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Haunted Church And Ruins

Posted on June 12, 2008

When I was in grade three, my dad’s company invited us for a field trip. I loved the idea. Me and my two sisters, with my dad of course, joined the trip. It was a pretty place, with old houses, old churches, everything looked old.

It was lunch when everyone decided to have lunch in one of the old churches there. The church has a mansion at the back, with ruins at the side. The ruins looked spooky with bricks everywhere and even though the whole city was hot the area where the ruins were was so cold that I wore my jacket.

By then, when I was about to go deeper my dad announced it was lunch and I had to go, but I know and I felt that someone was watching me. Actually as a kid, I had many experience with ghosts, not to mention the headless guy I saw in my window right beside my bed. I got so used to them that even though I saw them pass my bathroom wall while I was taking a bath I just continued. But this was different.

After lunch I decided to go back, but this time inside the church. Inside, there were wooden chairs and if you went straight ahead, there was a chair styled like a throne, with silk cloth (maroon) and one thing I cant forget, I thought somebody was sitting in it.

When we were about to leave I asked dad what the ruin was for. I almost fell off my chair when I heard the story, and here it goes:

“In the Spanish time of our country, many of our men lost their lives because of the non-stop killing of the foreigners. The ruins there was once an executing site and “dumpsite” for the bodies of our ancestors. And one thing more, rumors say that spirits there want to go back, that’s why children are not allowed to roam around and play there. But the most famous rumor ever heard about that place is about a man who promised to come back, and when he did his body was found there unconscious and he never opened his eyes again, but he was not dead, they say his soul was taken and had joined the tortured souls, that is why there were more crying and shouting at night”.

I’m in third year high school now and I can still remember that day. I even asked dad ages ago if there was a mass being held there. He said, “they stopped it in the end of late 70′s”. That made me think of the priests I saw roaming around the grounds. I have dreamed of them again and again until now, they’re calling me, and oh! before I forget did a mention “I made a promise of going back?”

Sent in by Gayle, Copyright 2008 True Ghost Tales

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No Responses to “Haunted Church And Ruins”
  1. Ama says:

    Hi Amie,

    Who told you your chart was changed?

    It can only be changed with your permission .. we all write our own journeys. What actually happened between Jan and May 1982?

    And have you thought about making some serious changes in the life you now have, so that you can be happy .. like leaving your husband completely and opening the door for change to come in?

    There is no guarantee that the man you think you were supposed to be with would have made you happy. We make ‘ourselves’ happy, other people can only help with this.

    Blaming God, the High Council, demi gods, angels or guides is not accepting responsibility for what we create for ourselves. You were not given free will for nothing.

    Turn around – look at the good things in your life .. and look for them. By continuously focusing on the negative, all you find is what you are looking for.

    Love & Peace
    Ama Nazra

    • Lady Killer says:

      That was a great answer there Ama.

      It is true that if you are always looking for the negative in your life then that is all that you will get. No angel had nothing to do with what has happen to you. As again Ama said you were not given free will for nothing. If you really set down and think about things you will see that maybe if I had done this different and so on you would be very happy right now and maybe this Jeff person is not the person for you. Start seeing the good things and live for the positive things and I promise nothing but good will happen for you.
      Take it from some one who has been there and done that I know what I am talking about and until you see what you have in front of you that is good you will continue to have a sad and depressing life for ever.

  2. A.J. Ryder says:

    hi Amie

    I confess, I am a little confused by your post. Am I right in thinking, that something happened in 1982 between you and Jeff which went against the life that YOU HAD PLANNED out for yourself?

    Our karma is ‘fixed’ from the point of birth until the point of death. All major events in our lives are karma. I’m stuggling to understand why you think your karma has been altered by God? Or is it easier to ‘blame’ god for all the bad things that happen in our lives, rather than accepting life is made up of both good and bad elements. We have the power to do something ourselves to improve our lives, rather than just dwelling on the bad stuff? Taking control of our lives so to speak.

    Sorry – not having a go, I’m just trying to understand where you’re coming from.

    And what are the Great Ashakara Temples please? I keep getting the word ‘Ashakarei’ (phonetic) from my guides. I’m just curious, what are these temples?


    • Lady Killer says:

      There are those people that has to blame some thing else other then themselves to make them fell better about themselves and what they have done . It is not right people should take owner ship to what they have done themselves in their lives.

      • Ama says:

        Hi Lady Killer ..

        I agree, we should all accept responsibility for what we create. And I really think we should try to act from Love in all circumstances. It is very easy to be negative, when a positive reaction might change not only your life, but someone else’s.

        Love & Peace

  3. siddle says:

    I’m also confused. I’ve heard of Akashic Temple, but never Ashakara. Please enlighten. I’m curious as to what/who would give you such a high expectation that goes even above your own assumed will.

    Other then that, I’m really at a loss here. I’ve loved people, and thought they were the best possible future for me, but that was merely cathexis. If it was love and changed over time, I either found out how to work with the change, or if there was too much negative energy…..well……I took the hint.

    Also, there does seem to be a duality here: In one respect you believe in the wisdom and guidance of a Council and acknowledge God. In the other, you think you know better then any of them, even though their placement seems to mostly just facilitate our soul’s will in this reality.

