A Memoir of My True Love - My Ghost Story

Since age three, I have been hearing voices in my mind; have dreams of personal, future events and had a Near Death Experience. Through these experiences, I have had my life saved numerous times, and had been guided through hints, to meet and marry my true love; soul mate, Rob.

As wonderful as all this may seem so far, Rob and I did not meet each other until we both had two marriages behind us, and were in our forties! Here's how we met: In 1994, I placed an ad in the Personals section of a newspaper, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although many men (including Rob) responded, Rob was the only man I wanted to be with.

During one of Rob's and my first few dates together, was when I realized that all the paranormal-type messages I had received during my life, brought me to that very moment in time; that Rob was the man I had been in search of, for all those years. The knowing was so overwhelming for me, that I could never explain any of it to Rob.

After two months of our dating, I moved in with him at his house. A year later, we married. While we were still newlyweds, Rob passed. However, I've really never been apart from Rob. Since Rob's passing, he's come to me in several different paranormal forms: As being a mist by my side; talking to me in his same, familiar voice; as being a big, bright star in the sky; appearing to me with wearing new clothes, and in so many other ways.

He somehow manages to have our wedding song be playing it on the radio station I'd be listening to at the exact same time of when I'd also be feeling the most distressed.

On Easter Sunday, 1998, seven months since Rob had passed, while I was at his house (that I abandoned, due to its location in the desert), and inserting the key into the lock on the front door (to check on things, inside), a strong, sweet floral scent caught my full attention to notice some Lily of the Valley flowers that had bloomed in one of the flower beds that Rob had built.

Although I had planted several different types of flower seeds in both Rob's flower beds during the summer of 1997, it was only those flowers that grew, on that day, and without having been watered since Rob's passing-over seven months!

The alarm on the wrist watch Rob wore for work, still sounds off at the same time, every day, over nine years since his passing, with the same, original battery Rob had put in his watch!

Rob had given me a special, precious gift, an imprint of his soul on my bedroom window's screen as proof of his visiting me one very early morning, when he then touched my body the way I had touched his, immediately after he passed.

Like the words to the wedding song Rob and I left to fate to choose for us implies, the love Rob and I feel for each other, will surely last forever.

Thank you for allowing me to share this part of my story with you.

Copyright © 2007 Kathleen "Kathy" Werstein All Rights Reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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