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My Grandfather's Very Robust Ghost

I have experienced many paranormal events during my lifetime, and have posted stories on another website before I found this one. But, this story actually centers around the experience of my friend's dad, who is also my friend. He is a private person, therefore, I will not state his name.

Well, when my grandfather died, I was only 2. He left his estate to my dad. We soon moved into his trailer home located on what at that time was a small ranch, now property where various family members live like a small community.

My mother decided to build a house and sold the trailer to my friend's dad "G". He moved the trailer on the same property, just a different lot, and has lived there about 2 years now.

One day, I was over at his place talking to him when he tells me, "You know, this house is haunted."

My reply was, "How so?", knowing stories that my sister had told me about the place when I was young.

He went on to tell me about how he sees a tall man walking through the house going about his business, talking to someone about business, opening doors, making all kinds of noise as if he were a roommate. He said the man never pays him any attention, just does his thing.

I asked him about his looks out of curiosity, and he tells me that the man appears to be very confident, tall, has a robust, almost booming voice, but not yelling. That he is going bald and I have mentioned his being tall, but let me clarify, his head almost touches the ceiling. He also said he appears as solid, but in shades of grey like people look in black & white movies.

His description really touched me. My grandfather died when I was only 2, and I am now 30. I don't remember him, but apparently, he was well known and well liked, because I've heard alot about him from many people. I also have one picture of him. I told this to "G" and told him about how his every word sounded like my grandfather.

I found the picture a couple of weeks later and when he looked at it, immediately, he said, "That's the man in my house!" He is not scared, and says, "He don't bother me, so I don't bother him."

He says only the noise is a little annoying at times, like a few weeks ago, he was mad about something and seemed to be arguing with someone and banging around a lot.

Isn't it a small world that even after life people can have ties to each other? By the way, "G" is a family friend, but never had the pleasure of meeting my grandfather; it was all coincidence the way it all happened.

Contributed by Kelly Strong and Copyright © 2007 all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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