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Did My Mother Communicate with Me after Death?

Posted on February 12, 2010

Before I start with telling my story, I would just like to say that I don’t know if this is a supernatural experience or not. I have always been sensitive and open to the possibilities of life after death and ghosts, having only a couple of other experiences that I would rather not touch on. I was raised as a Christian, so I do believe that there is a heaven and a hell (and probably a lot of other stuff in between). I don’t know if my experiences were wishful thinking or truly a contact from beyond, but I found great comfort from each of them… so please don’t criticize.

A few years ago, my mother died from complications with M.S. (Multiple Sclerosis). I find it quite ironic that she died on a Saturday, the day before her church homecoming, of which she was very excited to attend because she had been bedridden for months, due to the fact that she lost her ability to walk on her own. Her goal was to walk into her church homecoming (using a walker) and give thanks to God for making such progress in her condition. This, unfortunately, did not happen; however, I find it (again) ironic that she received a true homecoming of dying/going to heaven the day before the church event.

Anyway, when my mother died, although I loved her, we had an estranged relationship due to me and my father fighting so much – more like a power struggle between father and daughter. It was and still is foolish. When I learned of her death, I felt horrible because I had so much that I wanted to know about my mother: her life as a child, her chittlin recipe, other wisdoms that she wanted to share with me, etc.

I felt awful, like I had no right to cry at the funeral, or mourn her at all, because I didn’t visit her in the later stages of her illness because I was mad at my dad. On top of that, I was upset at myself for not being there during her final moments.

A few days after her death, I had a dream: in the dream I was standing in my parents kitchen. I was very upset at my family members who were there… I kept saying “Momma is dying, why aren’t you doing anything?” All the family members in the dream were acting nonchalant and doing nothing. All of sudden my mother, who is supposed to be bedridden, comes walking into the kitchen. I told her that I was sorry for not being there. She smiles at me and gives me a big hug (you know, the type of hug that only a mother can give) and she says to me that it was okay and that there was nothing that I could have done. Then I woke up from the dream.

Later on that year (closer to Halloween), when I was yet again missing her, I prayed that the facts that I read about All Hallows Eve were true (that that is the time that spirits can come back to Earth – one night only). On the week of Halloween, on that Monday night,  I went to bed in our office (we had a rollaway bed setup and I couldn’t bear to be around anyone else because I was missing my mom so much). I set the alarm clock and went to sleep. The next morning, the alarm clock went off, but it wasn’t for the time I set it for and it played Leanne Rimes, “How Do I Live” on the radio. Please believe what I am saying: this happened three mornings in a row, all on Halloween week. On Halloween morning (the very last morning this happened), the alarm clock once again went off earlier than I had set it, but this time the song that played was Phil Collins, “Hold On”. My mother and I did not share the same musical taste, but she respected me and I feel she knew this music would reach me.

I don’t know if this is a radio station auto player snafu, and the alarm clock has no cassette or CD player, but I took it as my mother using her last chance to communicate with me to let me know that she was okay. I remember these events to this day and find them comforting.

During some time after this, I would experience moments where I would miss her so much that I would just get depressed and I would beg for her to visit me (I was also going through a horrible break up and custody battle with an ex at the time as well – and my child was not doing well with her death either because they were extremely close). However, sometimes when it seemed like I was getting back to myself again, I would find that lady bugs would come out of nowhere and land on me or would be in the house (my mother’s only favorite insect). To this day, I still see lady bugs come out of nowhere when I am making a big decision or when I am at my happiest. Thanks for listening! Everything I posted did happened to me. No Falsies here!

Thank you in advance, Caretaker, for Posting my story and peace and love to everyone who reads it.

Sent in by Renee Garden, Copyright 2010

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Tags: Dreams, Halloween

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17 Responses to “Did My Mother Communicate with Me after Death?”
  1. Believer says:

    This Is such a heart warming story! I think the lady bugs Is a way of her showing you that she will always be around and look after you.

