibe in my church tends to not be quite as positive about the work that psychics do (as far as I am aware), though it is definitely considered unchristian to be unkind to any psychic-and it is foreign to my nature to treat someone of this sort unkindly anyway. More here in a bit. :)


  8. It is quite, quite difficult to organize all of my thoughts here, but nonetheless, here goes (and yes, as you can probably guess, this is a subject that I have a great deal of interest and curiosity in, and have thought a great deal about). As it is, it is really, really, really, really great to finally meet a psychic that I feel like I can fully trust (well, seeing as the only other psychics I have ever known about are on TV, and I have mixed feelings about them), I’m not sure if that is saying much, but believe me, right now, I am very, very happy to feel like I can start making some headway in this arena of thought (and make a new friend at the same time perhaps), and it isn’t my own logic and research that I have to rely on anymore, etc., now I have someone who can explain how it really is with all things psychic, etc. :)

    I am pretty sure that the sorts of people that are considered more to be avoided by folks in my church, etc. are more the fortune tellers, tarot card readers, etc., not just because most of them are “phony” or just in it for the money, those that really do have some connection to the supernatural are promptly viewed by most of Christianity as communicating with familiar spirits, etc. I’ve heard scary stories, etc., sure. I hope I am not stating too much of the obvious, or of subjects that are all too familiar to you. It is just that there are certain subjects that I have not fully articulated up until now, so it is a bit like a “dam” of sorts is being burst… Anyway, it is the soothsayers that I think I was specifically referring to, with regard to being evil, folks that have a scary, smirking, “knowing” look about them, like some demon is telling them very personal/embarassing, etc. things about different people here and there. Lots of different kinds of folks doing different things that all come under the umbrella of psychics, according to the knowledge of the average American/person… Makes things a bit confusing, to say the least.

    I have always wondered why so many people make all of these needless divisions between education, religion, sociality, the arts and sciences, and the unexplained/the supernatural, not to mention the realm of ideas, dreams, desires and fantasy/the imagination, etc. In particular, I have always disliked certain aspects of dogmatism in Christian thinking. More on that later. But, to me, religion should always be very associated with paying extremely close attention to one’s own feelings and thoughts (the spiritual/emotional/intellectual realm), as well as seeking to humbly understand the feelings that others experience, even as they experience them.

    As it is, I am definitely the sort of person that is very trusting in my own gut feelings about people and things, etc. I am also guessing that you might have sensed that already. :) I think it is not much of a stretch to say that personality-wise, we may have more than a fair amount in common, just a hunch. I am a music major, music composer, creative writer, piano, French Horn, and music theory/composition teacher, etc. and very imaginative and artistically minded, always have been. I also love it when people get along with each other, and I try to not think about people that I have more of a dislike for. Perhaps, for the time being, I will explain more about me later-a different setting, etc. At any rate, according to Carl Jung, I’m an INFP (introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving) kind of person.

    The last thoughts I have are varied, but they are, in essence, questions more than thoughts that are fully formed. Here goes: 1.) What are all the different kinds of psychics, and how do they differ/how are they similar/what similar or different beliefs and world views do they have? 2.) What is your understanding of the spirit world, and of the nature/purpose of life and existence? 3.) How do you discern between good and evil spirits, and understand the source of your insights, spiritual abilities, etc.? 4.) How do you understand the relationship between personal morality/behaviors and having clairvoyance/psychic abilities, and also, the structure and nature of the spirit world/deity, receiving revelation, etc. as it relates to having psychic abilities? 5.) What is your general experience with Christianity, including my church? (I would hope, nothing too negative…) 6.) Do you make emotional, etc. connections between things like colors, musical harmonies and melodies, shapes, numbers, smells, tastes, personalities, etc.? Also, what do you think about auras, and “seeing” auras around people, or auras connecting people? 7.) Last thought/question, difficult to articulate… What, if anything, is the difference between being psychic, clairvoyant, empathetic, clairsentient, visionary, inspired, discerning, prayerful, meditative or introspective (etc.)? Also, how do you determine for yourself that your feelings and thoughts about a person, situation, place, etc. have considerable truth (hidden truth) to them, sometimes difficult to articulate? My answer to this very last question is, that when a thought, desire, or feeling is right or true, I feel feelings like peace, joy and mental surety/peace of mind, etc., whereas, if a thought, desire, or feeling is not right or true, even if only a little bit false, then the peaceful, reassuring feeling is not there, rather, some other kind of feeling, generally less pleasant, always less reassuring. And this, of course, crosses over with the doctrine of feeling the Holy Spirit, but I’m going to talk doctrine at a later date, I’ve never been a “scriptorian” as it is… :) More later. Hope to hear from you soon. :)

    -Ben Gessel

  9. Hi Ben,

    No, you didn’t offend me, and yes I’m a ‘working’ psychic – in lots of ways that would scare or horrify the members of your church. I’m always happy to make new friends.

    Where to start? I know – meaning of soothsayer-

    One who claims to be able to foretell events or predict the future; a seer.

    Word History: The truth is not always soothing, but our verb soothe is related to soothsayer, the word for one who tells the truth, especially beforehand. The archaic adjective and noun sooth, “true, truth,” comes from the Old English adjective and noun sth with the same meanings. The Old English form derives from Germanic *santh-az, “true,” which comes from Indo-European *sont-, one of the participles from the Indo-European root -es-, “to be”: the truth is that which is. Old English also formed a verb from sth, namely sthian, “to confirm to be true.” This is the ancestor of soothe; its meaning changed from “to assent to be true, say ‘yes’ to” to “humor by assenting, placate.” Doing the latter on occasion requires something less than the truth.


    To soothe someone also means to calm and heal .. which is where most of my work is based. I am a soothsayer. I do, on occasion, do readings for people. Not as much these days, as in the past, for my path is different now .. but I will, for most people, when asked – and I get paid for it. And no, most psychics out there who do readings, and read tarots (which I can do, and have taught others to do) are not liars and cheats and only in it for the money, though there are plenty of them too. There are nasty people in every section of society, we aren’t all just saved up for those who live outside the churches.

    Now .. you gave me a whole bunch of questions, that I have broken up even more, and I will spend a few hours answering them, until I run out of time or energy LOL and do the rest tomorrow. Here in Australia it is 2.30 in the afternoon. To that end, I am going to turn each of your questions into a question on the site, and add the answers when Caretaker places them available for me to do so .. so you’ll have to be patient, because my night is your day .. and visa versa.

    One other thing .. to my knowledge most psychics don’t have ‘familiars’, spirit or animal. That is a wiccan activity, and not necessarily a negative thing. We all love our pets.

    Love & Joy,

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