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Looking For Help With Hauntings

Posted on June 3, 2009

I am looking for help/answers. I don’t know where else to turn and nobody believes me!

Well, everything started when I was 7. I’m now 24. Anyway, when I was 7 years old my family and I lived in this extremely old farm house. I always had the creeps but I figured it was just because it was an old house. Shortly after we moved in the weird things started to happen.

One day I was playing with my Barbie’s in our attic. There was lots of old furniture up there. I remember sitting in front of a large, full length mirror. I heard this really scary laugh and when I turned to look the mirror started to fall. Then I heard a woman shout “NO!” and I felt hands on my shoulders as if someone was throwing me. I flew across the room and right where I was sitting the mirror crashed to the floor. My mom and my aunt Karen came running upstairs to see me sitting against the wall… terrified. My mother automatically assumed that I pushed the mirror over. She didn’t believe what I told her.

It got quiet for a while but it started up again just as suddenly as before. One night I was sick, really sick, so I went to bed early. That night I woke up to get a drink. As I was drinking my water I saw my rocking chair start to rock. The windows were closed. Just as soon as it started it stopped. I heard footsteps come over to my bed. I was laying down at this point. My blankets then came up to my chest and tucked into the mattress as if tucking themselves in. I looked at my largest window because I heard my dogs barking outside. When I looked there was a woman in an old war era nurses uniform on (Two major battles took place less than 20 miles from our farm house). She smiled at me and said, “all is well. I’m here.” The following morning I was fine.

After a few weeks things started up again. I was laying in bed one night when I heard what sounded like kids running up and down the hallway. I opened my bedroom door and looked… all the doors were open. I went and closed them all and went back to bed. I woke up early the next morning, opened my bedroom door and all the doors were opened again. That weekend my mother and her ex decided to unblock their chimney. While they were doing that a mans skeleton fell out of the chimney. We moved that Monday.

Once we moved we lived next door to my aunt and uncle. There were always the odd occurrences while living there. Seeing something out of the corner of my eye and I was always scared to death of the back room. That’s where our shower was and I always made sure my mom was doing laundry when I got my shower. I would NOT go back there alone.

After being there for two years my uncle passed away. A week after his funeral I was sitting at my desk doing my homework. I looked up and saw my clock, 8 pm. When I looked out my window that faced my aunt and uncles house I saw the figure of a man holding what looked like an envelope. The man looked exactly like my uncle. The following afternoon after I got home from school I went to see my aunt. I asked her if uncle Dave had visited her the night before. She said no at first. I asked if she was sure. After my mother left she said yes he’d been there. I asked if he had a letter. She said yes again. I didn’t ask what it said. I already knew. He was telling her that she would be with him soon and she was. She passed away two years later.

My mother and her ex split up at this time and we moved. While living in this house my uncle was murdered (not in our house, in his). Earlier in the day I had play practice at my church. He was shot at around 6 or 7 pm. I was in the middle of rehearsing my lines when I got this HORRIBLE headache. My head hurt so bad I had to sit down for a few minutes. After the headache went away my heart hurt (a sadness hurt). I didn’t know why, I just knew something wasn’t right.

When my mother picked me up we were heading home. We passed my uncles house. Everything seemed fine. The following morning we learned that he was dead. The police said it was suicide but I KNEW it was his wife. I never said anything. I wish I would have. That night things started to happen. I was laying in my bed reading a book when I got this feeling and thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked up and it was my Uncle Lee. I had tears in my eyes and he just said, “love ya kiddo” and was gone. Things then started to go missing and showing back up; keys, wallets, jewelry, books… stupid stuff like that, like pranks. My uncle loved pulling pranks.

When my mother remarried we moved yet again. We moved in with her new husband and one of his sons. No sooner did we move in that I noticed things. I was a bartender at this time so I kept bartender hours. I would be up late at night either reading in bed, watching TV in bed or sitting on the couch watching TV with my dogs. While I was laying in bed watching a movie with my dog Lucky one night I heard someone walking up and down the hallway. I figured it was either my brother or my stepbrother. I opened my door to yell at them for being so loud but nobody was there. So I just went and laid back down with Lucky. I was scratching his ears just watching my movie when I heard someone stomping up and down the stairs. I got up again, this time Lucky went with me and started to growl… which he never did. We just went back to bed. I was a bit freaked out. This continued for a while.

