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My Demonic Experiences

Posted on June 12, 2009

“Demons will always be around us and be there, whether you believe in them or not. They are here to stay on Earth, and here to spook us. They are like Satan’s children, they do as he says and what he says hurts us all.”

I’m thirteen years old, and ever since I was about seven or eight years old, I have had paranormal experiences, such as dreams, sightings, sounds, etc. In my religion, (Jehovah’s Witness), I was taught that Demons attach themselves to objects, pictures, movies, anything out of the ordinary.

Just two or three weeks ago, my mother had a paranormal experience, and then later on that night, so did I. In my house, there is my Grandparents bedroom (The master bedroom), a Kitchen, a living room, and a sitting area near the front door, my room, a computer room that my Grandfather does his work in, and my Mothers room, plus the old laundry room. Our garage is no longer in the house, we had to turn the garage into a little room for my great-grandfather but he moved to a Nursing home.

Well, I was in my room when my Mom experienced what she had experienced, but from what she told me, I believed her because it’s happened to me as well. In my mothers room, she has a small end-table next to her bed that she keeps her pills on that she has to take before going to bed. Well as she reached down/ bent over, so to say, she felt a hand going up her shirt. Now, knowing my mom, I knew she was going to believe me to be the person doing this automatically, because I love to play pranks. So she turned around, and I wasn’t there. At first, so my mom says, she couldn’t move, couldn’t function her brain right because she was so spooked. But as soon as she looked and saw that I wasn’t the one who had done as such, she ran to my grandparents bed room to tell what she had just experienced.

Well, back to what I was saying in the beginning about how in my religion, we believe that Demons attach themselves to pictures, movies, items such as toys, cell phones, jewelry, etc., My mom and I both had just gotten letters from my Father in prison. Let’s just say, the letter my Mom received from my Dad, wasn’t so nice. So my Grandmother assumed that maybe it was the letter that was causing the paranormal experience. So, my mom ripped up the letter and threw it away.

Later on that night, around 1:00 AM, my mom was on the computer, then decided to come lay down, and I was feeling a bit skittish about sleeping by myself after what had happened to my mom, so I slept with my mom. Well, my mom had taken her medicine, so I decided I would stay up and watch a simple movie, not a scary one because then that would make the night and moment even worse, so I watched Good Luck, Chuck. As I watched, I grew tired, So I turned off the TV. I laid next to my mom and listened to her sleep for about 20 minutes, and then suddenly, I grew scared. I kept trying to wake up my mom because the way I felt, it was un-imaginable. A couple of times, I would glance at my moms cracked door, then finally I asked my mom to turn on the light. As soon as the light went on, I no longer felt afraid or scared, So I began to watch TV a bit longer. Again, I grew tired, So I turned off the light and the TV and looked at the cracked door again, only this time, I saw a little boy with dark looking circles under his eyes, almost like the face off of the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose, if you know what I’m talking about. I stared and couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe.

My mind told me to scream, forget waking up my mom SCREAM for crying out loud, but I just couldn’t. I was way too scared to really think about moving. Then the boy disappeared, and after he disappeared, I sat there like a stupid girl, then shook my mom a few times and woke her up. She couldn’t stay up with me because her medicine was kicking in and her medicine was strong. So I just watched TV for the last 3 hours, finally it got around 5 AM, and the TV was off. I finally broke down crying and woke up my mom and told her I needed to go and have a talk with my Nana(Grandmother), and so I did. We talked for about 10-20 minutes, even though it was incredibly hard for her to comprehend what I was saying to her at 5:00 AM, it probably seemed like non-sense to her, but she understood, and later told me she has experienced paranormal things as well.

That same day, I ended up not going to school. I felt too scared to go anywhere, but then again too frightened to stay in that house. My mom was going to baby-sit my little cousins while my older cousins go to work anyway. My mother and my mothers friend, Blythe, were on the phone as I tried to sleep. My moms friend Blythe had also said she had paranormal experiences in my house, and what caught my mothers attention is that the paranormal experiences Blythe had had, was in the same hallway and same spot I had experienced mine, (The hallway/ area near my mothers room, plus my mom had her paranormal experience actually inside her room) then realized there were pictures of my Great-great-great grandmother and great-great-great grandfather in the closet beside my mothers room. After hearing the chat my mom and Blythe had, I fell asleep, and every other hour, I would wake up terrified because of either a sound or it felt like somebody was touching me.

