Paralysis Experiences – Demons, Devils And Truths

Posted on September 22, 2008

Paralysis Experiences – Demons, Devils And Truths

About a couple of months ago, I started experiencing the weirdest things. The first time I started experiencing these paranormal things was one night I had gone to sleep talking on the phone with my boyfriend, It was a normal night just like any other but I had the craziest nightmare. (My boyfriend was still on the line talking to me unaware that I had dozed off on him).

I dreamt that I was as I had fallen asleep, on my bed. In my dream everything looked exactly the same as though I was simply awake and looking around my bed room. But as I lay in bed I could hear a strange noise, like a motor. I lay calm and figured the noise was a tractor since my house is right next to these vineyards. Becoming impossible to ignore the motor noise became louder and louder, suddenly so loud I could feel the vibration of the sound all around me. The sound was coming from the board of my bed and when I opened my eyes and looked up to the roof I saw a large tractor on the top of the head board atop of my bed. The tractor had large round blades on the front and they span so fast that it seemed as a sphere was heading my way. At the sight of that I freaked out!

I tried to rush off of my bed and out of my room to safety but for some reason I couldn’t move… at all. I wanted to get up. I wanted to scream for help but not even the simplest sound could come out! I had no idea what was happening, just so sure that I was going to get molded to death by the spinning blades of the tractor. (Being so terrified of what was happening to me I didn’t notice that it was completely impossible for a tractor to just come in my room and has spinning blades right above my head, especially because I live in a two story house and my bedroom was upstairs).

I could hear my boyfriend talking to me on the phone line and I tried so hard to let him know I was in danger. Suddenly I awoke to my senses, I snapped out of this nightmare, and everything was normal again, the tractor was completely gone, the loud noise, gone. I gasped for air interrupting my boyfriend and told him I had to go and hung up the phone. I got up to my feet and ran to my mom’s room to let her know what had just happened.

Another time had happened the same way, I fell asleep one night and woke up to the sense that someone was standing next to my bed. As I opened my eyes I saw, what I consider, Satan. A man looking creature stood only two feet away from me. He was tall and ugly, hairy and had animal like features with horns to top it off. I was so afraid of him that I couldn’t move, even if I wanted to, I was in complete shock. He then started to laugh aloud at me, that’s when, again I was paralyzed, my body would not move. It was as though I was awake mentally but not physically. I wanted to cry of fright.

At that time he started talking to me but I honestly do not remember what he was saying. He pointed to the foot of my bed where my attention was caught by myself. I lay there in my bed, in the dark with the devil standing next to me, and me unable to move my body, just my eyes, staring at me at the foot of my bed. I was naked and with my boyfriend. We were engaging in sexual activity. I was so grossed out at the fact that I was watching myself and my boyfriend have sex, especially since it was my body that had been used and since I was only 15 and a virgin. I felt a heavy guilt built up inside me, as though all my pride, reason, and value had just washed out of me. I wanted to stop myself from acting like that with him. Out of air, I woke up again and everything was gone back to normal. I hesitated to stand up and run to my mother again because the sight was too terrifying. I lay there until morning.

The next week the same again, I fell asleep but this time watching TV. I had set it on sleep for 15 minutes, meaning my TV would turn off automatically within 15 minutes. I woke up once when I didn’t hear the TV anymore then went to sleep, I woke up again when I heard it turn back on. As soon as I tried to move but failed, I realized what was about to happen. On the TV screen there was a man talking to me almost directly as though he were in the same room as me. I can’t recall exactly what he said but it insisted on me to keep watching and not looking away. I just remember a lady walking her baby in a stroller on my TV screen and a man approaching to harm her. I came back and the TV was off. I moved around and laid in bad until I helplessly fell asleep.

This paralysis had been occurring more and more often. Even for the lightest sleep. I remember once coming home from school and taking a nap on my bed for about an hour or so. I was so tired that I crashed out fast. I just remember hearing voices whispering at a distance, but being so tired, I didn’t hesitate to open my eyes at all assuming it was someone in the house talking outside my door. The voices multiplied and sounded closer and louder. I kept thinking maybe we have visitors and they were just being loud. The voices became so irritatingly loud that I soon thought they were walking around my room but I couldn’t care less who it was just as long as I got some rest. The next thing I knew I could hear the voices right next to my ear and they were no longer whispering but talking fairly loud. It irritated me so bad that I opened my eyes to completely nothing and no one, but sweet silence. I knew exactly what had happened and couldn’t continue my nap any longer.

I began noticing that whenever I would fall asleep in any other room in the house, I could sleep in peace with no disturbance. I decided to move my mattress into my mom’s room and sleep in there until I felt safe in my room again. Days had passed with success but then one night, my paralysis returned. The mattress I laid out was just next to my mother’s bed on the floor and one night again I woke up to the sense that someone besides my mother was near me. I got that familiar sensation of having my body completely paralyzed and unmovable. I opened my eyes to find an extremely large and tall man guarding my door. The moon light night shone upon the man through a window in the room. It lit up his gear. He was fully armed with weapons holding a gun in his hand and a helmet on his head. I couldn’t tell what emotion was upon his face but knowing it was another hallucination, I stared at him to see what he would do until my body unfroze and he disappeared. I stood up and jumped in bed with my mom for the night.

