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Weird Sighting at the Morris Arboretum

This is probably one of the weirdest and scariest experiences I ever had in my life. It happened a couple of Falls ago. My dad took my little brother and I up to the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania to look at some gardens.

If I remember correctly, we were walking around the Greenhouse when we saw a path leading out into the woods, which I think is called The Woodland Trail. Being the curious kids that we were, me and my little brother decided to explore the path while our father stayed behind to look at more flowers or trees or something.

Well, the path took us uphill into a forest. There was a fork in the road, so my brother decided to take the downhill path while I continued further uphill. I started to get an eerie feeling, probably sparked by all the rustling noises I began to hear. I assumed they were only chipmunks and continued on.

It was when I got to the top of the slope and spotted the outskirts of a meadow that I suddenly began to hear loud popping sounds coming from above me. Rocks also began to tumble down the hill and hit me. I assumed these were only chipmunks or deer, so I continued on.

As the sounds and rocks became more frequent, I became more worried. I called down to my brother (he was down at the bottom of the slope, near a lake, and he could still hear me) and he told me to keep following the road and that we'd cross paths eventually.

I called "Hello?" up at the meadow multiple times to make sure that there were no hunters who were shooting (that's how loud the noises became) up there who would mistake me for an animal and shoot me. No one responded. The sounds got louder and louder and I got more frightened.

Finally, I met up with my brother. He brought me down the slope to a lake, where a bunch of ducks where swimming on the water. I was calm again, until a whole bunch of rocks began falling and more popping sounds started. The ducks flew away in a hurry, and my brother and I took that as a bad sign.

We began to run out of the woods until we were stopped by a huge rock in the path (how convenient). My brother looked back and said "Oh my God, what is that?" He would later describe it as "Someone wearing a large coat hanging from the tree." My vision was blocked my a tree that was in the way (again, how convenient) but I could see something huge and black.

Needless to say, we climbed over that rock and ran out of that forest as fast as we could! We met up with our dad, who of course didn't believe our story.

If anyone could tell me anything about the history of the Morris Arboretum or give any explanation, I would greatly appreciate it!

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Contributed by Kristen and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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