Later on that night, my cousins came home, and invited some other friends over for a cook-out and cooked hamburgers. Well, I felt pretty dirty from all the sweating I did during the sleep I had all that day, and decided to go home up the street and go take a shower. As my Grandfather drove me home, we had a chat about me missing too much school, then I brought up the conclusion my mother had made earlier that day about my Great-great-great grandparents. When I told my Grandpa about the conclusion, he sat there for a minute, then nodded. I knew I had found the reason as to why the three of us had a paranormal experience near my moms room.

My great-great-great grandmother was Indian, and she had the ability to heal wounds, such as if you had an open sore, what she would do is she would spit or lick on her fingers or hand, and rub the open sore with her hand or fingers and it would heal the open sore. Then I also was told, a group of Jehovah’s witnesses tried to burn a picture of my great-great-great grandparents, and it would not burn at first, and that every time my mom or my family would go over to my great-great-great grandparents house, it was always so strange and strange feeling. So, we immediately went to the closet near my mothers room and found dozens of pictures of my great-great-great grandparents, then soon took them out. Ever since then, I haven’t felt a paranormal experience.

Written by Katelyn, Copyright 2009 TrueGhostTales.com

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19 Responses to “My Demonic Experiences”
  1. CareTaker says:

    Hello Jane, I dont know for sure what you are experiencing but I once lived in a place where the same thing was happening. In our case the music sounded like big band stuff like Benny Goodman or Glenn Miller. There was also two of us that heard the same exact thing!

    My story is here //www.trueghosttales.com/paranormal/haunted-house-for-sale/

  2. Ama says:

    Hello Jane,

    Sounds .. I hear stuff all the time, radio signals, voices .. friendly ones and unfriendly ones .. high pitched whistles .. background chatter. I am clairaudient, that means I can hear ghosts, and angels and other beings, when they speak, as well as other weird and wonderful sounds .. but I still look for ordinary explanations to some of the noises. On the other hand, my partner also hears sounds I can’t. The range of his hearing is far lower than mine, mine reaches into higher levels .. and he’s a rather bit deaf in the mid-ranges where I hear just fine. He also has titinitus .. and often asks, very early in the morning when he’s just woken up, if it is ‘really raining’ LOL. No, its his ears, and I often have to talk LOUDLY to get him to hear my answer. :-)

    So .. where do you live? Do you share a house, or an apartment building, or are you out in the country far away from any source of noise? If you are close to the building next door, someone in there might love old sitcoms or movies, and so the explanation would be natural. Otherwise, radio signals travel long distance .. like right out into space, and through buildings .. so it might be that.

    If you are living away from other buildings, then perhaps some dramatic events happened within your home that anchored energy in the rooms that recorded the sounds of the tv, or radio, that was playing at the time of the events, this is also possible.

    Being a bit weird, what I would do, when you heard the noises, is ask ‘them’ to turn the volume up .. so you can really get a fix on what you are hearing, and do some research on when it was playing. If it is a ghost, and they can interact with you, rather than just being a memory, the sound should go up. That would be interesting.

    In the meantime, what a fascinating event. Having heard sounds, like angels singing christmas hymns in a stream of energy flowing down the middle of the road, while crossing it .. keep a diary. Write down what you think you hear .. it might help you find out what is happening, and remind you later when you share the stories with your family and friends.

    Love & Peace
    Ama Nazra (listed below under Friends)

  3. A.J. Ryder says:

    Hi Jane M

    I used to get that a lot when I first moved into my current home in 2004.

    The bungalow was built in the 60′s. It turned out, the builder’s son (then a boy) went on to become a professional piano tuner and is also a good guitarist. When they sold it in ’94, the guy who bought it was a professional jazz musician. We bought it off him, and I was, and still am, in a band and get ‘possessed’ by music (in other words, I love it and can’t get enough).

    I think our home was saying that it likes music. It is as if it chooses who is going to live in it. The atmosphere deffo lifts whenever music is played.

    Before it was a dwelling, the site used to be the village forge. I think the ‘spirit’ music I hear comes from that time because, like you, it sounds like 1920′s music. It is only me who generally hears it though .. and the music can even be heard whilst I’m wearing headphones because I’m working on mixing down some of the band’s music. (Obviously, whilst my own music isn’t being played – lol!)

    Personally I don’t worry about it, its just a part of the buildings spirit.


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