Ghosts In A House In The Dalles Oregon

Posted on March 9, 2009

From the time I was born or the ever since I can remember my family and I lived in a house in The Dalles Oregon. It was a three story house with a basement the main floor and a attic. The main floor is about 10 feet off the ground since most of the basement was above ground and the house set on top of it. I was born in a kinda of a small town/city in Eastern Oregon about 300 miles east of Portland. (The time and type of town where you could leave your doors unlocked and open at night in the summer without the worry that people would come in it was just something everyone did.) It was the early eighties back when Michael Jackson was King of Pop, and MTV actually played music. Along with Pee Wee’s play house. I’m sure you get the picture.

Anyway about the time I was 3 or 4 I would wake up in the middle of the night to wake my mom up to get me something to drink since I was not tall enough to obtain glasses and reach the sink. My brother and I shared a bedroom at the back of the house that had a bathroom between our room and my parents room. So I would go through both doors and go into my parents bedroom and wake my mom up to get something to drink.

Well a few nights when I first crossed the threshold of the second door and into my parents bedroom I stopped cold in my tracks and my heart began to race from an image outside of the second window in my parents room on my dad’s side of the bed. The image at the window was that of a glowing white skeleton that seemed to be missing it’s head. I was frightened to move for a few moments but at that time seemed like forever. Then once I could gain movement I ran as fast as I could the short distance to my moms side of the bed and shook her as fast as I could and when I looked up the thing was gone. Remember at the beginning when I mentioned the height of the main floor.

I don’t know how something other than a ghost could over at the window which itself was at least a foot to two feet off the ground. So in total would be 11 – 12 feet off of the ground. A while later after the first encounter after some uneventful nights of waking my mom for something to drink I became calm and after not seeing anything for awhile I began to think that maybe I just imagined it. Then one night as usual I woke in the middle of the night as was routine and went to my parents room and again was frightened to see a big glowing white oblong shaped head with big black eyes and a small mouth at the same window that the previous thing had appeared. (It wouldn’t be till many years later that what I had seen resembled almost exactly the many depictions of what aliens look like.) Again once I could move I raced to my mom and woke her up and again the thing at the window disappeared when I looked up after my mom was awake.

Now about a year or so after that my sisters got new bunk beds since my little sister was getting older and able to have her own bed but the beds wouldn’t fit into their room at the front of the house by the front porch. So we had to have our beds to their room at the front of the house and they would have our room at the back of the house.By now I was about 5 – 6. Still in the habit of asking my mom for drinks every now and then not every night anymore. : P I would wake up and not wanting to traverse in the darkness of the living room and then to my parents room. I would just turn on our bedroom light and open the door and call my mom until she came.(My brother could sleep through anything even when one time the bunkbed fell on him when we had switched bunks.) Well a few times after she had given me a drink and I was 100% positive my mom had turned off the light when I was tucked back in my bed.

I would wake up with a weird feeling and the light would be back on then I would run really fast and turn it back on cause I was a little spooked. I thought at first it was my brother but I would look up at my brother on the top bunk and he would be snoring away. I would even call his name to see if he was just faking but he wouldn’t wake up and kinda of just mumbled in his sleep and kept snoring.

Then one hot summer night I was awakened to some really creepy voices that at first I couldn’t tell where they were coming from but they started to get clearer and clearer. Saying in a ghostly creepy voice ” Cccchrrrissss Ccchrisss we have the piano that you ordered.” This kept repeating till I found the source was coming from the front porch and I looked out the one window in our room which is on the right of the front door from the inside but would be on the left if you were on the outside.

I could see the area in front of the front door by looking at an angle on the far right of the window looking left and I saw two ghostly apparitions solid white with dark outlines where a shirt and pants would be and my heart started beating even faster. As they repeated the same thing again and got to the part about the piano that I ordered and I just thought to myself what piano? Then this bright white piano with black and white keys appeared on the porch out of thin air. At this point I’m freaked out of my mind not only were there two ghosts on our porch that new my name and could make a piano appear out of thin air at exactly the same time I was asking what piano, (mind reading ghosts) but I also remembered that it was the summer time. I remembered that our front door was not locked and slightly ajar fortunately not completely open. As I was contemplating running to the door to close it and lock it the piano vanished and the two ghosts started laughing then they turned and ran down the porch steps and then to the sidewalk and into the middle of the street and went left toward the stores across the street but still running down the middle and then they disappeared.