    Michael Newton and Dr. Brian Weiss both found cases, where during regression, guides were “surprised” by a particular incarnation result. One of my favorites was a case about a man who decided half way through his life to be a career runner (was in many long distance events). He died during a marathon, due to overexertion. Upon the death of that life, he met his spirit guide and soulgroup and they were very puzzled, and simply said..”You are supposed to be getting married today! What happened?”
    If this tells me anything, it’s that we have more influence over our own lives and spiritual growth than anyone! As Ama said…..”we make ourselves happy.”

    Also, because will can change, I firmly believe it is all about how we react to a situation that determines judgement of ourselves between lives (and even karmic debt). Please ask yourself how you have handled this situation.

    • LunaTerra says:

      Hi Siddle!
      I hadn’t read your comment before posting my own, but I think we have pretty much said the same thing, so I agree with you, too!!

      • siddle says:

        hahaha….understand; and I agree that we agree as well!

        yeah, I’m starting to realize this myself. I will write a comment (and sadly, take an hour to do so), so by the time I’ve posted I usually see a few others that i wish I would have included in my comment. Great minds think alike….but also in unison, I guess. :)

  4. jk says:

    Why, because it is nothing more than demonic, guides, charts, high council is nothing more than a deception. To deceive whom you might ask. You and anyone else that they can occupy with such things to keep you from seeking a relationship with God through His Son Jesus. Surely you have heard of spiritual warfare and I am sure that your guides have given you a different definition than the truth. Spiritual warfare is very simple. When Jesus died as the once and for all perfect blood sacrifice for all and God raised Him to life on the 3rd day, satan and all evil were defeated and Jesus now holds the keys to death, hell and the grave. For anyone that believes that He is who He says He is and has done what He said He has done and surrenders their life to Him, He gives those very same keys to them along with His authority over evil spirits. Spiritual warfare is nothing more than a battle between Jesus and satan and His dark forces for every living soul that has not committed themselves to Christ. If they can deceive you long enough and you pass away without making a decision to follow Jesus, they become victors even though they know their destiny the last little pleasure they can have is to cause one of Godd’s creations to go to Hell with them. A simple case of ultimate evil and hatred mixed in with misery loves company. Renounce these guides and stop being deceived and seek out the Holy Spirit to possess your soul before something else does.

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Well … After reading that JK, I now feel so very sorry for the Sikh’s, Hindu’s, Jews’ ,Muslim’s, Buddhist’s, Zoroastrian’s, followers of Shinto, Jainism, Taoism, Bahá’í, and all other religions that do not follow Christ’s teaching in finding their spiritual enlightenment.

      That’s a lot of souls condemned to demonic forces without any hope of redemption, that is!!! Is God really that uncompationate???


      PS I always thought it was Archangel Auriel (Uriel) who held the keys to the gates of hell, not Jesus?

      • Ama says:

        Uriel .. I have that understanding too, AJ,

        Love & Peace

        • ERIK says:

          Ama, what are your feelings about astrology, and how it may or may not fit in with God’s plans? From a young age, I have had the ability to quite easily read birth charts and I say with conviction that there is a lot of truth in them.

          • Ama says:

            Hi Erik,

            My feelings about astrology are mixed. Because I believe we choose our lives, when, where, with whom, and what we learn, I think we also pick the influence of the planets and stars we are born under. Whether these influences are real, or simply the constructs of millions of believers over the millenia, I don’t know, but I do know that I am a Gemini Cancer cusp, and I am both .. I have the light touch (airyness) of the Gemini, and the home loving nature of the Cancer, among other attributes (and challenges) of both. What I was taught, by a wise, and old, friend, is that one of the challenges of our lives is to work through the aspects of our chosen astrological sign .. and come out as stronger people on the other side. I am not sure if this is true, but it is very interesting idea.

            At one stage in my life I had seven Leo’s around me. They were all challengers, but many of them I considered friends. One of the strongest challenges of a Leo is controlling their ego, and one of my lessons in this lifetime is understanding mine .. so they were good teachers, often in very painful ways. I was very glad to pass through THOSE lessons. LOL And when I did those people passed out of my life. It was a very interesting time.

            Which bit of God’s plan were you talking about?

            Love & Peace

      • ERIK says:

        Perhaps one can make the case that the demonic actually want us to believe that such are things are demonic when they really aren’t.

        • Ama says:

          Hi Erik, (and everyone)

          The dark wants us to believe anything that will make us fearful, angry, judgmental and abusive. When we are like that we play straight into their hands. They will twist the thinking of very good people, and attack very good people, good Christian ones .. and people from all the other religions and belief systems in the world.

          Being a Christian makes us vulnerable to attack because Christians fear the devil, which empowers it. They/we are taught to do that. It has become the ultimate threat. A belief that strong, believed by so many people over the millenia, can take on a life of its own .. and so ‘good’ Christians, truly beautiful souls, are harassed .. and then the church ‘leaders’ add to the problem by telling them they are insane, or deluded, or imagining things, or inventing things ….

          Why doesn’t God step in and answer the prayers of these very good people? If you ask the church you’ll get told they are ‘not good enough’ .. not good enough Christians .. not pious enough, not .. what .. honest, kind, god-fearing, awe inspired, loving enough? If I knew the answer to that bit of c**p, maybe I would be able to help a few truly loving souls, good christians .. catholic, church going .. who are harassed .. and yes, they’ve been prayed over by priests and bishops and whole churches, and had hands on healing from ministers inside the church, and so many other ‘church’ solutions .. and yet it continues. Where do they turn when the church fails them?

