The Serpent Demon and Sleep Paralysis

Posted on June 30, 2010

HI, this year strange things have started happening to me. When I was a baby a “psychic" (for lack of a better word) identified an evil entity in my room after complaints from family in the house and from constant terror and screaming from me. She described it as a “serpent demon" and said it was attached (via a curse or something) to an old leather case bought second hand and stored in my closet – it was removed through a Buddhist cleansing ceremony. After this all activity (and there was a lot of it) ceased.

Now, about 22 years later (and in another house) I’m beginning to feel the stirring of something. My childhood I was terrified at the very notion of spirits and I believe I have witnessed actual ghosts before (family member) but this fear disappeared a long time ago, but recently it seems to have returned out of nowhere.

I have been suffering from sleep paralysis and feelings of being watched as well as emotions that seem to form on their own (fear, anger). A few nights I have been kept awake for no reason. I can’t sleep and feel a tangible presence watching me from a specific corner. My pc turned on by itself as well. Also there has been a lot of negative energy and bad luck percolating in my house for a number of years. I’ve been thinking a lot and I came up with some theories I’d like to bounce off some people in the know.

Is it possible this entity feeds on negative energy? It’s almost as if something is cultivating negative energy (anger, depression and misplaced sexual energy) when it cannot access enough alone. Now I have met this with contempt and anger, trying to feel as little fear as possible. But the last month it’s as if its escalated. Something happened when I was sleeping at my girlfriends place, her hand bags were removed from a hook holding them and scattered randomly through her room during the night. The next night when I was at home her door was unlocked from the inside and opened wide (Sun night).

Now last Sun night I was sleeping ay home after a tiring day of smoking some weed and drinking beer and watching the world cup – I got home at 8 and went straight to sleep – now don’t tell me its weed and beer that caused the hallucinations because I have taken high doses of much more powerful hallucinogens and I know their effects intimately (also I have been smoking for over 5 years – as anybody who knows will tell you watching football the whole day, drinking and smoking will tire you out like nothing else. I went to sleep and cuddled up so comfortably.

Then I woke up at 02:49. I haven’t been home for a week so its as if it missed me, because bang wide awake with fear creeping through me like an infection. The house was dead quiet and there were no sounds that could’ve woken me. So I brushed the fear off as best I could turned the TV on to an old black and white movie and tried to fall back to sleep. After an hour of increasingly desperate concentration on sleep, I finally fell asleep, only to wake up a few minute later paralyzed. I’ve only started having sleep paralysis lately so its still new and frightening but I have read the scientific as well as the paranormal explanations so I’m rational enough to calm myself down and not panic.

But this was different to every other time, it wasn’t one little incident it was the whole night of struggling and when I did wake up and move its like I was fighting to get put of the paralysis only to be pushed back into sleep and have it continue. I managed somehow to come to paralyzed on my side with my face to my bedroom door, and saw someone walking into my bedroom. At first I thought it was a friend of my bro who was staying over but when it came closer to my bed I remembered about the old hag, and how people reported seeing beings while paralyzed. Now I started to get scared and looked closer to the figure, and I saw that it was my brother, not the brother I live with my other bald brother who lives a couple of miles away. This confused the hell out of me but I was still scared, I kind of shocked myself out of the paralysis only to pass out again with struggles to wake.

Is this all just crazy nonsense or is it actually a continuing phenomenon did things escalate because I wasn’t there to “feed on" for a week? It hasn’t harmed me apart from losing a lot of sleep but it is scaring and above all angering me. I’d love to fight back but I don’t know how. Could this also be the same entity as when I was a baby? Nice site interested in what you guys have to say.

Sent in by bluesman87, Copyright 2010

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Tags: Buddhist, Serpent Demon, Sleep Paralysis

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9 Responses to “The Serpent Demon and Sleep Paralysis”
  1. Pat says:

    Wow! I think that entity from when you were an infant was directly attached to that leather suitcase/briefcase. This thing either is following you OR was at your home when you moved in and is attracted to you… I think the latter is more correct. That said… before things get out of hand, I would sage the house- porches/basement everything… get smudge stix and smoke that WHOLE place! Good luck!

    • bluesman87 says:

      Hi Pat , thanks for the advise i replied before but dont hink i was logged in properly so i’m sorry for the double reply if it shows .