When my older brother older sister, little sister and I would be alone in the house or if my dad was in the basement building models. We would hear footsteps and noises in the attic with nobody up there. The only way to get into the attic was through a small trap door in my parents closet which I’ve seen my parents closet and they had boxes stacked to the ceiling. So not a easy place to get up there unless you made a huge mess.

The other entrance is on the back porch which was another door in the ceiling that you would need a ladder to reach. I never went up there the whole time we lived there and my dad rarely went up there, and neither did the my brother or sisters. so this would freak us out quite a bit.

Then one night out of the blue toward the middle of the night my dad woke up everyone in the house because he couldn’t find his RCA adapters for his VCR. My dad liked to record movies off HBO and Showtime at night so we could all watch them later. He would record two to three movies on blank tapes that you could buy back then. We had hundreds of movies after many years of him doing this.

I still don’t know why he needed them or what they were for but I believe it was the red and white adapters or they both may have been white. Anyway my dad had a temper and this was back when parents still believed in spanking and whipping you and my dad was no exception. All of us in fear of a spanking and all of us looking at each other with questioning gazes to see who was dumb enough to take them and piss off dad but when each of us looked at each other with that sibling knowing question we all shook our heads. Finally after literally turning everything upside down in the house after searching for hours the last place we looked was under my little sisters dresser and back in the far right corner underneath my little sisters dresser there were the adapters.

Now like I said us kids were not dumb enough to piss off dad but again none of us were strong enough to lift up my little sisters dresser alone. Since it was quite heavy. My dad who is 6’4 and quite muscular at the time had a bit of difficulty lifting it with adrenaline running through him since he was already irate. So I thought whatever the entity was that kept turning my light back on when my mom used to turn it off after giving me something to drink played a joke and got us into trouble.

One of my dads birthday’s we had went to the pound to get him a dog with my mom. He got a little Chihuahua that we named Chico. Now this little dog was little but had a lot of bark but no bite. Anyone came to the door he went crazy barking and barking and barking till the person went away. Like wise after my sisters and my brother switched rooms again and we were back in the back room across from my parents room. Chico would be sleeping at the bottom of my parents bed with his own blanket from the bed draped over the back for him to lay on. Being the middle of the night and me tiptoeing into my parents bedroom in the middle of the night he thought I was a burglar.

Then he would start barking and wake my mom up my dad would just sleep through it but this eliminated the need for me to go to my and shake her to wake her up. After Chico would hear me whisper his name and told him to be quite he would recognize my voice and quite down so he wouldn’t wake anyone else up.

Well one night I had a dream in which I had just let Chico out the back door since he was scratching the screen to go out which is usually the sign that he needs to go to the bathroom. So I let him out and went back into the living room and went back to what I was watching on T.V. A few minutes later I hear a little dog yelping like he’s in pain coming from the street out front. I thought that it couldn’t be Chico since I let him out the back. Just in case I ran to the front screen door and looked out in the street and seen Chico laying in the middle of the street. So I ran to the basement and yelled to my dad that some how Chico got out into the street and that he had been hurt. So my dad went running out to the street and the next thing I knew he was carrying Chico in with blood dripping and his tail was bent the wrong way from the top and seemed to be hanging by some skin. (My dad rushed him to the vet but back then there was nothing they could do and they had to put him to sleep. A Cable truck not seeing Chico laying in the middle of the road catching some rays ran over his tail bone.)

A while after this dream and forgetting it as a nightmare which most of us don’t remember for much longer after we wake up what our dreams were about. I got this weird feeling when I was sitting in the living room watching T.V. When at the back door Chico started scratching at the backdoor like he always does nothing unusual but yet I still had this strange feeling and like I had done this before but still not remembering the dream I hesitated on letting him out. Then he just looked up at me with his brown eyes like hey are you going to let me out so I can pee or not. I couldn’t resist even with this weird feeling. So I let him out and all the things in the dream played out with me just feeling like I was in a daze. Being that young I didn’t know I had just experienced my first case of deja vu. Except it was more like a premonition but since what I had dreamed came true except that I didn’t remember the dream until afterward. Since then I’ve had many dreams that I’ve gotten that feeling later on that I had done this before and have even been able to predict exactly what someone was going to say and say it in my head a few seconds before they say it. As like a directors sometimes do in a play behind stage saying the words before the actors do.