          Sorry, I got off topic, but this one really makes me mad. Right now people are speaking of the corruption inside the Catholic church, and all the other churches should be having a hard look at their structures, ministers and lay people. They have not escaped the spread of the polluting energy, their foundations are all ‘catholic’ based.

          This will probably get me jumped on by the fundamentalists who are reading this site, so I’ll apologise to Caretaker now, but if we do not face this reality, and change ourselves, and work at becoming better people .. then Christianity will die of fear as people turn away from a God that judges and finds us wanting, because that is the biggest lie in the bible, as far as I’m concerned.

          God is a loving, compassionate being, who taught us truth .. and being human we took that truth and scrambled it and created churches, and the bibles. We lost the love in our need to be better than everyone else, to be more powerful .. but nothing is more powerful than God, nor more loving, and we have to find that loving within ourselves, because God is within all of us .. we have to stop looking at the differences between us all, and see only God.

          So yes, the demonic will twist everything, and everyone, given the opportunity. It is up to us to not allow it to happen, to not open a door to it in our lives, and safety is not found in closing our hearts and minds, but in walking the path of the Spiritual Warrior ..fearless, loving and God (whichever God) driven.

          I shall now climb down off my soapbox ..

          Love & Peace

          • A. J. Ryder says:

            LOL! Climbing procariously onto soapboxe’s is catching … hahaha!

            Well said, Ama!


          • Ama says:

            Step up, step down, step up, step down .. its my exercise program, AJ, it keeps my mind fit .. getting away from this computer .. well .. LOL

            Love & Peace

    • ERIK says:

      Do you think that reincarnation is real, or is it demonic in nature as well? I’m struggling right now to find answers to questions like this. On one hand, there are evidence of cases where young children seem to recall exact details of past lives, details that can actually be verified upon research. If this is demonic, then it would mean that evil spirits were actually influencing the young child to have such memories. This I find hard to believe because 3 or 4 year old children are usually ‘innocent’.

      • Ama says:

        Hi Erik,

        Not everything is demonic, and certainly I do not believe reincarnation is. I was born with memories of previous lives, and speaking two other languages .. one of them was french. I still understand french when people are speaking, not whole sentences, but can answer questions when asked, relating to whatever subjects the people are discussing. I answer in english because I only speak english .. and have struggled for years to learn other languages .. and failed. Being interested in theology, I would love to be able to read the hebrew, aramaic and greek directly .. but have to rely on my Interlinear Bible and my lexicons, because I can’t even grasp the Hebrew alphabet. It is very frustrating.

        If you believe what the fundamental Christians believe, then all children, from the moment they are born, are born in a state of sin. That leaves them open to all sorts of nasty entities, and makes baptism an absolute necessity. It can even happen from the moment of conception, depending on what sort of christianity people believe in. Personally, I don’t think God is that cruel. Yes, if its true, Adam and Eve made a profound mistake, but Christ came and freed us from that mistake .. so why are the children born today, born into sin?

        So .. in reality there are millions of people on the planet with past life memories, starting with multitudes of documented cases in countries like Indian, where people have a belief in the subject, and don’t tell their kids ‘its all your imagination’ when little Johnny suddenly tells them they remember something odd. And people, grown up sensible people, also talk about what they ‘remember’ about themselves, when they are not frightened of being judged in any way. And we have documented cases in the West, such as Bridie Murphy, and some ladies recently (on tv) saying they were born again as a group, having previously been Cathars who were martyred (murdered) by the Catholic Church. My question for them would be ‘why now’ and ‘what are you learning’, rather than condemning them to being deluded.

        If we are reincarnated, and I know we are, then God is good and kind and allows us to mess up our lives and then come back again and again and work on it, as many times as it takes to get it right. This, in my opinion, doesn’t disempower what Jesus did for us on the Cross, more it shows God in a more humane light. Gone is the ‘only one chance or you go to hell’ mentality, and that disempower the ‘church’ .. which is what they are really terrified about. But I’ll let that subject be ..

        Can children be troubled by demons, yes. Do I think baptism helps .. yes, I do actually. Both my kids are baptised, for the blessing the power of belief of millions of people over the millenia provides, and the love of God which wraps them in a blanket of protection .. for as long as they need it.

        Wishing you a good day,
        Love & Peace

        • ERIK says:

          Speaking of children, I seem to have noticed that children that are abused, especially sexually, are often more vulnerable to demonic attack. Its as if the demons are savagely preying on the most emotionally vulnerable. I don’t know how such victims even make it through life having lived through that. As always, thank you for your insightful answers.

          • Ama says:

            Abused kids, abused adults, abusers .. depressed people .. anyone who expresses a lot of very negative energy .. but lots of people in those groups do not have problems with demons .. so it has to be something else as well.

