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Demon or Dream?

I’m a bit nervous about sharing this story because it still keeps me up at night if I think about it too much. Here goes…

I’ve lived in the same house in Torrance, California for about 20 years now without many “supernatural” occurrences. I have a bad habit of watching TV late at night when I can’t sleep and this particular night a few years ago I was doing just that. It was around 3 a.m. and I had the fan in my room on because it was very hot.

I was laying on my stomach and facing the TV sideways. I closed my eyes for just a moment.

I remember seeing a red ribbon laying across a chair I had, blowing in the fan’s breeze, just before I shut my eyes. (Strange because I don’t own such a thing nor any red articles of clothing that would look like it!)

Suddenly I felt pinned down to my bed. Mostly …

March 18th, 2011 by CareTaker 

The House Far Away

I’ve always been very “connected” to my mother, if you know what I mean… When we had this experience, my mom had asked me to stay at her house while she went to another city to take care of one of my brothers who was having an operation, his wife had to work, so my mom needed to go and take care of him while he recuperated. I moved in to the house with my two kids.

After about three months, My mother called and said she was flying back in a midnight flight and I said I’d go pick her up. We got home after 1 am and since I had to go to work the next day, we didn’t stay up to talk and catch up on all the family, as we usually did. I’m the only one that lives in this particular city, besides my mom and dad, at the time.

The next morning when I got …

February 27th, 2011 by CareTaker 

Question About Dreams and Meanings

I have a question that has been bugging me for the longest time and was wondering if it meant anything.

I have been dreaming of my husband cheating on me almost every other night, but it is never the same girl or sense. Its always a different scenario.

Then some times I have dreams about my ex and its always the same scenario. I want to know if these dreams mean anything or am I just paranoid. I’ll be honest that sometimes I fear my husband will cheat on me but even when its not in my mind I get reminded by dreams it is possible.

So my question is am I just being paranoid or can dreams really tell you something that you cant see in your right state of mind? The dreams of my ex, what does that mean he is always in them? Does it mean something about me or something about him?

Sorry so confusing I’m …

February 7th, 2011 by CareTaker 

Odd Figure in Black Robe

Well every so often I’ll get an odd dream… or maybe it isn’t a dream, it’s kind of like sleep paralysis but different. I’ll explain it. I’ll wake up looking up at the ceiling and I wont be able to breathe or close my eyes, next my head will move to look at the other side of the room and I’ll see an odd figure, it will seem to have a black robe on but be surrounded by an almost blackish fog. This figure will start to move closer and closer to me and when it gets right above me it will disappear.

Now the next night I will have a dream where I am in a very big white room, no walls or anything just endless white nothingness. I will be in this room for what feels like real time, about 8 – 9 hours completely alone… no sound except my breathing… nothing.

Now here is where it gets …

December 29th, 2010 by CareTaker 

My Evil Dream

Hauntings have been part of my life since I was born but recently I’ve been having very weird and demonic types of dreams.

My weirdest dream was a few months ago. I had a dream that I was sitting on the side walk with my older brother and I saw that he had a tattoo on his neck so I said, “what’s that on your neck? Is it a tattoo of a buffalo?” and he covered up the tattoo but I moved his hand away and it was a tattoo of the devil. Then all of a sudden it started saying something in Latin. Then the sky got all dark and red and people started vanishing.

Somehow I ended up in a grocery/costume store with my aunt, cousin, and myself. We were wondering where all the people went and we found out that if we stayed on Earth any longer we were going to end up in Hell. For some …

December 19th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Late Night Terrors

I was living in a fifth story apartment in Stockton, California in 1999 when the following events took place. The apartment was a very beautiful place: I was told it was built in the 20′s and still had an a very Art deco feel and look. My living room was quite large, hardwood floors and I had views of the city, I had a whole corner of the building to myself. I felt happy to be living independently after a failed marriage. I worked and came home. I thought I was doing ok.

I admit to delving in the occult. I used to buy candles from an occult/magic shop in Manteca, California. I was lonely and the candles were supposed to be love spells, and I had candles burning all the time.