I’ve had few experiences since leaving that house but not as much as I had when I lived there during those years. I hope you all have enjoyed these true stories that I have told to friends and family since they happened and now sharing it with you all. My apologies for any misspellings or typos but I only have a few more minutes till I’m done for the night for work. I may submit some more stories in the future. Thanks again for looking and sharing your stories as well.

Written by Chris Loffler, Copyright 2009

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6 Responses to “Ghosts In A House In The Dalles Oregon”
  1. Ama says:

    Hi Susan,

    Better not to question what it is, rather simply to get it gone! Turning your mind to the question of its identity might feed it more of your energy, and it gets enough of that already.

    My name is Ama and I help people with paranormal problems such as yours. You can read about me by checking out my webpages via a link here on this website, down below, called Victorian Paranormal Connection.

    This is what I recommend to people in your circumstance. The Invocation is designed to change the structure of our energy and remove all sorts of things that can haunt people.


    The instructions are on the page, but basically read it through a few times to get an understanding of what you are asking and then say it out loud, and mean it.

    Then – learn to protect yourself and your home. This link leads to energy shields that help to keep negative entities away from us.

    Read it through and if you have any questions you can ask here, or email me privately.

    Love & Peace
    Ama Nazra

  2. Kayla says:

    ask your mom about your family history and you you’re a ansistor probly made a deal with the devil and now it start following you she was probly traded something or ot may like you. get rid of anything that have to do with the devil poster .music , ect.

  3. Kimberly says:

    Hi Susan, it sounds like you are experiencing demonic attacks. Three nail marks is common in a scratch from a demonic entity. If you look back 13 years, I would try and remember what you were doing occultic wise, that all of a sudden a demon started following you. Did you move into a house that had been known to be haunted? Did you participate in a seance or tarot reading etc? Where you in a relationship with someone that had dark dealings or Witchcraft?
    The demon you describe is an animal type demon, this is typically present in haunted homes that had either evil things going on at some point, or major drug activity, etc.

    To get rid of this demon,that is following you, first you must ask Jesus to forgive you of any association or practice or what not that you may have done that invited this spirit into your life. Like as an example, Lord, forgive me for playing with a Ouija board, or participating in a seance, I now know it is a sin.

    Demons opperate through legal rights. For some reason this spirit keeps following you. It is drawn to you through a right that you allowed it to gain entry in your life.

    Are you living in sin, ect???? If you are, make sure you ask for forgiveness, claim John 3:16 aloud. Ask the Lord to forgive you and then state Luke 10:19 aloud, and say it loudly and tell the evil entitiy to go away. Make sure you do not have any occultic paraphanalia in your home that continues to draw this evil entity.

    If it is stubborn,to keep it away,get an mp3 player and play the bible on CD and Blood of Jesus songs repeatedly. Demons hate this and will not want to stay.

    If you are doing your day to day thing and feel followed or attacked, scream out the name of Jesus repeatedly and it will leave.

    Also, you mention it attacks you after sex? Try to remember that if you are living a loose lifestyle, and consider what you are doing as a sin….Then I would avoid continuing in sin.

    We all sin, but remember to ask for forgiveness and try not to sin anymore.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I feel that my husband hates me & anything to do with God. Since I’ve been with him I’ve had dreams of demonic creatures on me, I feel as though there’s something or someone in a room with me. I’ve woke up with scratches on me & felt like something was smothering me in my sleep. My son also has had night mares. If we argue it seems the nightmares get worse. My husband acts like he’s possessed he has a weird laugh when he’s saying something rude to me. From the time my son was born he’s been pathologically possessive of him & tries to alienate me from him by making me look bad behind my back. When he’s angry he swears against God & laughs when I tell him he’ll go to hell if he doesn’t change his ways. I’ve prayed for this evil to leave our home but I’m convinced the EVIL is my husband. I’ve stayed in the marriage because of my son but he’s gotten worse not better. I’m now regreting my decision

    • Ama says:

      Hello Anonymous,

      You stay in a truly difficult situation for your son, but how does the child benefit from all the angry and pain in the household? My mother stayed married to my father for the same reasons, and when we were older, my brother and I asked her why? She said that sometimes we fear change more than we fear the person who is abusing us – but change can set you free, and your son.