            Love & Peace

        • ERIK says:

          I’d like to think that reincarnation is a reality, and it makes sense to me. Some claim that Jesus actually spoke of it, but that those parts were deliberately kept out of the bible, or interpreted differently. Because of a tramatic incident I had in June, involving what I believe was a portal to the demonic, I have turned my life over to God and stopped dabbling in the supernatural, actually it was more then dabbling, it consumed my life. Not only was I doing things like using the ouija and spirit box, but I was deliberately taking pills and drinking alchohol in order to futher ‘open’ the channels to the spirit world. So now, I think I stil have some attachments. I took some photographs of myself the other day in all three my left hand appeared grotesque looking and abnormally large. It was also a completly different shade of color then the rest of my body. I wish there was a way we could exchange e-mail addresses, because some of the pictures I have as evidence are truly shocking, and its nice to get another’s opinion on them.

          • Ama says:

            Hi Erik,

            Would you like to send our photos to me privately? You can find an email link on my webpages here under Friends .. Victorian Paranormal Connection. We might be able to help remove some of those ‘attachments’.

            Love & Peace

          • Ama says:

            One quote that is still in the bible, that I know off the top of my head, is “Elijah is himself again” spoke about John the Baptist, by Jesus. There would have been better ways of saying ‘John is like Elijah’, if he had not been referring to something that is no longer addressed by the bible.

            Love & Peace

          • A. J. Ryder says:

            Hi Erik

            I too, would be interested in seeing those photo’s.


            • CareTaker says:

              AJ I dont have a problem at all with your posting a link to your website. I tried searching but I dont think I found it.

          • CareTaker says:

            Erik – Use this //www.trueghosttales.com/paranormal/contact/ to send me a message and I will reply which will allow you to send in your pictures if you like

          • A. J. Ryder says:

            Awww …. bless you CT … MMMWWWWAAAA!

            Hey! Erik!
            If you go to my website at http://www.book-of-trinity.com and go to the contact page you can email me from there.



  5. LunaTerra says:

    Hello Amie,
    First off, I agree with Ama and AJ. I, however have questions for you. First, I think that it is much easier for us to blame someone or something else for our problems, but in the end “we” are the only ones responsible for how or lives turn out. one of my favorite quotes is, “Our choices land us where we are in life; if you don’t like how your life turned out, make other choices.”

    That said, as far as our “charts” are concerned, WE write them and, as Ama said, they only can be changed with our permission. We write our charts for various reasons and only major events are written in. Our free will takes over and what we decide when we are presented with said event, shapes how our lives turn out and what we learn. We write our charts for learning purposes or to right a wrong from a previous life.(balance Karma) I ask you, how is it that you know “exactly” how your chart was written?

    Most of us, when we are reincarnated, don’t have full or any memory of this, and for a good reason! If we remembered everything about our charts it would inhibit or interfere with our learning and/ or how or if the Karma will be righted. You don’t go , as an honest peron, into an exam with the “answer sheet” in your pocket, do you? What would you learn if you did? You would end up repeating the exam if you were caught, too, wouldn’t you? You may know bits and pieces of you chart, but only what is pertinent to you for your learning or Karmic purose. I feel, that you know that it was written in your chart that you would be with Jeff, however, your life with him has been up to your own free will as to how it would turn out.

    Also, we don’t write people into our charts “just’ to have a “happily ever after;” there has to be learing or Karmic balancing involved. Could it be that the choices you have made reguarding you encounter with your husband determined the outcome of your situation? Could you have possibly made other choices? You see, the only thing “written in stone,” so to speak, is the encounter with your husband itself. To which direction your relationship will take depends on your own decisions as well as his.

    If you are hitting a brick wall, so to speak, there is a reason and another choice for you to make. I am very genuinely sorry that you are not happy with the way your life has turned out thus far, but I feel that we all must take owness for our own lives and decisions, and it is up to us to change what we don’t like about our lives.

    Best of luck to you, embrace whatever it is you are supposed to learn from here on out, and I sinserely hope that from this moment on, you will make the chices that will give you a better outcome for your life.

  6. LunaTerra says:

    Hello Amie,
    I think we really need to hear from you. Many people here, I feel are speaking from genuine concern, and would love for you to clarify a bit more, so that they can understand more what you are trying to express. Was it a psychic who told you your chat was changed? Do you really feel that the powers that be, intervened and you have no say or control over your situation? The best thing i can tell you is that you DO have control over what happens in your life and that you can change things to make your life happier. Whether or not you will be happy with your husband again, I cannot guarantee. Could it be that you are scared to make the change needed to find happiness? We are all scared at times to venture into the unknown, but it is in the unknown that we often find new happiness.

  7. jk says:

    AJ, God is compassion. So very compassionate that He gave His only Heavenly Son, which was actually a part of Himself, to be our once and for all perfect blood sacrifice for our sinful nature.

    Christ not only suffered a physical death, He bore all of our penalties for our wrong doing even though He lived a perfect life on earth. He bore our ever little worry, discomfort, heartbreak, and pain on that cross of crucifiction so that all we have to do id say Lord take this burden from me and He will everytime. When He died it was finished nothing else needed to be done. No need for anything other than believe His sacrifice was for you and it was and to cultivate a daily loving relations with God through Christ Jesus.