      Anyway we found out about the entity through a psychic who was hosting a workshop for spiritulism and angels , out of like 200 people she sigled my mom out and told her of a “serpent demon ” (her words) trying to harm her infant- me ( my mother had 3 mis-carriges before she had me , dunno if its significant) , this is after a few years of really strong poltergeist phenomenon ( my uncle reporting suffocation and someone pulling the blankets off him at night , light flickering , shadows and doors shaking and slamming open and shut – almost sterotypical hollywood stuff happening) .

      After she advised us , a family friend advised us of these buddist priests who could exorcise or cleanse the house , when they did a walk through they asked how we got the leather suitcase stored in my bedroom , my dad told them he bought it from a central african informal trader ( i live in SA we have them all over) they advised they negative force was attached to the case probably through the use of black magic used to help seel his stock (extremely common in south africa) . They cleansed the house with prayer and herbs and then burnt the case in a bonfire in the back yard . All activity ceased and i actually slept through the night for the first time . I cant personally vouch for all of the above cause i was too small but ive heard the same story for numerous different people .

      Now a someone has recently said we should cleanse the house of negative energy by lighting white candles next to glasses of water , and when the candles burn out to throw the wax away off my property and flush the water , didnt work .

      What is smudge sticks and where do you get them ? Is there a significance of the new phenomenon being more active on Sunday nights ?

    • Caretaker says:

      About Sage and the practice of ‘smudging’ //

      If there are any local herb or “metaphysical” type shops in your area check with them. Other than that you can order smudge sticks online (do a search). Here is some info on how to grow your own Sage –

  2. jk says:

    you can’t fight back, but it is very easy to let Jesus fight for you. Simply say or think out load “Jesus rebuke you”! It will leave very quickly. Do it now and let us know.

  3. eL says:

    i have sleep paralysis..The best thing is to fight it an not to go back to sleep…the things i see while in that mode are unexplainable an terrifying..But i have learn that its your brain still in dream mode while trying to force your body to wake up,causing very crazy stuff to happen..but each time before i wake up i hear electrical shocks sounds coming from within my head an them i awake form it…but while in the sleep paralysis i have seen dead relative,ghosts,demons,things holding me down or seem like there sitting on me…which leads me to think it could be something more at times…

  4. Linda says:

    Ive had the same problems my parents are Buddhist and mingle alot in fortune tellers. As a child i would always have sleep paralysis like something was holding me down and hearing breathing or whispering while it happened. When I moved out i figured it would stop but it continued, then a Jehovah’s witness told me to get rid of everything that had to do with magic or Buddha and i did. I havent had a problem since!

  5. Nick says:

    I personally have never had anything like this that I was aware of but a few weeks ago me and a few mates were sitting around chatting and one of my mates claimed that while in Thailand he had woken up on his side paralyzed but able to open his eyes. He said that he could see out of the corner of his eye something leaning over him and whispering in his ear. He claimed that it lasted all night and wasn’t able to move until someone came banging on his door about 7am. Lasting almost 6hrs…

    To me this sounded pretty extreme but the other mate who was chatting with us claimed that he had been having the same thing since he was a child. Waking up randomly, paralyzed with someone or something either sitting on him, leaning over him or crouched beside him whispering continuously into his ear. Sometimes he said he had also woken up with something crouched at the foot of his bed simply watching him. These times being able to move he would turn on his lamp and it would be gone, and there would be nothing that could make this shape in his room…

    Once I had heard these it got me thinking, my family had had quite a few strange things happen in our old house from my two younger brothers both waking up screaming pointing into the same corner, to chairs moving etc. I called my mother and retold the stories I had been told. My mother claimed that the youngest of my brothers, being 13yrs old had woken up that last time I was staying in the house to find two demonic looking creatures, one standing over my bed just watching me while the other was sitting on the side of my bed leaned right over me. He claimed that as he watched the one standing became aware that my brother was watching them and looked over at him, raised a finger to his own mouth and made the sign for quite. “shhhh”. He then said that it simply went back to watching whilst he decided to hide under his blankets for the rest of the night.

    Having been told that it’s made me a bit uneasy about the world we live in. I have always believed in the supernatural but knowing that things are just chilling out watching people during the night and even paralyzing those who wake up is quite a disturbing thought.

    Any thoughts on the experiences?

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