Native Indian Ghost Experience in Newark Ohio

Posted on June 14, 2010

In the 1960’s I and my 5 brothers and sisters were with our mother at a place known to be native Indian. We passed Dawes Arboretum on the way there and this place wasn’t much further from it. Once there we began walking around the place to see the earthen structures. I now know this place to be in Newark, Ohio. At that time we were able to walk all over the structures. My younger brother ran ahead and rounded a corner.

Not long after that I and the rest of the family, to their horror, witnessed about 5 native Indian boys running with bows and arrows after a herd of deer! It was amazing to see this and they were as lifelike as we were. One of the boys turned and looked right at me as I wasn’t that far from he and his friends. He turned to one of the boys and said something whereupon the boy also turned and looked at me. I heard this one yell to the others who then stopped and just looked at us while they no doubt discussed who the heck we were. They looked rather apprehensive but decided to head off in a slow run towards the deer they’d been chasing. The deer even turned to look at us. As they all ran off they sort of just evaporated right before our eyes. All was quite silent before my younger brother came to me to ask if I just saw what he’d seen. Then were heard a loud shriek coming from where the rest of the family were standing. Mom was about to faint from seeing these Indians and deer and their disappearing. She was white as a sheet. We were supposed to eat our picnic lunch near the parking area after we walked the place so that’s where we went to next.

Soon we saw a park ranger coming near us so mom stopped him to ask if anyone was reenacting Indians that day. Not to his knowledge he said. Mom was anxious and so she told the man what we’d all seen and if he could do something about this. He laughed but not in a way that was making fun of us. He matter of factly told us that there’d been a number of other people who’d seen such things before. He asked if we’d mind if he added ours to the list in their office. We readily agreed. Mom felt that people should know this might happen at this place before they go walking around the place.

Sent in by Patty, Copyright 2010

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Tags: Dawes Arboretum, Native Americans, Newark, Ohio

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8 Responses to “Native Indian Ghost Experience in Newark Ohio”
  1. AnNa says:

    i think that was cool what you many others have seen what you seen?have you been there since?why would they just stop did you guys scare them?i think it was weird that the deer stopped too and looked.thanks for the story.

  2. trolldoll says:

    those indian boys must have left alot of energy to renact such a event!

    • James D. says:

      hey trolldoll,remember a time slip story recently?The hunters and the animals vanished,after reacting to the people watching?! Oh well,what do I know??The older I get,the more I don’t know…James D.

  3. Jaybee says:

    I often wonder if there are times you’re able to step through some time warp for a bit. This might explain why they suddenly appeared to you and vice versa. I guess we’ll never know for sure.

    • James D. says:

      I agree,these “time slip” stories have been around for awhile,there just not real mainline,hope I’m making sense, good story!James D.

  4. big barney says:

    story didnt make much sense to me….

  5. James D. says:

    Time slip?!I believe your story….James D.

  6. patty says:

    Actually, I’d have to say it was a time slip since two other events of the same nature happened to us during our childhood. I and my younger brother shared all three of them. In one there was a bald man in bib overalls in our aunt and uncle’s garage with a big red tractor. The garage looked quite new inside and the front doors were even opened up. Problem was that those doors, to our knowledge, had been stuck in the mud for many years! I and my brother touched the tractor and held a conversation with this man for some minutes before hearing our mom yelling for us. If she didn’t see us soon she’d come looking for us and we weren’t allowed to be in that old wooden garage. We told the man we were sorry but we had to go and when mom stepped out of sight we both leaped outside the side door to stoop down and look into the goldfish pond right there. We made it look like we’d been there the whole time but since we were small she couldn’t very well have seen us there. In those days kids got whippings for being where they weren’t supposed to be. Dad saw by my face that something was troubling me and so I told him about the man and the tractor that I myself had laid my hands on. The adults nearly ran each other down getting into that garage but found nothing out of place once they were there. We couldn’t explain it but both knew that we had touched that tractor and talked to that man. We didn’t know it at the time but our relatives reaction to it all was one of knowing more than they were willing to share with us. Years later we saw the same man walking up from the basement behind our aunt when he reached out and pinched her on the behind. She screamed while turning to see him and then shrieked and ran very fast into the living room. As we watched we realized we could see a can of nails on the wall, through the man’s body! In the same house my younger brother found two kids in the basement that once again couldn’t be accessed by any other way but the first floor doorway in the middle of the house. My brother often sought to involve me in events whenever he broke anything so I wasn’t buying it when he said there were two kids in the basement. When he swore he was telling the truth and even tried to give me all his money I knew there must be something down there worth seeing. Sure enough there were two boys down there in long sleeved white shirts with alot of whitework embroidery on them. The fronts of the shirts had even more of this embroidery work on them, they wore short pants, dark velvet to the knees, woven stockings, and handmade leather shoes with large brass buckles on them. Their hair was dark and cut like a dutch boy’s. Their eyes were blue and their skin milky looking. This meant they didn’t often go outside. All of these things taken together meant they were most likely from a wealthy family. They saw us move towards them and grabbbed each other tightly to sceam their lungs out. Problem was that we couldn’t hear a sound made by them, not even the sound of their shoes in the grit on the concrete floor of that basement. If all this wasn’t bad enough it got worse when the one bare bulb was turned out. Their eyes glowed red in the dark! Mine didn’t do that and neither did my brother’s. I figured their eyes glowing like that might mean they were evil or something so I decided to act as I would whenever approached by a stray dog. They smell fear so you have to stand firm and think things like “kill” with great resolve. Still when we turned the light back on they didn’t seem to act evil or try to approach us. They stayed under the stairs and looked scared to death. Before we told anyone we looked the basement over to make sure there could be no other entrance or exit. There just wasn’t any other way in or out. I attempted to put a hand on the shoulder of one of them which made my brother scream and call for the adults. He said we couldn’t know if this might hurt me in some way. I told the adults what we’d experienced and again they tore down the stairs at the same time to see but found nothing there. We know what we saw though and it stayed with me the rest of my life. I’ve never heard of ghosts sticking around as long as these did or that any held a long conversation with anyone. The house is full of weird goings on and was build in the 1940′s by a wealthy couple. During the spiritualist movement in the u.s. these people held seances in their home. In the middle of the last one the woman, who acted as a medium, died. There have been many very weird things that have gone on in that house over my lifetime. They don’t just happen inside but are outside as well. There are also animal spirits that make themselves known.

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