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The Faceless Lady in White – Dreams And Demons

Posted on July 9, 2008

Now about three or four years prior I remember feeling down and began to lose my faith.  In which I was curious about the occult and in all honestly thought it was rubbish.  For the life of me I cannot remember what I read but I do remember sitting at the computer and reading aloud a passage from an occult book.  When I did I felt great, all my problems felt as if they lifted away and it’s odd to say but when I finished reading it my whole body felt refreshed.

At my old house I used to continually dream about this Lady in White at least once a week.  The strange thing is that I wasn’t scared of her or anything, it felt nice having her there in a weird way.  Each dream was vivid and would start off with me seeing myself doing something I’ve done through the day but I wasn’t in my body.  Then slowly it would warp into just an empty room or area with windows where I could see mountains and a sunrise while the Lady in White stood in front of a window with her back turned to me.

It wouldn’t be until late spring of 2006 when I would see she had no face.  That dream was extremely odd because in it I saw every last person I knew at the time.  Each one in that room, all wearing white, all just happy and smiling.  Then I walked up to the Lady, she had something in her arms.  It looked a like a small child, all bundled up in a white sheet.  Before I looked at the child though I looked at what I was suspecting to be her face.  However nothing was there, no mouth, no nose, no eyes, nothing.  However just as I was about to pull the sheet away from the baby’s face something distracted me and I looked behind me but when I returned there was nothing except for black space all around me.

It wouldn’t be until later that year when every night I would see glimpses of the Lady in White in and out of my dreams.  Every night I would hear someone screaming in agony and pain just to be released.  Though I couldn’t see anything, it was just a black void all around me.  Until oddly enough I had a dream that I was watching a bunch of people in an office building, I could see one man look up in fright and confusion as the screams came again but the rest seemed to not to notice it.  I couldn’t tell where I was or what they were saying since it sounded muffled.

The man then walked to a wall put his ear on it and began to pace as if looking for something.  Then out of nowhere while the screams got louder he grabs a chair and just starts wailing on the wall.  He continues this while people around him panic and look in disbelief, but he doesn’t seem to care, he just seems to want to find where the screaming it coming from.  After a moment he breaks a good part of the wall out and then just starts ripping out pieces making the small hole larger.  Until finally a white sleeved arm drops into a view, the man looks in disbelief and attempts to grab at it but collapses as the screams intensify.  At this time I grab my head and close my eyes because they are so loud and then open them only to be back in my bed.

Then shortly after my first few dreams of the Lady in White, I got a major shocker to the system.  My family of four, my Dad, my Uncle, my Grandma, and myself would begin to die off.  Firstly my Uncle would be killed in a car crash while my Dad was came close to death in surgery that same day.  It would be later that year after stewing in pity and letting the home become filled with negativity that I would begin having the dreams of screaming.  I would go through the process and see her again then pitch black when I tried to hold her hand.  The screams would come and every morning I would wake up at 4:00 am on the dot.  This would continue for a year (mid 2007) after my Grandma passed away and my Dad would come close to death once more in another surgery mishap.

For the first time I went back home, alone.  That was the night when the office worker dream happened.  Here’s the kicker though, during this week it so happened that every friend I knew would be out of town or unavailable so I was stuck in the house by myself with no one.  If a demon or something were to make their move you could not plan it better than that.

Shortly after I noticed changes within myself. I just began to feel, well feel nothing.  Everything from Love to Hate I just acted, I never really felt any of it.  I even tried to feel something like watching a hilarious or sad movie but I couldn’t understand what was happening.  That’s also when the animals around me started to act very strange.  My two cats would run in fear and just look at me scared when I would walk in a room, birds outside would stop chirping when I would walk near their tree, and one thing that really got me was when the horses from the farm next door would began to neigh and get into a frenzy when I would walk towards them.  When they would usually walk right up to you and mooch any food off you.  No one noticed much or at least didn’t mention anything to me about it, since I would just act like a person was supposed to act during activities with friends.   Not to mention just horrible thoughts and images that would continually enter my mind.

My dreams would also become quite violent and I could swear like I could feel them or if they even were dreams at all.  One of which was when I could see something wrapping it’s hands around my neck while I was asleep and attempting to choke me.  Again I would be seeing this from the outside and yet I would be feeling it at the same time.  Another was that I could not see what it was but I was pinned down and I felt nails begin to go into my arms.  I was in my body for this one and I could feel warm air brush against my face.  While the nails dug in deeper.

One last strange thing that would happen was a few things I would begin to see while fully awake.  I would begin to see swirling orbs all over the place that would come in and out of view in various places.  Also at night when I would stare at some light that is surrounded by darkness the light would be swallowed up by it.  Like a reflection of light from a street lamp would be on the ceiling but it would slowly be swallowed up by the darkness around it until I shut my eyes and it would return to normal.

