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I Think I Have A Ghost In My House

I live in a very big/old house. Its a two story brick colonial mansion. The bricks from my home were originally used to build an even bigger house in Charleston, SC but that house burned down. The people who lived in the house before my family did used those bricks to build this home. Anyways, I only mention that because maybe it plays into what's been happening in my home.

When I was little, about 4 or 5, my bedroom was downstairs right beside my parents. One night I woke up and saw someone walking down the hall. I couldn't make out who it was though. It looked like an adult but all I could see was black, like it was a shadow. I figured it was my father or mother. The next day they asked me if I had been in the hall in the middle of the night because they had seen my shadow. I hadn't left my bed. We still wonder who or what that was.

Now I am 20 years old. I am living in this same house by myself while my family takes care of some business a few states away. When I first started living by myself there it wasn't really a big deal. I could be in the house by myself in the dark and not be scared. Then strange things started happening. I would come home and lamps would be wedged in between the walls and chairs upright as if someone and had set them there and pushed the recliner up against it so it couldn't be removed unless you pulled the recliner back out. I would wake up and doors would be open. I would here things break and vibrate but never could find out what it was. Doors would be left open to rooms I never go in. The house is really that big.

I'm pretty sure somehow my house is haunted. There are 2 things I just can't explain.

1) I was sitting in my room one night listening to the radio. My room is upstairs. My bedroom door is extremely hard to open and shut. You have to put your shoulder to it just to open it and use your hands and feet to push it shut. In the hallway outside of my room there is nothing except for other doors that lead to other rooms and those doors always stay shut. I was sitting there and heard something hit my door. It sounded as if someone had kicked it or hit it with their fist. I turned off my radio and listened. I thought maybe I imagined that. There is no way and no how anything could have just hit my door unless it was a person and my windows and doors stay locked. I sat there for a little while and listened to hear what sounded like someone was saying "meow...meow...meow" and it didn't sound like a cat, it was like somebody standing at my door saying it.

2) I got a puppy after a while. Because I was still trying to train her it was just easier to sleep in the living room on the couch with her. There is a door in the living room to go into the back yard. It has no knob, just a dead bolt and a chain lock and the carpet is really high so its kind of difficult to open. There is also a screen door in front of it. I let my puppy out one day through that door. I couldn't get the dead bolt to lock all the way but it was good enough to wear when I pulled on the actual dead bolt it didn't open so I figured that would be good enough. I woke up that night because my puppy had jumped down from the couch and was sitting at the back door whimpering and crying. I looked at it and the door was open as far as the chain lock would allow. The screen door was still shut so it couldn't have blown open and besides with that carpet it wouldn't have opened.

So yeah, I think I have a ghost. Not sure but, I don't know how to explain that.

Contributed by Lee and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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