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My Scary Experience

The year was 1974. Me and my husband had just settled down for the night, It was 11 pm and I really wasn’t tired yet but my husband was so I got into bed anyway.

I was just laying there for about a half an hour when I saw a weird light on the ceiling. I thought there was someone outside shining a flashlight through the window which was above the headboard of my bed so I sat up and looked out the window but no body was out there so I laid back down and that light was still there, I just stared at it. But now it started descending down towards me. As it got closer I could see a face inside of a smoky grey colored cloudy (what ever it was) and a hand and arm only up to the elbow and the hand was reaching out to me as  it was trying to get me to …

February 13th, 2011 by CareTaker 

Completely Powerless to Move and an Evil Presence

One night several months ago I was just about to fall asleep, I was not in a particularly good or relaxed mood but when I got into my bed I felt a warm comfort encompass me and immediately felt myself starting to fall asleep. Looking back on it the feeling was much more than falling asleep, it was loosing consciousness.

I remember thinking how black the darkness was in my eyelids for a moment before I was slipping away. Then a few things started to happen simultaneously; there was a slight ringing in my ears, and my body started to shake (I’ve often felt this before, very strange, physical whole body vibration), and very quickly did both of these increase. The ringing became louder in increments as the vibration turned into an all out violent shake that was shaking me in the air and the ringing became and unbearable, unworldly screeching painful thing. At the same time as these things …

February 13th, 2011 by CareTaker 

My Mama or Something Else

I am 19 years old, I live with my grandmamy in a small town in Nakuru Kenya in a 14 room stone house granddad build. I have no siblings, never set eyes on my dad and my mama is too much of drinker. When I was 6 my aunt Sonnie died and was buried  behind the animal shelter about quarter a km from the main house next to my granddad and my nanas graves.

About a year after Aunty passed away when I joined class one in 1999, I remember quite clearly it was on a weekend and after dinner I kissed my grandma goodnight and went to bed. Mine was a small bedroom with my  belongings and my toys. I fell asleep instantly and I didn’t dream like I usually never do, well until around 3 am when I woke up with what felt like a pat on my thigh. I couldn’t move or even say a word, I …

February 11th, 2011 by CareTaker 

Dream Girl

Back in 1990 (or was it in ’91?) I decided to stay on campus for the summer at U of I; I would usually go home for the summer but this time around I wanted to see what it would be like to work and live away from my parents. It was a great summer. I worked at the campus coffee shop and hung out in the evening with friends. Well, I didn’t realize until it was too late that there is about a week where old leases ended and new leases began. During this time management companies would clean and touch up apartments for incoming students/tenants. Literally I was going to be homeless for a week.

Fortunately a couple of my friends were able to move into their apartment 10 days earlier. Even better was that their apartment complex was across the street from where I would be living. So, I gathered my things and moved in with them. …

February 10th, 2011 by CareTaker 

My First Sleep Paralysis Episode?

I put a question mark at the end because I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis before. I think a few nights ago was the first time…

Before I went to bed I watched Ghost Adventures (the one with Zak Bagans) I turned the TV off at midnight and went to bed. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I’d had some pretty horrible dreams shortly after. I don’t remember them, I just know they were freaky.

As the last dream ended, I felt as if I had woken up, but my eyes were still closed. I heard a man in my ear laughing kinda demonically. I tried to cover my ears and curl into a ball, but my arms and legs wouldn’t move. So, I tried to scream and tell him to stop, but all I heard were whispers. That’s when I really woke up. It was early morning, and I remembered everything, but as a dream without pictures.

I looked around my …

February 3rd, 2011 by CareTaker 

Creek Side Haunting

All my life I have had this sort of connection with the ghost world. Well it seems that the older I get the more powerful this sense gets. Same with my very good friend Erika. Erika is also what people call a medium (A person who has some sort of 6 sense.) Anyway I have many stories from her house.

Erika lives in a huge apartment area. These apartments are very ghetto and there is always bad things happening over in creek side such as killings, people getting raped, fights, gangs, things like that. (I’m telling you this so you know how haunted it is.) Anyway one of my stories is Erika sleeps in her living room because her uncle from Mexico is recently living with her family and is staying in her room.