    God has not condemned all of those people you mentioned. It is a fact that most of the world, even the most remote tribes have heard the Gospel and what Christ did for them too. Many all over the world gave their lives to Christ and many did not. China, which had very few Christians because of its comunist government is now one of the fastest growing Christian populations in the world, why? because they were hungry for it and had heard long before missions were allowed in about Christ. So, there is a choice to make. When most people in the world have heard the gospel and rejected Christ, then they have rejected the Gospel and the salvation that it brings. In essence they have condemned themselves and it was not God who condemned them. They chose to reject the loving sacrifice that He made and in turn chose hell.

    God gave us free will to choose to follow Christ in order to be with God, what would our love be for God if He made us to love Him. It is satan who has deceived so many peopleinto believing that there are actually more choice than to reject God or love Him, when in reality there are no other choices. So see, God is very compassionate, but His plan is that we seek Him, He will not seek us and He promised that if we sought Him we would surely find Him and He has never broken that promise to anyone who earnestly sought Him.

    The Bible says that narrow is the gate to Heaven and many will not pass through, if you do not mind my paraphrasing again, I think you get my meaning. Everyone has the choice to love or reject God through Christ Jesus. If someone simply ignores the fact that they must make a choice, then they are flat out rejecting God, there is no difference ad no other choice. Everything else that I have seen and studied over the course of my life would have led to a dead end or to hell. I cannot imagine my daily life now without Christ Jesus in it and the assurance that He and the Heavenly Father have given me in it. The toughest thing for me to do on a sight like this is to convince others that it is all truth, people want evidence and facts.

    I am telling you evidence and fact but you will not believe it until you have surrendered your life to H. If we all had hard evidence that the Gospels were true then there would be no need for faith and trust. In order for something to be eternaly valuable it must come from Faith and trust. If you want to know if all this Jesus stuff is true, commit yourself to truly seeking Him and you will too know for sure.

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Hi JK

      You’ve missed my point – all those religions I listed ARE NOT Christians. They DO NOT look to the the New Testimant alone for spiritual guidance. They DO NOT worship Christ above all others. They DO NOT want to become part of the Christian fellowship.

      I know God is merciful and I know God is compationate. I know God is consumed with unconditional love because God loves us all equally, regardless of whether we chose to be a Christian, Sikh, Hindu, Jew ,Muslim, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, or followers of Shinto, Jainism, Taoism, Bahá’í, and those following all other religions, and also the athiests. God even loves people like myself and Ama who choose not to conform to any one religion, rather study and learn and grow spiritually outside the confines of any religion.

      God even loves Satan and all the fallen angels, that is how loving God is. If God didn’t love his ‘first born’ creation, God would’ve simply destroyed Satan and the fallen along with him, not just punish them by kicking thim out of His house. That is how much love God has to offer, to all that is in heaven and earth. His love is boundless.

      Now I’ve got that of my chest – I really am genuinely pleased that you have found the right path to God, FOR YOU. I really am. It is our faith that we draw on in times of trouble as much as it is our faith that we draw on in times of plenty. I am sincerely happy for you, that you find solace in Christ and the Lord God Almighty.

      However, it makes me weep when people who, having found their path to enlightenment, then assume its perfectly alright to vermantly try to convert everyone else to their way of thinking through fear. This is nothing short of bullying. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Christian or Jew, wiccan or spirtualist doing these things – for anyone to start proclaiming that their way is the only way or you’ll succumb to something evil, is an evil act in itself – pure and simple!

      God judges us by our actions in life – are we charitable to others? Do we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves? And so on and so forth. God does not judge us by which doctrine we chose to follow. I do not have to ‘surrender to Jesus’ (become a practicing Christian) in order to see God’s glory for myself, and neither does anyone else because God is there for all of us.

      JK – this post has not been aimed at you personally, I just felt the need for a general rant because I’m tired of those who use region to try and victimise others.

      I’ll creep back down off my soap box now …..


      • Ama says:

        Well said AJ! .. please .. climb back on, we love you for it. LOL

        And that will be the last message from me your today .. I am going to the city to visit my daughter. I shall answer questions later.

        Love & Peace

      • ERIK says:

        “God loves Satan”……How did you establish that?

        • A. J. Ryder says:

          Hi Erik

          OK – let me put it another way …

          Imagine you are a powerful ruler. Your first born is lavished with all your knowledge and splender to teach your child how to be such a powerful ruler. Your first born knows as much as you do. You trust your first born with your life because it is your first born. You trust your first-born with that knowledge.

          Then, one day, your first born – whom you have loved so unconditionally and trusted so faithfully – rises up against you with an army, threatening to over-power you so that they may rule instead of you.

          What would you do to your first born?
          Would you kill your off-spring so to secure your throne??
          Could you bring yourself kill your own flesh and blood?

          Or ..

          would you spare your off-springs life?
          Would you forgive your first-born their lack of loyalty and untrustworthy nature – for this is your first-born after all. Your off-spring that you have invested all your unconditional love into and, despite your off-spring turning on you like a wolf in the night, you still love your first-born so much, you can not bring yourself to destroy your beloved child.

          Is it better your child is expelled from your lands? Or is it better that you watch your child be executed like a rabid dog?

          Which would you choose, Erik??


          • Ama says:

            And we find this story in NT Luke 15:11-32

            True love is a wonderful thing,
            Love & Peace

          • ERIK says:

            If Satan and his minions displayed true remorse and a willingness to change then I could see your point, but the exact opposite is? That doesn’t sound like true forgiveness to me. God loves us all, but he’s a just God too and doesn’t tolerate willful and unrepented disobiedience.