After two years my grandfather passed on. A month after he was buried even stranger things started to happen. I heard someone in the kitchen late at  night, opening and closing cupboards or pulling out chairs and pushing them in (you could hear the chair against the wood in the dining room). I’d go to check it out but nobody would be there. There would be cupboard doors open and cups/plates (clean) sitting out. I’d put things away and close the cupboards and go back to bed. In the morning things were the same way, plates/cups sitting out and doors open/lights on. This went on for about a year. Nobody else noticed them which made me start to think I was crazy.

All these things happening to only me over the years. Maybe I AM crazy, but the following December my husband and I got pregnant with our twin sons. He was living and working in Washington, D.C. at the time (he was stationed there with the Marines) and we figured it would be safer for me to stay with my mother since I was a high risk pregnancy. Things intensified at this point. The noises were happening every night. My dogs began to bark at the hall closet (we actually got a picture of something odd in the closet, it’s on my mothers digi cam however).

One night Lucky, Chester (my two dogs), and I were laying on the couch (Lucky laid on my legs, Chester laid on the floor next to me) watching TV. Suddenly Lucky stood up and stood over top of me, his fur on end and growling. Chester jumped on the couch stood over my legs, crouched and growling staring down the hall. I sat up and looked and standing in my doorway was a man. A tall, shadowy looking man, it was a mass. I couldn’t see through him but I couldn’t make out facial features. The man then turned and walked into my room. I got up and no fear) went to my room. I turned on my lights expecting to find my step brother pulling another prank on me. Nobody was in my room, not a person. So I went to bed (yup in my bedroom).

A few days later I was in the laundry room folding laundry when the radio turned on and started to flip through the channels. I turned it off and continued what I was doing. The radio turned on again and started to flip through the channels. I went and unplugged the radio, continued folding laundry. While it was unplugged the radio turned on and started to flip through channels. I refused and still won’t go into the laundry room. Things continued like this until I moved.

My hubby and I got our town house and at first things were quiet. Then, of course, I noticed things. I’d catch the shape of a tall man out of the corner of my eye… all the time. I looked, nobody there, so I write it off. My nephew and mom came to visit one day. My nephew and I go into the nursery to get toys to play with. He starts to giggle and says “ok”. I asked who he’s talking to and he says “papap say he love you and babies.” Then turns around and walks down stairs. What’s weird is my boys (who are now 10 months old) ALWAYS stare over my shoulder and smile and giggle. I expect to see my husband but nobody is ever there and I always have this feeling that someone is standing there with me.

I don’t know, maybe I am crazy. I just don’t know what to do! I can’t tell anyone because they’ll probably 302 me! Any suggestions on if I am losing it or is it legit? How can I tell if it’s legit or me going insane?

Written by “heatherlyn24″, Copyright 2009 TrueGhostTales.com

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18 Responses to “Looking For Help With Hauntings”
  1. Ama says:

    Hi Lindsay,

    The aura comes in a multitude of different colours, if its healthy, and has seven layers. A person might be able to see their own ‘physical’ level of the aura, which is right next to the skin. Hmm.. can I explain this right. Left up your hand and gently let your fingers fall down a little, then point your arm at a blank wall and gaze softly down the length of your arm over your wrist .. so lift your arm a bit higher than your shoulder. Just above your wrist, if you are not trying to ‘see’ too hard, you might notice a slight glow of energy .. I’m doing this between typing bits .. about 1/2 an inch to an inch wide (2.4cm if you are metric like me). Don’t gaze straight at it, but a little out of the corner of your eye. When you relax your eyes enough most people can see it. Mine is, as usual, slightly cream coloured, heading to lemon. The interesting part of this is that people from different cultures around the world have different colours to their physical aura .. some cream, some yellowish, some green, some pink. Can’t remember who has what at this moment in time though?? The rest of the aura expands out from there and tells a good aura reader all about the person, their past, present and often future possibilities. You might also be able to see your aura in a mirror, over your shoulder by using the same ‘soft gaze’ technique. You have to look ‘past’ what you are trying to see, as if staring into the distance in a slightly dreamy fashion. Once you get it the first time, you’ll realise it is actually quite easy to do.

