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Erik’s Ghost Saved Me

Posted on November 6, 2009

When I was 14 or 15 my mom and step dad were having problems. They fought all the time and my step dad would take his frustration at my mother having a job in a different hospital (they met in the ER both as nurses) on a gallon jug of wine every night and me and my two younger siblings. Without getting into details he was verbally abusive, almost physically abusive (I had to stop him a couple times from almost beating the crap out of my brother) and probably sexually abusive (to this day I still don’t know if he really came into my room at night).

One night in the midst of everything that was going on, I had locked myself in my room to talk to my boyfriend at the time. He was across town at the time at his fathers house. In the middle of the conversation he stopped and told me, “this is going to sound weird but there is someone standing in the corner of your room watching you.” I looked all around my room and didn’t see anything. I always kept my blinds and drapes closed so I knew no one was peeking. I told him he was crazy. He kept saying it over and over. I told him he was creeping me out. He told me not to worry it wasn’t there to hurt me. I told him I didn’t believe him, so he described him to me; a man in his 20′s, blonde hair, jeans, kinda scruffy and a gimp leg with a New York accent. I told him to stop talking about it and we continued our conversation. When we ended our conversation and it was time to go to sleep, I thought about what my boyfriend had told me. I didn’t know anyone that fit that description, but my father did and so did my mom. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was the gimp leg and the accent. I put it out of my mind and said nothing to my mom about it.

A couple days later I heard my mom screaming for me. I came running and asked her what was going on and she pointed to the lights. they were flickering on and off. My mom always being entertained by anything occult, spiritual and whatever they have, was all smiles and excited. She said that weird things had been happening around the house like that for a couple weeks. I had never seen anything like that. That’s when I asked my mom about Erik. I asked her to describe him to me. She did and I asked about the accent and the leg and she said yes he did have an accent and a gimp leg from a motorcycle accident when he was younger.

Shortly after I was born Erik had “killed” himself. My mother and father were the only people he considered family besides his brother. My mother never believed that he killed himself because of the way he did it she said it was impossible for him.

Anyway, a couple weeks later things had not gotten any better in the house. I put the ghost talk behind me because honestly I always believed in all things paranormal and wasn’t about to invite anything in by even thinking about it. So this night something strange had happened. I usually tried to stay awake long enough to hear my mom come home, usually cause I got an average of three hours sleep a night because I was so stressed I couldn’t sleep. This night I tried to just go to sleep. I had the light to the laundry room on outside my door, I used the light to see if anyone was talking up to my door (like my evil step dad) but said it was for my mom when she got home. So anyway, I looked at the bottom of the door didn’t see anything so decided to try to go to sleep. I laid down with my head facing away from the door. I heard my door shaking, like someone was outside of it holding the handle and shaking it because they  couldn’t get in. I looked up at the door and it stopped. I checked the light under the door and saw no one there again. I thought I was going crazy so I shook it off and laid my head back down. It started again. I looked up again and it stopped. Still no one in front of my door. Knowing I heard something this time and I wasn’t crazy, I laid my head down one more time to see if it would do it again. It did and this time when I looked it didn’t stop. I stared at the door for a good 30 seconds and it shook the whole time. I looked at the light and still no one there even while it was shaking. So I yelled as loud as I can “STOP STOP IT LEAVE ME ALONE GO AWAY STOP STOP STOP!” and then it stopped.

I honestly don’t know if my step dad was coming to my room or if he ever did. I fully believe he did when my mom would give me sleeping pills to help me sleep. I don’t know that he had any plans to do harm to me, but I do believe that night Erik was there and he was shaking my door knowing that I would yell at him. And I think that was Erik’s plan all along to get me to yell to stop whatever was coming for me that night.

The flickering lights continued for a while after my incident, as my mom told me every time it happened. and my brother and sister never said they saw or felt anything in the house, which to me made sense as Erik met me shortly before his death and never met my brother who is my father child as well but not my sister. but my door never shook before or since and once we left that house and left my step dad all the light flickering stopped.

So thanks Erik for being my guardian angel that night and keeping all those promises to my dad all those years ago!

Sent in by Crystall, Copyright 2009 TrueGhostTales.com

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