I started having nightmares. I would start to fall asleep and felt once I was asleep, that something or someone was in the apartment with me. I would …

December 19th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Strange Recurring Dream of Mermaids

Since I was eight I have had this dream. I don’t have many memories from before I was eight about anything though. Just enough to confirm that I’m (probably) from this planet and that I’m (plausibly) human. Here’s a short story of my dream:

“Stay away from them. They’re coming, and they want you’re blood”

I am in complete darkness. But I can feel. I am on a circle of metal,sticking up through a sea of a warm, thick, liquid, the smell of iron fills the air and I know almost immediately what the liquid is but I dare not think about it. I feel a sensation of the air turning thick and something closing in around me and know it’s my claustrophobia, I’m in a small space.

Suddenly a scream fills the air and I’m surrounded by a bright red glow, coming from a source I do not know of. Then I saw it, It’s tail was finned, and …

December 18th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Dream Illusion or Reality

I assure my story is 100% true. I have been debating a long time whether or not to share this story because I kept going over in my mind whether or not what happened was real or illusion, but it most definitely seemed real and as a result of what happened I now sleep with a bible under my pillow.

One night I went to sleep just like any other night but had an extremely terrifying dream. In the dream a couple of my friends. We will call them Eric and Doug as well as myself were staying in a shack in the woods across from a department store. We had no food or supplies so we decided to go to the store and stock up on things for the weekend. While at the department store we ran into a multitude of other people I know, whom weren’t close friends just kinda random people I knew. I don’t like big …

November 26th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Night Terrors

I believe it happened sometime in November when the movie Emily Rose was in the Roxy Theater. My boyfriend and my dad and a few other friends came to see the spooky truths of the past. Now, if any of you have seen this movie you know it is down right frightening! I’ve never been the kind of person to get scared of anything. I was literally afraid of nothing. It was during the movie when I felt a cord being struck inside me. I wondered… how could this girl live with such torment all those days? See faces shift before her eyes in broad daylight!? I couldn’t live like that. No way.

When the movie ended and we all got in the cars and left for home. I remember looking at the winter trees in a different way and one specific tree scared the wits out of me. It was an old twisted tree and in that instant Emily …

November 7th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Extremely Vivid Recurring Dream

My name is Sunny. I am fourteen and I am Wiccan (don’t judge me). In the last three years I haven’t had any dreams except for this dream. Its not exactly a recurring dream more like a journey and each time I have it I travel further each night. I (somehow) know that if I don’t keep walking bad things will happen… the fear pushes me on.

Always its the same place. There’s a desert of black sand, pitch black and its a night sky. There’s no moon but there are stars giving you just enough light to see by. The landscape is featureless and I always walk forward. It’s extremely vivid and I can smell (faintly) the stench of blood. I leave behind a trail of dried blood.

Sometimes things change though. If something really bad happens I pass half rotted corpses and as I walk past them and the blood changes from dry to fresh. Later on it …

October 16th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Friend in a Dream

I have had a few experiences in my life so far, this experience I had was the most heart wrenching and sad.

When I first moved out of my parents house and moved to a different area for work, I lived with my boyfriend at the time, and we lived in the same yard as our one college, one big yard with our office and houses on the same yard.  Well we got along with them very well, me and the woman who lived with her husband and two small sons were actually born on the same day, just ten years later (she was older than myself). We became very good friends, and about six months later her husband died in a fatal car accident. It was the saddest day of our lives. The morning we still saw him, always joking around, he was that type of person. And she was not there she slept over at her parents house, …

October 2nd, 2010 by CareTaker 

When Dreams turn to Nightmares

This is the first of many stories I shall be putting up here. This story dates back to at least 1999 – 2000. Which puts me at about nine or ten years old. It all started one night in my small home in New York.

I was getting ready for bed as I usually would. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep. I awoke in a dream that took place in my home, but the energy was negative. I crept out of my room to investigate. ( The way my house is set up is: parents’ room in the back, bathroom, hallway, my room about half way down the hallway, then living room and front door.) The second I stepped from my room, this presence overwhelmed me and forced me into my living room. I sprinted to the front door, unlocked it in what seemed like slow motion, and then looked back at the presence. A menacing little …

July 31st, 2010 by CareTaker 
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