One night Me and Erika were sitting on her couch lying down, Erika fell asleep about a half an hour ago. As I sat on the …

January 10th, 2011 by CareTaker 
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Has Anyone Experienced Sleep Paralysis like Me?

Hello I’m interested to know if anyone has experienced the same as me and their take on this?

About two years ago I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and had my first sleep paralysis experience. I remember lying in bed asleep on my back and “waking up” to realize I could not move my body, not even my eyes, and I could not breathe whatsoever. The only thing I had was my mind wide awake and the panic of not being able to move or breathe, I literally thought I was going to die. I remember desperately trying to move my hand, I began tapping with my hand on the bed and my boyfriend shook me and woke me up. He said I was making strange noises and he thought I was having some sort of panic attack. I also felt the heavy sensation pushing down on my chest stopping me from breathing. When I finally woke …

January 4th, 2011 by CareTaker 

Shadow Figure Attacked Me

Firstly, this story is about my first experience of being attacked by demon / spirit (I don’t know and I hope it’ll be the last as well…) It happened about 3 years ago when I was still 13.

I was sleeping as usual that night, but then something went wrong. I felt like I was already awoke but everything was still so dark, so I decided to went back to sleep again (but that was my biggest mistake). When I went back to sleep again, I felt like something is crawling up from my bed towards me. I kinda ignored that at first because I am so sleepy at that time and because I’m wearing blanket so I thought that it was just the wind from my Air Conditioner.

By the time I realized that it was not the wind but rather something different, it has almost reached my face. I don’t know what is that cause my room was …

January 2nd, 2011 by CareTaker 

Waking Up Paralyzed

I’ve been browsing and reading through many experiences others have posted here about sleep paralysis, but couldn’t find one similar to mine. I’d like to share my own experience with whoever is interested. This also never happened again since, and I hope it does not, as it was a very frightening experience.

One night I decided that my own bedroom is too cold to sleep in, especially because there is a balcony connected directly to my room, so I decided to sleep in the living room, on the leather couch where I’d be able to conserve my body heat better.

I woke up, or rather I became conscious and aware that I was no longer dreaming. For a few moments I had to question myself where the loud noises of birds twittering away was coming from, or even if it was real. Their loud twittering sounded like there was a tree or bush filled with them, and twittering rather loudly, …

December 31st, 2010 by CareTaker 

Odd Figure in Black Robe

Well every so often I’ll get an odd dream… or maybe it isn’t a dream, it’s kind of like sleep paralysis but different. I’ll explain it. I’ll wake up looking up at the ceiling and I wont be able to breathe or close my eyes, next my head will move to look at the other side of the room and I’ll see an odd figure, it will seem to have a black robe on but be surrounded by an almost blackish fog. This figure will start to move closer and closer to me and when it gets right above me it will disappear.

Now the next night I will have a dream where I am in a very big white room, no walls or anything just endless white nothingness. I will be in this room for what feels like real time, about 8 – 9 hours completely alone… no sound except my breathing… nothing.

Now here is where it gets …

December 29th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Mysterious Rainy Nights

I moved out from my parents place a couple weeks back to start my career. I’m only 18 and paranormal activities are new to me.

A week into working, I was heading home after work at around 9:30 pm and it was heavily raining. I lived in a flat downstairs to a small family that live upstairs, as the story goes, I came home and I was sleep deprived so I sat on the couch to get a bit of shut eye since I was running in the rain from work to the house.

An hour later I woke up to have a shower and as I was getting into the shower, I heard a knock on my door so I put a towel on and walked to the door to answer. As I opened I heard from the distance that there were footsteps heading towards me but I didn’t see a thing. I was freaked out for a bit …

December 26th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Room of Spirits and Other Creatures

I will start off saying that I am a 24 year old male. I moved in with a friend of mine who is 42 and she has a son who is 12. Our relationship is strictly friends and always has been. I have a girlfriend who’s 19 and she has a 4 month old son.

6 months ago the room that I stay in I was woken up from a dead sleep by something wondering around the room, I had never had a ghost experience up until this point. I laid there still and quiet with my mind trying to give logical reasoning for what was walking behind me. I was facing the wall and to scared to roll over and  see what I feared most, the unknown.

As I lay there motionless and paralyzed with absolute terror, I could literally feel something pressing its body up against my bed standing over me, at that exact time it was as …

December 23rd, 2010 by CareTaker 
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