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Always Haunting Me and Following Me

I wanted to share some things that have happened to me through out my life and maybe some one cam help me understand a little more. I will give you a little history before I start. I have always been able to see and hear people that have passed on. To me that are just like you and I walking around the only problem I have is I see them after what ever it is has killed them. This has been going on since I was old enough to remember and my kids are the same way. Anyway on with the stories…

I use to have a picture that hung in my living room of my great grandfather who is a Native American Chief (See Native Americans and Ghosts). And no matter where I went in the room his eyes would follow me and if I could not find something that I knew where it was it seemed as …

July 10th, 2011 by Caretaker 
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The Dream Catcher

I am writing this story on behalf of both my father and I, we both have Native American blood, (1/32 for my dad, 1/64 for me – The Chickasaw tribe,fyi). That is a detail that will make itself clear in the story, and we were wondering if anyone could help us figure out what is around. The story will be his than mine will follow…

My Dad’s Story

About 3 weeks ago he was woken up in the middle of the night because his room was really warm, so as he was going to get a glass of water in the kitchen he walked into a cold spot, which is unusual because the heater was on and the house stays warm, (even when you don’t want it to), and according to him it felt like some unhappy entity passed through him and he brushed it off saying there was a window open, not true, and as he was going back …

March 3rd, 2011 by Caretaker 

Ghostly Indian Drums on Colorado Ranch

Last summer my birth-mother told me I could work at her horse boarding ranch near Denver for $9.00 an hour. The economy being what it is in rural Montana I took her up on her offer and moved down to Colorado for the summer.

The heat during the day was sweltering so I often did my stable cleaning in the dead of night to make it a little less odoriferous. Late one night around 11:30, right as the stars were coming up into the sky the horses began acting oddly, nickering and almost going into a panic when I left their sight. I just assumed they could smell a rat or snake so I began searching the premises for any signs of small animal life that might be causing their uneasy behavior.

My mother and her finance were out of town for the weekend so I had the place to myself. That being the case it was totally silent on …

February 20th, 2011 by Caretaker 

Dark Entity Haunts a Murder Site

In the fall of 2008, I was eating out with two friends, and the subject of ghosts came up. “Brad” mentioned a nature reserve some miles from town called Gitchie-Manitou, in northwest Iowa. A few miles to the north is the Minnesota border, and you hit South Dakota if you go a little ways west. According to Brad, he’d gone there some time before with another group of friends, and was attacked by some evil force.

Gitchie-Manitou Reserve is of historical significance because it’s believed to be an ancient Native American burial ground. Additionally, four teenagers were viciously attacked and murdered there by a pair of brothers in the 1970s. Also in the ’70s, a young person claimed to have seen an “alien” at this place. So all in all, Gitchie seems to be a hotbed of paranormal occurrences.

Brad agreed to take me and our friend “Joe” to the nature reserve that night, to see if we could experience …

February 1st, 2011 by Caretaker 

Mysteries Lost History and Legends of Ancient America

Book Review

Ever since I was a child I have always been fascinated by subjects like ancient Egypt and Atlantis. But it always seemed like these places and events were always far away, generally on the other side of the world. America was a newer place and had seen much less history but there were no mysteries, enigmas, or great legends other than those of the Native Americans. For all we knew the land was nothing but wild animals until the native peoples arrived.

As I grew and I read more and more about the world around us I began to discover that America was much older than I had imagined. I read about strange stone formations and structures, artifacts, myths, ancient peoples, and even mummies that all seemed out of place among what was known about America. As the years went by I read as many books as I could on the subject. In recent years there have been …

November 23rd, 2010 by Caretaker 

Heyoka the Clowns

It happened when I was four years old in a small Town called Martin South Dakota. My family lived in an apartment building called Coats Cabins and I can still remember it to this day.

It was around the evening. My mom lived upstairs and my grandparents lived downstairs but we had to walk outside and go around the back of the building to see them. My mom would walk to my grandparents when she needed something and I remember playing in the kitchen and I noticed my mom was gone so I ran out the door then I ran in the back and cried for my mom and she came out and picked me up and carried me back in. Then later on she did the same thing again so when I noticed she was gone I ran out side but this time it was dark outside. The sky was black and I was in the parking lot and …

November 3rd, 2010 by Caretaker 

Human Bone and Shadow Figures in Kentucky

First of all great website. It is good such a place exists so that there is help for those who have similar problems. When I was about 14 years old me and another friend used to hike in the woods in front of my house. I live in Kentucky and the woods are mostly knobs and full of old rocks and cubby holes. At the top of the knob was a large flat rock with holes that went inside of the rock. It looked sort of like a large Swiss cheese. It was probably 100 foot wide and 30 foot long. We had played there before but never really went into the holes.