          • Ama says:

            Hi Erik,

            When did you last talk to a fallen angel, or the ‘the devil’, to find out what was truly in their heart? The church teaches that demons cannot be redeemed, but .. I have to disagree. From my experience, God has not shut the door on anyone, or thing, that has turned their back on the dark and asked to be taken Home again.

            Just look at your own life, and I mean this kindly .. were you a perfect child? I know I wasn’t. I wasn’t too bad, but I had my moments, and my parent allowed me to make amends for my bad behaviour .. and I believe God does the same for us .. otherwise, right now all of us would not exist at all.

            God does not punish anyone, or anything. We are all capable of change, and allowed to learn and grow. How do you learn and grow if you are abandoned by heaven?

            Love & Peace

          • A. J. Ryder says:

            Hi Ama

            “And we find this story in NT Luke 15:11-32″

            Do we? Is it?? (flicks through NT to have a look). Odd! I don’t really do the NT – except for Revelation (love that one – very imaginative) … much prefer the OT myself, out of the two.

            Now read the parable … yeah! Similar …

            Hi Erik

            So, you’re decision would be to have your first born executed like a rabid dog for rising up against you, yes???


    • ERIK says:

      JK, amen to what you say brother. For years, I had that ‘open’ mind about religions and spirituality. I thought that perhaps the truth was a little bit of each religion. I also dabbled in the supernatural, quite a bit. When I discovered a few back that I had clairvoyance, I became obsessed with it all, using the spirit box, ouija, you name it. I was reckless and didn’t think of the consequences. Well, I started getting demonically attacked at one point, so instinctively, I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. And then, the attacks increased 10 fold for awhile. And I know why, its because Satan and his minions were angry that they didn’t have me in their grasps anymore. Now, when they come, I simply call on God, Jesus, the archangels..and they problem is taken care of instantly, whereas when I tried any other method to get rid of them it invariably wouldn’t work. I believe that as Christians we have a duty to engage in spiritual warfare and fight the enemy through the glory of God, and it isn’t suppposed to easy! In fact, I find that if I even take two steps back towards my old ways, the enemy slips in and comes after me. This of course is because through sin we give him legal rights to enter back into our lives.

  8. Ama says:

    Hello again,

    I should have added that this applies to ‘born again Christians’. Before then they might have been considered to be in willful disobedience …

    Love & Peace

  9. ERIK says:

    True, I can’t speak for what might be in demon’s hearts, and if they could honestly repent and turn to God then that would indeed be a miraculous thing.

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Hi Erik

      I believe that Satan and his fallen will repent ………. the day they no longer have a hold, or any influence on us mortals. They will repent, the day we chose not to live in fear of them. They will repent, the day we stop allowing them to ‘feed’ on us. They will repent, the day they no longer have empowerment over us. And on that day, God will allow them back into his House. He will judge them, just as we are judged. They will be given the opportunity to be saved. If they choose to kneel before God then God will embrace them. If they choose not to kneel before God, then …………. well …………. guess their time will finally be up!!?


      • Ama says:

        And they repent when they can no longer fight the confusion in their hearts, which are still totally focused on God (in a really negative way). Jesus reached to everyone, and everything on the planet that had been touched by the first fallen angel, and calls them Home. It’s a Siren Song that beings who are not in the Light do not want to hear, but they can!

        Think of the greek legends about the sirens. They lured men to their deaths with their music, over water. Metaphysically water = emotions. And if we remember ‘as above, so below’, here’s the reverse of God calling the good within us Home.

        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siren I do wish I could write more profoundly, but its too COLD this morning. LOL

        Love & Peace
        Frosty Ama

      • ERIK says:

        I think most don’t live in fear of them simply because most don’t believe they even exist. The demonic heavily influences people in the world regardless though and their goal is to try to get us to take our lives and drive us away from God by urging us to commit sin, and quite often sickening atrocities. While doing this they are responsible for an enormous amount of pain and suffering. I’m still trying to understand your reasoning of why you even think they would ever repent regardless if God would forgive them or not.

        • Ama says:

          Hi Erik,

          Because the Christ energy is in every person, and every-thing, on this planet. And God IS everything on this planet, so the fallen are still part of God, and still ‘called’ to God, the same way you and I are. You can’t separate a bit of something out and say its not ‘God’ .. when EVERYTHING is God.

          And because I have had personal interactions with living people who have been fallen angels, and have met the fallen as ‘spirits’ (not a good word, since I equate that word to human beings), and have been told their stories. They might struggle to be Light at times, but they are still back in the Light, and living the Love of God in profound ways. Think of born again Christians .. don’t they truly feel blessed to be ‘back within God’s arms’ .. so do those that were fallen.

          Love & Peace

        • A. J. Ryder says:

          Hi Erik

          All the demonic realm were ‘born’ in Heaven. God created them all. They are a part of God. Yes, they have been ‘led astray’ but their home is still inevitably in Heaven, with God.

          The old saying “love to hate” describes the demonic attitude best – they claim to be against their Father, they ‘hate’ everything about Him and what He stands for, yet their Father is still their ‘flesh and blood’ when all is said and done.