      There are women’s shelters in Australia, and I hope there are ones where you live. That could be your first step to freedom. Go and look for one and talk to a counsellor there, or a lawyer, and find out your rights and how they can help you. Do it now before the situation escalates. You have a right to live a long and happy life without fear or pain, and with God in it wherever you want Him to be. Ask for help from Him too. Do it today.

      Love & Peace
      Ama Nazra (listed here under Friends)

  5. luke says:

    I think i MAY be possessed or am being influenced by a demon or entity or something (could be a personality disorder or something but i dont know), its all feelings and to do with the way i think. I dont think ive had any major physical experiences with it but sometimes ill get sudden bursts of anger that will make every muscle in my body tighten and make me want to lunge at something, i have a hatred for god, jesus and anything holy…But i have an intense hatred for the devil and demons, humanity, and everyone around me aswell. i get the overwhelming sense of invunerability sometimes and often feel like taunting any entity around me (sometimes i do when im alone) and want it to show itself. Ive never shown any fear towards it, instead i mocked it and laughed at it. I also feel really depressed when im not feeling any of what i wrote above (i rarely feel happiness anymore :/) So if anyone has any idea what this might be, please say so (i probably sound like such a freak ><)

    • Ama says:

      Hi Luke,

      My name is Ama Nazra and I am a demonologist, and my first question is .. have you been to see a psychiatrist and had yourself diagnosed? It does sound like a personality disorder to me, and they do have medication to help that now. I would do that first before seeking out a metaphysical explanation for what is happening to you.

      In the meantime, at the top of this page, on the right, is a link to the Michael Invocation, which removes all sorts of negative beings from our energy. I suggest you go and read it and learn it and use it for yourself. If you feel a startling change you might have been oppressed. Up there also are ‘white light shields’. Learn them and use them to help keep other nasty entities away. You might be a hypersensitive medium, and the shields do help.

      Love & Peace
      Ama (my personal site is listed below under Friends)

    • Kimberly says:

      Hi Luke, your spirit, is seperate from your soul and body. So if you have a hatred to God, and Jesus, or holy things, for no apparent reason, that would be considered Demonic.

      Additionally, you say you hate demons,devils, humanity. Demons don’t like eachother either. They only seek to do their masters work. If you hate humanity that would be demonic too.

      If you have fits of rage, and you can’t remember what happens, like you black out, that would be an example of possession.

      I don’t know if you have emotional problems. I am not a Doctor. But I can tell you, no matter what you believe, or who you believe in, life is hard.

      You have to find the little joys in life, like a really good burger, or walking, or seeing or smelling nice things…Watching some good ol slapstick like the Three Stooges. You need to laugh again. Watch the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, something with Steve Martin, and laugh!

      S.C.O.A.N. on line shows a lot of deliverance videos. Or Emanuel t.v. You may want to check it out. Maybe write them and ask them for prayer.

      If you are possessed, it would be because you allowed the spirit to enter you and take control of you. Are you a week person mentally???? One does not become possessed without easily, one typically has to sell their soul over, or invite posssession…But one could be demonized…

      So basically are you blacking out in these episodes of rage, and do you have control over these episodes, if it is simple anger.

      You don’t have to be possessed to hate God or religious things. But if you don’t love the Lord, you can be open to possession. At the least demonization.

  6. Kimberly says:

    I forgot to elaborate on the three parts that consist of a person. Soul is mind, will, emotions, (I want what I want now!)

    Flesh, contains our spirit and soul. Duh…

    Spirit (the invisible or slightly visible portion that flows through us and flows out of us when we die.

    Our flesh and soul is the part of us that we need to tame and keep in line with God’s word. This is hard to do.

    God wants you to love Him and one day be with Him. Your soul fights this, hates God. Your soul controls your flesh.

    That is why the Bible tells us to walk in the spirit, in the word of God.

    We must learn to tame our fleshly soulish desires. I love the Lord. But I am far from perfect.

    I seek God constantly in love and prayer. And when I fail in obeying God’s word, or not being the best I can be…I ask for forgiveness and God’s grace.

    So I am trying to explain this too you, as it might also help you in trying to figure out why you do the things you do.

    Demons influence people souls. And when you have soulish thoughts, your body sins…

    Full blown possession is when you have given your soul and body over to demons to operate through your body.

    I hope this helps you.

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