This one day in particular we went into one of the holes. The soil was like sand. Very fine and it sifted easily. We started joking around about how Jessie James might have buried gold in the hole and started digging around. I dug up a rib …

October 15th, 2010 by Caretaker 

The Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday Theory

I just wanted to comment on the Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday theory ( The End of the World and 2012 ) story that is posted on your site. I have enjoyed reading the stories.

I’ve always been intrigued with studying the Mayan calendar. My studies have brought me to learn that the Mayan myth never believed 2012 was the end of the world. It was NEVER deemed as a doomsday theory, that is ONLY what modern people today have warped it into. They were jealous, excited, and wished they could have experienced 2012, because it was a day of great spiritual awakening, people who survived the destruction leading up to that day, would get to witness the world renewed and great peace.

They believed we had been in cycles before. You’ll have to research the complex math. The fact of the Mayan myth, was that it was a theory of a new age. NOT the end of the world. There are …

October 14th, 2010 by Caretaker 

Native Indian Ghost Experience in Newark Ohio

In the 1960’s I and my 5 brothers and sisters were with our mother at a place known to be native Indian. We passed Dawes Arboretum on the way there and this place wasn’t much further from it. Once there we began walking around the place to see the earthen structures. I now know this place to be in Newark, Ohio. At that time we were able to walk all over the structures. My younger brother ran ahead and rounded a corner.

Not long after that I and the rest of the family, to their horror, witnessed about 5 native Indian boys running with bows and arrows after a herd of deer! It was amazing to see this and they were as lifelike as we were. One of the boys turned and looked right at me as I wasn’t that far from he and his friends. He turned to one of the boys and said something whereupon the boy also …

June 14th, 2010 by Caretaker 

Sleep Paralysis Experiences in the Land of Enchantment

Hello all… My name is Austin, I’m 29 years old and I live in the “Land of Enchantment” (Google it if you don’t know). The Native American culture here is huge and I have a deep respect for the spirituality that many tribes bring. Why this relates you will see as you read further in.

I have had two experiences in my life. They were both very long ago and I have only retold them a handful of times. What I absolutely remember without a doubt is that it was the scariest experience of my life (I was inches away from being shot in the head in a drive-by shooting when I was 17 and that pales in comparison) So here it goes…

The first was when I was around 8 years old. I was sleeping in bed with my mom as I often did. I woke up in a sweat because I had too many covers on me and …

December 18th, 2009 by Caretaker 

A Little People Episode

I’ve read several stories that had references to little people. I’ve heard from  those who claim to have seen them when they were children or have relatives that had direct dealings with them. Here is one from a place that all of the residence still hold to certain beliefs. One of which is Deer woman, and little people.

When I lived in “Kenwood” Oklahoma for a short time the Cherokees, (this was an all Cherokee town, but not a reservation. Located in north eastern Oklahoma), believed in little people they called junstees (sp?, That’s how it sounded when they said the word). The closest definition on the net I found is located below; Many people there had junstee stories.

(Inserted by CareTaker) “The Little People of the Cherokee are a race of Spirits who live in rock caves on the mountain side. They are little fellows and ladies reaching almost to your knees. They are well shaped and handsome, and …

October 19th, 2009 by Caretaker 

Native American Indian Ghosts in Kentucky

I am 72 years old, and I live in an area of Kentucky where there are numerous small caves. Some are very large, and go for miles. None of these have been improved, and the public is not invited to visit or go into them. Many moons ago, the Cherokee Indians in this area lived in these caves during the winter months. I have found many Indian artifacts around the opening of the cave on my property.

One warm night in 1984, I stepped outside to smoke. My wife didn’t like me smoking in the house. The temperature outside was about 75 degrees. The moon was full. Off in the distance, about 100 yards from my house, I saw something that make the hair stand on my neck. 

I saw what looked like a large white sheet, blowing in the wind, and it was coming right toward me. It was about 50 feet square, and at least 3 feet thick. …

October 7th, 2009 by Caretaker 
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