          So one day, they may come to realise that ‘blood is thicker than water’ and decide to return to Him, repentant. Most likely, on ‘Judgement Day’ ….?


  10. Joel says:

    well change has been happening very rapidly recentley and I believe it will alter faster in the future. but what 1 must understand every thing is done for a purpose. you must accept it and embrce the change or it will always be bad.

  11. LunaTerra says:

    God gave His word to man and he interpreted it many ways. In so many ways did man interpret it to where it’s true meaning has been lost. Much is left up to interpretation now, and everyone interprets the Bible in different ways, paraphrasing passages that best fit their arguments that their interpretation is the “right one.” But what is, or does it even matter, as long as we seek God and find Him. Religions are like different roads all leading to the same place; it doesn’t matter which road you choose as long as you get to where you are going. Each religion seeks God, each religion respects God. Those who follow the religion that is right for them will still find God. He is here for all of us; even the one’s who are not seeking him at all. God is all loving, all compassionate, and extremely patient. He will wait all of eternity for us to eventually find him. For you see, no matter what walk of life you choose, be it good or bad, God is still waiting you to come home to Him. His heart is still filled with love, even for the lowliest of vagrants. You see, He love US ALL! Choose the religion that suits you; it doesn’t matter. All God wants is for you to come to Him and He will patiently wait for you.

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Amen to that, Luna


    • Ama says:

      There is no ‘time’ as we know it in the spiritual planes. There is only ‘here’ and ‘now’, and God waits in the now! It only takes a moment to make a difference …

      Love & Peace

      • LunaTerra says:

        Exactly, Ama!!!
        there I go thinking like a human again!! LOL!!! I do remember you stating that in another comment about Time constrains not existing in the Astral realm.!

  12. LunaTerra says:

    @Ama, AJ, Siddle, Diana and anyone who wishes to open up their minds more. i found this site that talks about the book, God Without Religion, by Sankara Saranam> I have not yet read it, but t looks fascinating and possibly right on the money, so I will be buying this book and reading it soon! It does go along with our discussions!


    • Ama says:

      Having checked out the website – did I see that book at the Theosophical Society bookshop the other day when I was shopping with my daughter? I shall ring them and ask on Monday.

      I would be sad if we didn’t have some form of formalised groups gathering in the name of God. :-( It is very good for everyone to come together with the common belief in the Love of a Deity, and share our joy in that love among ourselves.

      In the meantime, thank you Luna, for pointing the book out to me.

      Love & Peace

      • LunaTerra says:

        I pointed this book out to you, (and mind you, I haven’t read it yet!) for us yet to explore the possibility of another option; another man’s opinion, if you will. You see, I find that the basic principal is true; that you can find God without following a formal religion, because God is here for all of us and we can find Him anywhere and everywhere. I do understand and appreciate the concepts of organized religions, as to the basis of groups gathering to Worship God who share the same beliefs. That concept in it’s simplest form would be ideal, but alas, many organized religions have been wrought with corruption, and the purest form of the religion has been mix up in it’s corruption. I would absolutely love the idea of a church that was formed just to praise and worship God in its most basic form without the corruptions of money and power, but a gathering of individuals who’s sole purpose is to worship, respect and show love to God.

        • siddle says:

          Thanks….good find! I have heard of it before, but…..and I’m guessing all of us could relate to this……I have a mountain of books to get through already. :) Sounds like I may have to add it to the top, however. You might also like Deepak Chopra, if you haven’t yet heard/read his work. I’m on a CD series called “How to Know God” and it covers the metaphysical and spiritual need in humans to find God. Great amount of energy put into “religion” in his research. It also goes through some great theology as well as Quantum physics. Amit Goswami is also a good one, but leans more towards the Quantum activist side…..so, much more physics than spirituality.

          I was looking for a “church” (since I last left the Christian church). Somewhere to discuss the types of things we do on this site. Recently, however, I have found that this site (as well as good philosophical discussions with friends) is in effect, my church. “Where two or more are gathered…..” Besides, I think we’ve long since lost our definition of church anyway.

          So for now, My “church” is to keep coming to this site to see what my new buddies, LunaTerra, Ama and A.J. Ryder have to say. :)

          Side note— I play guitar, bass and drums…..and in this, find God through vibrations. Ever since I first read Krishna’s declaration to Arjuna, that life was “sung into existence” (Bagavad Ghita) I was enamoured with the concept of sound and frequency. For good reason, modern scientists are theorizing a world beyond particle physics where infinitesimally small “strings” of energy create an orchestra that is our cosmos. So, I also find music to be my church as well. (really started to find that it’s any place/time/state of mind that opens you the most to God’s energy–for lack of better phrasing).

          But I love the concept you threw out….a place where many could come together to simply praise the creator of all things (probably the most apparent commonality we all share). But, as you said, without the religion. Religion is man made. Don’t get me wrong, there is rich culture in Religion (and visa versa), but I’ve only ever cared about God…..the “One”….the “creator”….the Source of all that is and all that is not….and I know many that feel similarly. Heck, maybe our creedo could be: We seek God…..we seek knowledge….we do not seek bylaws, tithing requirements or dress codes…ha!

          And, there I go again. With the forever trailing punctuation instead of grammatically correct usage of hyphens. That’s beyond “time to stop”, for me.

