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Shadow Creatures and the Tuurnagait in the Woods

Posted on July 16, 2009

As a 77 year old man, I have lived an extraordinary life and have seen many things, but none of things that ever happened to me was as terrifying or horrific as when I spent my first summer as a 14 year old boy in the pacific northwest on a camping trip. The memory of that time still terrorizes me to this day when I think of it. I want to share my story with all of you.

It was 1946, just one year after WW 2. My father moved the family (my mother, younger sister and me) from Chicago to Washington State. My father was offered and accepted a job in the logging industry, and after the war, we all packed up everything we owned and headed out on the road together. As I recall it took us about a week. I was excited and nervous about the move we were making. Little did I know at that time just how nervous I should have been?

My father had bought an old three bedroom timber framed house for us off of an old dirt road about a half mile to our nearest neighbor. We were surrounded by the tall pine and fir trees that are common to the area. I never initially put much thought into it, but I had begun to notice as the weeks passed strange figures looming around the house at night, they appeared to be in the form of shadow people which I would watch from my bedroom window after the lantern went out.

At first I was not very afraid of them, just more curious. This would turn out to be a mistake. The shadowy figures did not move as the rest of the shadows did under the moonlight. they moved differently and with a purpose. They always appeared regardless of if it was windy or not. I cannot explain exactly HOW I knew they were different, but they definitely were. They resembled people and walked through the forest in steps around the house.

One day I looking for evidence of their trespass, I never found any footprints. But I would occasionally find stones that were stacked up into small piles around my window. At first I discounted them thinking it was my sister, I confronted her and she denied it. She has always been very honest and sincere and I believed her when she said she didn’t do it. Her and I had a special bond, she looked up to me and would never lie to me. At nine years old, I know also that she would not have been able to move a few of the larger rocks into place. My Father was always working and never really at home, when he was, he liked to read his paper and listen to his radio programs. My mother would not indulge herself in such trivialities as going into the woods and making piles of rocks, she was too busy keeping house.

I would walk down to the mailbox to collect our mail, about a half mile away, often. I would get the worst feeling that I was being followed and watched. The further away from the house I got, the more intense the feeling. Sometimes I would run as fast as I could down that dirt road to get the mail and get back as fast as I could. It was about a 20 minute walk to the mailbox and a 20 minute walk back. I had managed to cut my time down to 25 minutes there and back and became a good runner because of it.

Even though I could never actually see them during the day, I knew they were following me when I would wander too far away. I always felt that I could be taken at any time. I would regularly take down the piles of rocks, and within a few nights, they would… re-appear, often in different places. And as I said, there never was a sign of human activity. I did not know what to do about the strange rock formations and the shadow people I saw. Every time I would ask about it, I was told to stop being stupid.

One night, they came really close to my window, I remember because it was a hot summer night and the frogs were unusually loud that evening. It was about 9 or 10 o’ clock at night, the sun had set not long before; we were tucked into bed… (My bed time was 8 o’ clock). I heard a terrible thump on the wall facing the outside near my window. I jumped out of bed, ran over to the window and saw it. It was a black shadowy thing with a head and arms and a torso with no legs that whipped its head around and looked up at me. I swear to this, that this thing was real and it was there.

I was so terrified I froze for a moment. Then I ran to the closet in the den and grabbed dads Remington rifle, loaded it as fast I could and got to the door. I was so scared to open it that my fingers were shaking. But I closed my eyes and managed to do it. I turned the latch and the wooden door creaked open to the night. I took a very cautious and nervous step out onto the porch and turned right, where my bedroom window was to look at the thing. IT WAS STILL THERE! I did not know what to do, or what it was, I was never so frightened in all my life. I raised the rifle and fired off a round into it. I quickly reloaded the bolt action rifle and got off another two shots before the rest of the shells from my pajama front pocket spilled out onto the wooden deck. The thing did not react to the bullets being fired through it, instead it just menaced at me floating there by my bedroom window.

It was not long before my dad came running out to the porch, the thing had whipped away so fast in less than a second that by the time my dad was there it was gone. He took the rifle from me, picked up a few shells reloaded it and pushed me behind him. He stood between me and the dark woods where this thing had come from and asked if it was a wolf. I bit my lip and, lied. Yes, it was a wolf. id you get it? he asked. I’m sorry, I don’t think so, I said feeling bad for telling a fib to my father.

A few weeks passed. I had begun having night terrors and would have a recurring dream that a giant witch lady was coming to pick me up and scoop me into a basket and take me away. She cooked people on rocks and ate them. I understand how ridiculous this sounds, but it was a chilling and grisly dream that I had often. She was a witch who lived in the woods and would use the souls of her former victims to gather up more children. As a 14 year old in those days, I was considered a young man and not really a kid as such, but someone had forgot to tell the witch that.

I got to a point in my life that I needed to know what was happening. I certainly couldn’t talk to anyone about it, especially in those days. So I started investigating. What I found in the public records and newspaper archives scared the hell out of me even more. Apparently between the years of 1939 – 1946, 41 children in that area had been reported as missing or lost with no trace. That is an average of over ten kids a year.

I would pray to God every night to keep them away, some nights it worked, and others it wouldn’t. I was very sincere and very scared having to go into my bedroom after sunset. There were times when I could not sleep at all, and other times when, (nobody ever knew this) I would cry myself to sleep wishing they would just leave. I always knew when they came because I could feel them in the room with me and outside my window watching me. The piles of rocks would appear near the house for years to come and I would see them out of the corner of my eye.

I never in my life wanted my little sister to go through that, so I never, ever brought it up or said anything about it to her. I would come to find out years later that she too knew of these shadow people who lived in the woods and had the same dreams and similar experiences as I did but never said anything to anyone. When we talked about it years later, she burst into tears telling me that she thought she was the only one and that she thought she might have been going crazy.

A year later on my 15th birthday, I was having a party at the house and it was an outdoor cook-off with some of the people from town and a few friends from my dad’s company were over. One of them was an old Native American Indian we called Long John. He told us kids not to wander off too far into the woods and stay close or the giant witch will get us. I FROZE DEAD IN MY TRACKS after hearing that! I asked him to repeat what he just said, and sure enough I heard correctly. It was an old Inuit legend that a giant witch who lived in the woods would come and steal children away from their parents when they wandered too far. She would heat up rocks and put the children on the rocks and cook them up for supper. I could not believe what I was hearing, this was the first time I had ever heard this story and it knocked the wind out of me because it was so close to my own experiences. The Giant Witch was an Atanarjuat, but an evil one and Indian sorcerers often use disembodied spirits for their own bidding to carry out their deeds. They are also, according to the legend, able to possess people.

I started carrying a protective charm that was made for me by one of the elder shaman that made me appear in my astral form as a tall and strong hunter to the shadow people and the witch so that they would leave me alone. It may have been a trick of psychology but whenever I carried that talisman with me which was a leather bag stuffed with herbs and bark, a bottle cap and an eagle feather tied together, I never was bothered long by these creatures. I simply had to point at them and they would scatter and not return. I still have that same charm over 60 years later.

My message is that if anyone ever claims to have seen these creatures, I would think twice about discounting them. I write my story because only recently have I been made aware that, others, have seen them too. I am not any more psychic than any of you, but I have seen some very strange things in my life that I cannot account for other than to believe in the supernatural. There may be more to this life than any of us could ever know.

Written by Ty Chase, Copyright 2009

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Tags: Indian Legends, Native Americans

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