  2. kat says:

    Your story is heartwarming. The only difference is that me and my mom saw each other just about everyday and she was taken suddenly ( car accident). Your story makes me feel like maybe there are signs from her that I may be missing. i pray for her to come to me also, I usually just get dreams but maybe I am ignoring the other signs she is sending. God Bless!

  3. trolldoll1681 says:

    oh dear sweet renee, don’t feel so bad!! those songs and the dream are so much more than the proof your momma is still with you!!! my mom died from als and she desperately wanted to get back to her church too, but was to weak. she came to me in dreams and sometimes i would find that there were hundreds of butterflies around when i thought of her when we were out by the lake. she is with you always!!

  4. anna says:

    I am so sorry about your mother.My mother is still alive and a pain in the butt.But I would never want anything to happen to her.I cant tell her that never could.That was nice about the songs that played your mom will always love you no matter what.

  5. Christina says:

    Yes, I think she communicated with you. Appears she’s always with you and always will be. I had an ‘after my mother died’ type of dream and I too cherish it. Without going into detail she basically did the same thing; words of comfort and a hug and kiss.

    A mother’s love never dies……………….


  6. Jennifer Mills - Young says:

    There are no such thing as coincidences like that. Its by dismissing the ” coincidences ” we loose the message. I came to understand such ‘ coincidences ‘ in life, that I personally call them ‘ post it notes from god ‘. Read the ‘ post its ‘ and smile.

  7. Anonymous says:

    your mom is communicating with you through your dreams. It happened to me after my brother died. He talked to me often. I did not try to get it to happen. I just missed him a lot and would pray and cry a lot. finally some paranormal events occured like a haunting and along with that was dreaming about him. we would talk to him in my dreams. He would ask me if he was dead. I told him yes. He told me he was only 17 he could not be dead, he was too young to die. I told him he died. after several dreams like that I convinced him he was dead and I was very sorry. finally he stopped the haunting. He finally acepted that he died.

    When my dad and mom died I saw three white orbs flying around. My sister heard whispering voices when she found our father dead of heart failure. but, I wasn’t there for my mom like you, I wasn’t there when she died. we had a family fight going on. my sister put her in a nursing home 75 miles away in Chicago. I had no way to visit her. My sister had no regard for me. My mom died a month after being put in a nursing home. My mom died calling for me. My sister told me. This has tormented me for years. I still think about her and dream about her when I miss her. she died 9 years ago. I have a lot of nightmares about her. I dream she is in a haunted house. people are trying to take her money. I am there trying to save her. Then I keep dreaming we are driving and I lose control of my car. It goes into a flooded river. The car becomes submerged and my mom and family are drowning. I come up and run for help. I go to a house with an address of 100L a house with a bizaree address. This happens in a western state. I can see clay land. I wake up from the dream shaking and wondering what has happened to my family. I wonder what the odd address with numbers and letters may be?

  8. Carri Williams says:

    I think she may be trying to communicate with you. my brother died in 1984 at 17 and he communicated by a haunting and he would talk to me a lot in my dreams. my mom died in 2001 me and my sister were fighting over money and who was gonna pay for my mom and step dads funeral expenses. before my sister put my mom in a nursing home 75 miles from me to get at her money. my mom died calling for me. but I saw 3 white orbs flying in my bedroom after she died. they represented my step dad he died that year also. my brother Sean and my mother. I saw my mom and brother as ghosts in the town I live in. My daugher also saw my mom as a spirit in our trailor. she was terrified. she described her paranormal experience to me and told me a description of my mom. When my sister Gina found her dad dead in the bedroom, he was my stepdad she heard millions of whispering voices. Gina ran out of the room terrified. the room was also ice cold and the air conditioner was off. Gina was terrified. she never returned to the house to get anything. so we have seen a lot of paranormal stuff. I am sure it was your mom communicating.