All of this would continue until late 2007 until I really got into reading about demons and various religions.  Then slowly I began to figure out different items and markings that would hold back a demon.  So around the end of November I stood my ground and claimed my body back from whatever was holding it.  I had recently come by a pendant of the Shield of Solomon and wore it as I cast out whatever was doing this into a spirit box.

Soon after my father and I had to move out of the house (he rented the place) and found a new home to live in.  However before leaving, to make sure whatever was there would not follow me, I found a site that described various Voodoo spells that would “lock” a spirit within a home.  I did this since I was never too sure of the spirit box and had no way to know if I really had it inside of it.  So I sealed up the house and left.  Now I’m very happy and everything seems to have returned to normal for me.  Though I do wonder what in the world I encountered and if anyone else will be able to survive it as I did.

Oh and if this story seems a bit confusing and rushed it’s because when I ever try to post this thing something happens that causes me to be unable to post it.  Be it from my own computer screwing up, the website having an error, or even once when the entire house lost power.

Written by Michael Ryan Clary, Copyright 2008

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19 Responses to “The Faceless Lady in White – Dreams And Demons”
  1. Carri says:

    you are seeing paranormal activity. research the two houses you are experiencing this activity in. You must be able to see spiritual activity. put on a cross for protection. A cross protects you against any evil activity. Since you do not practice any religion these ghosts may come at you harder. I would talk to a priest if it gets real bad. Even try to say the name Jesus protect me if you see these things. I know it is frightening my daughter see things like what you see all the time. She sees a demon in the woods trying to get into my house. It whispers in her ear when she is outside. It whispers Latin. or says sit down. She is pretty active kid. She sees spirits all the time. I tell her to ignore them. they frighten her.

    • Elise Renee Gingerich says:

      that just sounds Scary Too, like most stuff on this site does.
      so, If I’m Not Into Church, then the Evil Things will get me more?!
      I thought It was just the Opposite of That! that if You Are Into God, that the
      Evil Things hate You More?! i’m a Non Church Going Methodist…uh oh!

  2. Ama says:

    Hi Paul,

    I like to eliminate the usual before looking at the unusual, so I have questions.

    Are you a medium? Are you an artist? Do you have a good imagination? There’s a gift most people have called matrixing. That is when our brain tries to make shapes and patterns fit themselves into common images, such as making a face appear from scratches on wood that look like two eyes and a nose .. we subconsciously go looking for a mouth.

    That being said – is anything paranormal actually happening around you, apart from seeing the faces? Do you hear voices talking just out of your hearing, or are things moving around? Do you hear footsteps when no one is walking about? Does the tv do strange things, like turn itself on or off? Do you have disturbed dreams? Cold spots in the house? Or were any of these happening in the other house? Do you have the same faces in this house that you had in the other? Are the faces there all the time, or do they come and go?

    I see ghosts, spirits, elementals, demons and angels, so I am not disbelieving that you are seeing figures, I am simply looking for possible sources.

    Love & Peace
    Ama Nazra – listed here under Friends.

  3. MYSTERY ? says:

    paul this thing has happend to me once. I was on a school trip with my friends in a place called borva we stayed there for two days. Girls and boys had seperate domes in the hotel thing, and the boys came down screaming to us saying things that have happend to them in an attick bedroom they were in. They all hocked pinky fingers and said ‘are there any ghost, spirits, or pontaguice if their is please give us a sound, sign, or movement’ and one of the boys suitcase zips spun around in circles and when the boys looked it stopped they tols us about it so me and my friends tryed it and i blinked and saw a huge mans face on our door i ran out screaming, my class mates came out of their rooms askin whats wrong i told them they tried it and my two other friends said they layed down so nothing would come up behind them. They tried that and they saw a man walking towards them :S… could this man be the most haunted ghost of borva :O…. this is no lie a true story.. u may think i’m lying but trust me… I’M NOT xxxx

  4. kari says:

    ok well im a medium ive always been this way get help because it is malevolent and can hurt you even if you don’t think it can your story scares me because the more thay or i should say it shows its self the stronger it gets if your religious ask for help by your spiritual leader and ask what they can do

  5. TR says:

    Paul, I lived in a house that had a lot of things going on when I was a boy. Amoung them seven faces that appeared overnight in a new addition. Being only twelve at the time it was a little scary. Before this happened things would go missing as they were being used, scissors,hammers, pens. Only to be found days or weeks later, and in unusual places. We would find our little dog outside when we got up some mornings as if someone had let her out in the night. Whishpers and voices were often heard. As well a member of the family was struck in the face while sleeping. Small peices of coal would fall out of the ceiling in one room.
    My mother dug into the history of the house and found a man who had once owned it had been hit by a train on his way home. That the previous owner had exsperianced a fire that originated in the basement,{a place I always hated}. As well as the people who bought the house from us were nearly gased to death when a gas leak started in that same area of the basement.
    All I can say is if you have exsperianced any of these other things leave as fast as you can.

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