          So…short version: Thanks. agreed. Absolutely! ….and thanks again, Luna!. :)

          • Ama says:

            Thank you Siddle,

            I like being a buddy. :-)

            Love & Peace

          • A. J. Ryder says:

            Hey Siddle

            100% agree with the music thing … I also play bass, guitar, and sing, as well as play piano and violin. (hey! that rhymes – hahaha!)

            Music is facinating …


          • LunaTerra says:

            That was so nice, Siddle!! I like being a buddy, too!!!

        • Ama says:

          So would I, Luna. I guess we are going to have to start one. LOL

          Love & Peace

  13. LadyKiller says:

    @ A.J. Ryder Our Karma is not fixed from the time of birth we make that as we go nothing is set in stone from the time we breath we make are own road and travel as we see fit we should. Just wondering what makes you think that our Karma is set from the get go?

    Just asking that is all. If that were true then we have no free will and we are commanded to do what we have already been told to do in some book by our maker.

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Hi Ladykiller

      Karma =’a lesson to be learned’.

      So, each and every one of us are given a lesson to learn during our lifetime, which is given to us before we a born.

      Karma does not affect free-will, because it is up to us how we learn the lesson. The OP, for example, chooses not to take responsibility, rather blame everyone and everything else instead. She is making it harder for herself to learn her lesson – but that is her choice.


      • LadyKiller says:

        Ok now you are saying the opposite here you say it does not affect our free will but yet it is set from birth how can it be set from birth what our karma is but yet we still have free will I am so not understanding you at this point sorry I am a little confused here and yes we all are giving many life lessons and we must handle them in the right way or we may regret what we have done.

        • A. J. Ryder says:

          Hi LadyKiller

          It was the OP who had said her ‘chart’ had been changed, not me.


  14. Dennis says:

    Ah, “free will”, like to group it with “mass hysteria”, as I see a lot of folks in therapy that have “free will” issues that do a great job of apparently “screwing up their lives”.

  15. Dennis says:

    I went back and read this entire post and the more I read, the more disjointed it seems to be. I have tried to find anything on a “High Council Angels” and have come up with nothing. Even some friends of mine who are priests, when asked, knew nothing of such and wondered if I was taking it literaly as “angels” as cited in the Bible, as opposed to some noun used to describe beings of an angelic nature but not “angels”. Just going to let it go as it is way over my head.

    • Ama says:

      Hi Dennis,

      The lady is speaking from new age beliefs. The angelic high council is supposedly a gathering of the 12 archangels .. only I think there are only 8, because one third of the angels ‘fell’ .. including the archangels (but we will ignore that). Some people teach there are hundreds, or even thousands, of archangels .. it depends on what they believe.

      And I agree, the concept of free will can really screw up people’s heads. It’s a great ‘excuse’ for bad behaviour. I know folks who act badly and say they will balance karma in other lives. Makes me shake my head and groan.

      Love & Peace

      • A.J. Ryder says:

        Hi Ama

        Do you know what the Great Ashakara Temples are? (phonetic – “Ash-ak-ar-ei”) I’ve searched everywhere – not just on the internet either, but also other sources, but simply can’t find out anything at all.


        • Ama says:

          Hi AJ & LK,

          When the question first appeared I did a thorough search of the internet and found what you guys found. I know about Ankara (capital of Turkey), and I know about the Akashic Record .. where the life of each person (previous, current and possible futures) are stored – she might be refering to that, but the only Ashakara I could find was the movie.

          Which Bible is Ankara found in, LK? I looked in mine, and the website you mentioned, and can’t find it? Thank you for the website though .. I shall have fun browsing through it. :-)

          Love & Peace

    • A. J. Ryder says:

      Hi Dennis

      Yep! Have to agree with you … and yep! I tried but failed to find anything out too. I think the OP is either a hoax, or deluded. Either way, she should take a long subjective look at her life and see how she can improve it to make herself a much happier and more fulfilled person.


  16. LadyKiller says:

    the Great Ashakara Temples phonetic – Ash-ak-ar-ei

    The name is off from what I have found not sure where she came up with that name for it but this part that I have found with this name is ankara is found in the Bible you can read about this at this site http://lds.org/scriptures/bd/temple?lang=eng

    It is a similar thing may not be any thing of the sort that she is talking about but it is possible I break things down and look at all possible things that this could be.

    • A.J. Ryder says:

      Hi ladyKiller

      Thanks and yep! I’ve looked into that ……. also, there is a film called Ashakara.

      Not sure if either fit what the OP is refering to …?

      Very confusing …


      • Ama says:

        Hi guys,

        Being pedantic here, so ignore me (headache from hell today).

        I can’t find Ankara mentioned in the Bible, via my concordance (wonderful book). And LK, your link lead to the section on Temple, but searching back through the index, they also don’t mention Ankara or any of the other names listed on the wikipedia page. Hmm…

        For the more biblically inclined, I have Strong’s Complete Word Study Concordance, expanded edition.

        Love & Peace

  17. LadyKiller says:

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankara it is in the King James Version bible Ama. wikipedia seems to give lots of info about it all.

    Hope it helps some what, makes me want to do a write up on and learn about very thing it is a very interesting place seems like.

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