    So what colour is a person’s aura .. think of a rainbow .. all of them depending on mood, emotions, health, and events in their lives, far past, this lifetime, now and in the future.

    Love & Peace

    • Anonymous says:

      Hi yu Ama and Lindey

      And today, Ama, I see off-white/cream, outlined by green … but then I’m bushed after a hectic January, so not surprised! LOL!

      Aura’s are fascinating and, regardless of whether you consciously read them or not, most people will instantly recognise a persons ‘vibe’ (or mood) without really knowing why. I guess thats why we humans can make a snap decision as to whether we think we’re going to like someone or not, within the first few seconds of meeting them.

      Cats have great aura’s – it’s the best way to try and understand them, as they are so contradictory in most every respect in their behaviour – lol!


      • Ama says:

        Hi AJ and Lindsay,

        That ‘instant friendship’ reaction I saw on the weekend, when two ladies met and are now the best of friends. It happened in a ‘moment’, and was sooo cute. :-) What it actually is, is their auras have the same frequency (speed of energy) and so they mesh together, and they have the same issues in life, which means they can help each other learn and grow .. technically, they are from the same soul family, although they had not met each other before Friday. They may stay best of buddies or they might grow away from each other over time, but for now .. they are fun to watch. LOL

        Some auras repel each other .. so you instantly do not ‘like’ or ‘trust’ someone .. its all to do with energy.

        Love & Peace

        • LunaTerra says:

          I followed you instructions, Ama, and I immediately saw blue. It was a hazy medium blue. a cross between light blue and royal. What does that mean? Do auras work like “mood rings?” This is a fascinating thing to learn about!! :D

          • Ama says:

            Afternoon LunaT,

            What is your genetic heritage? Mine is british isles, with touches of german and black fijian .. but both of those are very far back in family line.

            Love & Peace

          • TerraLunar says:

            Hello Ama!!
            I am 50% Lithuanian, (eastern European), 25% Scott, and 25% Native American Indian.

          • Ama says:

            Hi Luna,

            I would be interested in seeing the genetic mix of other people who can see their auras, Luna. The colour of the physical aura is very interesting interesting to me. I tried to look it up on the web, looking for where I first read about the difference colours being genetically linked, and can’t see it? But I found this page:


            Love & Peace

    • mike says:

      hey amy i have a question to your comment in re-gaurd’s to me. so first i do practice many diffrent type’s of telekinesis and energy.

      now i have a general idea and thought of what im about to ask about. so first the you were talking about the way you focus in. well i completly understand what you were trying to say, and how. but do you believe diffrent focus reveal’s other things?

      you did mention a mirror well here is one of the things that i seen. i was looking and everything but my eyes went grey and black and my eyes were glowing a yellowish darker blue. what do you think that could mean? that i have many thoughts but i would like to hear what you have to say

      i have one more thing to mention and ask. you were talking about methods to see your aura. well i have practiced many things like i said well i have this perfect smooth triangle black rock that i have had for so long now and in my method i focus to surge my energy back and forth threw it to keep me level headed. i can feel it as part of me in this process. well i didnt lose it but i also practice bair hands. so i was useing my right hand and as im looking around in direction’s in my hand i had seen it was faint but in the middle was the size of the stone and it was my hand i could see but around it was dark green, and it spun around at all angle’s. the detail is hard to explian. but the point it wasn’t phyically there but it was in my hand and i could feel it there and at that time i seen it. is that the same thing as you were speaking of?

      im sorry for so much but with this there is alot i feel i could learn from you.

  2. Ama says:

    Hi Mike,

    You can move things with your mind? How successful are you?

    I have to ask questions about what you have written because some of it I am not sure about .. so bear with me:

    Does changing focus show other things about people? What sort of things? Do you mean do I look for ghosts differently .. yeah. To see a ghost I widen my eyes, or I close them. My internal vision is often stronger than my external sight.