I felt that my hallucinations were taking a toll in my life. These scary things happened almost every night for months. At school it was all I thought about, being a distraction from my studies and I thought I was being possessed by a demon. I looked for answers and thought back to a year before when I played with the Ouija board in my friend’s garage. That is a completely terrifying and different story but I believed that was the cause of what was happening to me.

My mother became frightened as well because daily I would wake her up with different stories or she could hear me moaning or screaming at night. She noticed that this was not just a nightmare. Since my mom is highly religious, she looked to God for a cure. Every night she prayed for me and attending church was no longer an option, as in my mother’s eyes, it was my salvation… The paralysis started to weaken and now I experienced short hallucinations like having gargoyles and demons stare at me from atop the ceiling. Being used to it I would wait for the paralysis to pass and wait to gain back my sleep. I stopped having those experiences for a while and moved back in my room and continued as though nothing had happened.

One day, I came back from school and was hanging out with my boyfriend watching TV at my house. I accidentally fell asleep while he was just watching TV. I once again had another paralysis. I dreamed I was a new student at a high school and it was lunch time. I had made friends fast and we were all hanging out when I asked where the bathroom was. My new friends had told me the bathroom was across the campus but that there was another bathroom around the corner but she didn’t recommend going in there. When I asked why she hesitated to tell me it was haunted. Since I didn’t believe things easy and I couldn’t hold it any longer I went ahead into the “haunted” restroom.

Walking in there was another girl drying her hands as if nothing was there though be cautious of so I assumed my new friends were just trying to scare me. The girl stared at me as I looked around the restroom and quickly walked out. Looking around the restroom was dark, old and big. The ceiling was high and the bathroom stalls looked as though it went on forever being so long down into the darkness. So many stalls but yet so empty. No one was in there but myself and the cold breeze. I walked down the hall of stalls looking for a clean toilet and suddenly there was a guy at one of the last stalls. He seemed attractive and he led me into one of the stalls with him. We shut the stall closed and started kissing. We where kissing for a while and I started undressing him but I then noticed that he lost his attention and was interested in something behind me. The stall had opened and he screamed throwing his clothes back on and rushed out of the restroom quick.

I looked around and could hardly see anything because the only light that lit up the room was the dull ray of light shining through the plastic roof way up high. There was no electricity that worked in there. I started toward the door when I tripped and fell to the floor. I hit my head on the floor making me a little dizzy and laying on my stomach but getting my sight back and focused I saw a little girl sitting on a toilet inside of the only stall open staring at me laying on the floor with a blank, unpleasant expression. She was pale white, with a black skirt and a black sweater with black shoes and braided hair. She looked like she attended the school wearing a uniform that looked similar to the schools.

I then tried to stand up but I could feel a heavy force push me down to the floor. It didn’t let me get up. I turned my head to the opposite side and I was staring directly at the tips of the little girl’s black shoes. She stood there staring at me not helping me up to my feet. I got scared wondering how she got from the toilet to the other side of me. With all my force, I crawled away trying to reach the door for help. I pulled myself up with a stall door and tried to run away. She appeared again in my way. With no exits and no place to hide, I then started climbing up the restroom wall. There were fire alarms on the wall leading all the way up to the roof, and with that I climbed up, up to the light, up to safety. Halfway up, I stopped to rest out of breath and looked down to the ground feet away beneath me. I saw her staring at me still with that same vacant face and she quickly climbed up after me, so fast it seemed inhuman and demonic.

She clenched the walls with her fingers and hands not needing the fire alarms to help her up. I looked away in fright and started even faster to the ceiling. When I got up there I started hitting the plastic trying to break it to get out of there. Screaming at the top of my lungs I banged on the plastic roof and lost my grip and fell down to the ground.That’s when I woke up and found myself to be in the complete dark. I gasped for air and yelled out for someone. My boyfriend had left the room to leave me to sleep and joined my family so he came in and I screamed to him to turn on the light. I panicked and grabbed a hold of the wall. He came to me and asked why was I acting so strange.

That has been the last of my experiences but none were very pleasant at all. And in all of these experiences, except for the bathroom, I was completely awake and could look around the room normally but unable to move my body and I would hallucinate. I found out what I was going through was called sleep paralysis by a friend who told me he read about it in a blog. I told him I had no idea what that was, as I had never even heard about it, but when he explained all my symptoms I knew I had been a victim of it. I soon researched about it and also heard about it on the radio. It was a complete relief to know that I wasn’t getting possessed and that it was over. But there’s times where I have had other experiences, being completely different paranormal experiences that make me wonder, Did the Ouija board affect me on any of this?

Sent in by “AL3X!5″, Copyright 2008

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