    • jaime says:

      this same thing happened to me but it wasn’t my brother stepdad or my mother it was my aunt toad she died when i was only two about a year or twolaterafter her death i started having parnomal activicty like whispering in my ear noises bangs knocks all of that stuff my aunt vickie had an experince with her she was in the kitchen making dinner when she felt someone or something touch her hair and then it touched her waist she ran out of there as fast as she could then she had a another experince with her she was in the kitchen getting something to drink then she heard creaking she saw something out of the corner of her eye then she looked and she saw a mist gathering and then it turned into a ghost there was my aunt toad in the chair rocking back and forth sewing and humming my aunt vickie was just standing there spechless then she turned around and turned back around and nothing was there i am 9 years old now and i still have experinces with her but i never saw her ever again the end

  9. hailey says:

    That is really sad. I hope the lady bugs make you feel like shes with you.

  10. Krysta says:

    She will ALWAYS be with you!!!

  11. Missingmysister says:

    Note from Admin – comment was published as its own story – //www.trueghosttales.com/paranormal/missing-my-sister/

  12. Jasper says:

    Hi, I am so sorry about your mother. My mom lost her mother at only 21. I’ll tell you of it. Her and her mother kept having dreams that they were being chased by a giant anaconda. My mom got away by running, but her mother was eaten by the anaconda. My mom was trying to save her mother from the snake. The snake was bigger than an RV is what my mom said. A few months later, her mother died with a tumor of some kind. I don’t remember exactly what my mom said happened to her, but she loved her very much. You sound like a good person. I hope you see your mother again in heaven. I think dreams are a warning for us. Everytime I’m mad at my mom, I think of how she lost her mother and how I never wanna loose her and how glad I am that she’s here. She will always love you. Not even death can separate a mother and daughter. People have funny ways of letting their loved ones know that their souls are still here and that they love you. Sincerely, Jasper.

  13. Rose Flanagan says:

    my mom passed away quietly on the 18th of November 2009.
    I was close and not close to her, my father passed away before her.
    I am still saddened that she left before I could hold and hug her and tell her how I loved her.
    A day passed by when I was about 10 or 12 feet away from the phone, when I looked over at my phone that sits on the wall, this is when I noticed that the blinking light wasn’t flashing, or there was no time or date, just my mother’s phone number was there, and I can’t make any sense out of it, just wondering if she was letting me know that she is ok and is with God now.

  14. Suebea says:

    I also had a dream about my mom after her passing. Without going into all the details, I felt the message she was giving me was that I had to ‘let go’ of her and accept her passing, knowing that she will always be with me. – woke up the next moring with my alarm clock radio going off an hour early. It was set to radio mode, playing Hank Williams Senior (yes senior) signing “Please release me, let me go.” I took it as a communication. Sometimes our loved ones who have passed imprint upon us so sweetly that we become stronger, better people. I took from this dream that it was alright to “let go” of her passing and take comfort that she will always be with me.

  15. dora's daughter says:

    I sure hope she was trying to contact you. My mother who I have taken care of for 12 years passed this Thursday after a 4 month illness. I have horrible guilt feelings about not doing what I should to get her well. I feel I said some things to her in the past I did not mean to say. She and I were extreamly close and her absense is an aching that can not be numbed. I want her to visit me and come into my dreams. She is my gaurdian angels.

  16. Anonymous says:

    My dad died August 17 2008-He was a very devout catholic and raised me that way but I had become very lax–didn’t go to Mass every sunday etc. I knew I should but just put other things first. Before he died I promised him I would go back to the church faithfully. Two weeks after he died to the date-August 31 2008-I set the alarm clock for 9:30 am but woke up at 9 am and had to go pee. I shut off the alarm clock sinse I was awake and thought I would just lay down another 15 or 20 minutes but I fell back asleep. I was awoke by the sound of a door slamming shut and my dad’s voice–Hey bill-your’e going to mass today aren’t you”-I jumped up and looked at the clock and it was exactly 9:30 am-the exact time I wanted to get up to get ready for mass and had set the clock for!!!!–My dad’s last words to me –AFTER he died!!! What a gift!!!! Probably what will save me if anything–I NEVER miss mass on sunday anymore!!! And I’m glad I don’t–I really get something good from it!—THANK YOU DAD!!!! WHAT A GREAT GIFT!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!

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