    Your eyes .. what was happening in the room behind you? Mine sometimes go dark green when I am working (energy), I have hazel eyes the rest of the time. What colour are your eyes normally?

    Is it a triangle shaped black rock, or a pyramid? Focusing through it would keep you ‘grounded’. Is it jet or obsidian? They are two of my favourites for grounding and psychic protection. Grounding is when your energy is secured in your body and you are well connected between heaven and earth. It’s very important for energy work.

    I am not sure what you meant by ‘didn’t lose it’, and what does that have to do with working with bare hands? What were you attempting to do?

    Then let me write what I think you are telling me. You focused on the black stone, you then looked at your right hand, you saw the shadow of the black stone in your right hand but it was now dark green? And you saw the shadow spin around on a point, or edge, or was it just above your hand and spinning? That has nothing to do with auras, or seeing them.

    Did I understand your explanation? If not please help me to.

    And my name is Ama .. not Amy. LOL

    Love & Peace

    • mike says:

      im sorry thanks for corecting me on your name.

      with moving things with my mind i have seen results in many diffrent outcomes but it has to be in my hand and then lift off it.

      now the stone was use to practice lifting things with my mind. it was the first thing i had success in. later i used it to run my enrgy threw. as you said “ground my energy” yes well i would put it in my hand to keep me from loseing my mind. lets just say i have many diffrent poblems from many diffrent angles.

      what i meant by bare hand is because i would take the stone off my hand. let me say it now it is not a pyramid it is flat on 2 sides and all off the corner’s are smooth and rounded. well i would try and consentrate on my enrgy on my hand with out the stone being on my hand. so leaving nothing for it to be grounded. well what i seen was were the stone normally is nothing was there but my hand. its not that big. when what ever i had manifest looked like it surrounded my hand but in the middle was a hole to my hand in the triangle shape.

      so my question was if it was my aura. but you answered that, i have many ideas on what it could be but its always best from other people points. if i didnt clear something up for you let me know. i almost forgot you asked about my eye color well thats something in itself. they change color’s from blue, green, and brown.

  3. Anonymous says:

    cool I saw my aura by your method. also I have dreamed of seeing people’s auras. I have had pretty vivid dreams of auras around people in my life. Like my coworkers or friends.

    • Ama says:

      Hi Anonymous,

      You probably ‘see’ auras clairvoyantly, and need to tell your conscious mind its ok to see them with your eyes as well.

      I see auras as patterns of energy, very seldom with colours, but I can ‘read’ them just fine, when the need arises.

      Love & Peace

  4. Oana says:

    So I’ve followed the instructions and turns out I see a white with blueish tint color. I wonder how the rest of it looks C:

    Also my first post on this site! :) But I’ve been following the posts and comments for a very long time now, and learned many things, and ended up loving the community here.

    • Ama says:

      Hello Oana,

      What is your genetic heritage, if you would like to share? I am interested to see if what I read a few years ago is true .. that the different nationalities of the world give us physical auras in different colours?

      Love & Peace

      • Oana says:

        Hello Ama,

        I am of Romanian heritage but also have a good portion of Székely blood from my grandfather’s side, possibly Cuman blood down the line as well :U

        • Ama says:

          Thank you Oana,

          I think we should put a map on the wall and stick pins in it, of the colours of people’s auras, to see whether the idea of the colours being race related is true? LOL

          Anyone else want to join in?

          Love & Peace

  5. blacktiti89 says:

    I am also from Romania…:)…if the world is said to be ” small ” I guess so is the internet!Good luck with your aura reading,Oana!:)

    • Ama says:

      Hey CT,

      Do you have a wall chart with pins in it that tells you where True Ghosts Tales is ‘touching the world’? Or do you have it in stats for the site? Mine tells me from where people have found my site. :-)

      Love & Peace

    • Oana says:

      Hello BlackTiti89,

      Small world indeed :D and thank you!

  6. Lisa (Fawnna) says:

    Hello all :)

    Mine is a bluish/white, pretty cool, thanks.

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