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My Own True Ghost Experiences

Hi. my name is Kristina.

I have witnessed weird things happening growing up. My first story I will tell is when I was about 5, me and my family just moved into a new house. I remember there was a wawa down the street from where I lived and my dad would always go there to get drinks for me and my 2 older sisters. I was watching Spongebob Squarepants when the attic started to slam up and down. I was so afraid. I was the only one there, I was hiding in the bathroom crying.

The house was haunted, but my dad wouldn't ever tell me until a few years ago. A man died in that house, like 11 years ago. He died of old age. My older cousin swears she saw the old man with weapons in his head. He would torment me and my cousin all the time, when she was there.

My next experienced is when I was about 7. I moved in a house with my mom, 2 sisters and my pop-pop. This house was haunted also. My uncle knew this guy that was killed and who previously lived in the house a couple years before us. The house wasn't haunted, in the kind of way by seeing, you would only hear things in the walls.

A few years later my 2 sisters and I, played with the Ouija board. A lot of weird things happened. The second time we asked the board a question we saw an orb on a poster one of my sisters had hanging up.

My sisters and I did hear and witness things going on in that house. My mom, my step-dad, my little baby brother, and me plus my sisters moved into a new house 20 minutes away. My pop-pop still lived in that house, and so did my 3 cousins and my uncle at the time.

In late 2005 my cousin, me, and her ex-boyfriend started to see things, and see orbs all around. They would hear knocking and see weird things. They never saw a ghost or anything but just by seeing those things happen to them I would guess that something was in that house.

Until this day I would not go into that house, or play with a Ouija board again. My pop-pop shortly moved two years later, leaving my uncle with the house and my 2 cousins. He moved out also a few months after that. Now my other uncle owns the house, I am frightened to go into that house 'til this day.

One of my other stories is when I first moved into my new house with my mom, I would hear things and see things moving. A year later my step dad's dad passed away. My mom and one of my older sisters went with her to see him in the hospital. He always got lucky and fought through the times at the hospital but this time it was a different. This time he passed away.

A few days later, I remembered waking up in the middle of the night, seeing something in the hall way. I knew it was him. I never saw my pop-pop A. again after that but I still feel him watching over my family. Before my pop-pop A. passed away I witnessed two ghosts standing and watching me. I put my hand through one, I thought for some reason It was my sister jenny but it turns out it wasn't. I was only five at the time, I was so afraid I started crying.

I am now 15, I am still living in the same house I was where I saw my pop-pop A. My dad sold his haunted house, and moved into a historic one with his wife, and two of her teenage daughters.

Contributed by Kristina and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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