Lucid Dreams and the Tall People

Posted on April 10, 2010

I wouldn’t say I am any more psychic than most people, but I have clocked up a number of paranormal experiences in my 43 years so far. This includes one home that was haunted, a couple of haunted workplaces and even, when I was about 14, my dad seeing the “ghost” of ME one night at a time when I was ill (but not at all life-threateningly ill, as you might expect).

But the experiences I’m writing about now are something quite different; I don’t even know what category they would come under: astral travel, altered states of consciousness, aliens, fairies, ghosts/ spirits, inter-dimensional travel or simply a vivid imagination!

The experiences started when I was about 26, and continued for just over a year. (They might even still be going on, only I don’t remember them.) I want to write about them because I’d be interested to know if anyone has experienced similar and/ or can explain them. I was interested in recalling my dreams and having lucid dreams, because before and after my mum died earlier that year I’d had sleep paralysis a lot of times; I think stress brought it on. It was utterly terrifying, and once I found out what it was I wanted a way to banish the scary entity I would “see” during an episode. (I did conquer those episodes; another story.) So anyway I was in the habit of keeping a notebook and pen by my bed, and every morning on waking, before I did or thought about anything else, I would write down all I could remember about my dreams. After a short time, I found I could remember as many as about 6 a night, in great detail.

It wasn’t long before I became aware that I was dreaming during most of my dreams, but I was having some recurring encounters with some very strange, non-human people which did not “feel” like normal dreams. I can’t explain it any other way. I would wake up from those feeling stiff and cold, as if I’d been very deeply asleep, but somehow not rested and not fully “in my body.” Those feelings would wear off quickly and the weird dreams did not affect my waking life in any way other than making me wonder what had been going on. I never felt scared by them.

The first dream in which the “Tall People” (as I used to call them in my dream diary) appeared was bizarre indeed; I was standing on Maiden Castle, an Iron-age hill fort near where I was living at the time, and a tall young man approached me. He was very attractive but certainly not human. He was tall and slim and wore good quality modern clothing; jeans and a hoodie in bright colors. His skin was coffee-colored with a golden glow about it and his hair was long, straight and light brown, parted in the center. His eyes were a very striking shade of amber, like an owl’s. Everything about his features was perfect; flawless skin with no sign of aging; thick, glossy hair, regularly-shaped facial features and a kind of radiance. I was not scared.

He was joined by two female companions with exactly the same kind of looks, who were dressed in the sort of bright and scanty clothing that people wore to dance parties at that time (the early 90s). They spoke to me without moving their mouths (I think they sometimes did speak in a more normal way in subsequent dreams) and I had the impression that they meant no harm, yet I sensed that their emotional and moral makeup was very different from my own. Their odd combination of human and inhuman traits was fascinating to me. They said they were off to a party, and asked me to go with them. I had the choice, but at the same time I had no choice but to join them. I can’t describe how I decided to go with them, if it was me who decided at all.

The next thing I knew, we were still on Maiden Castle, but somehow in a different place. It was the same, but different. I can’t explain how. There were lots of people just like them, and we sat down at one of several long wooden tables set out on the hill. There were bowls of fruit, other food I could not identify, and cups with colored liquid in them. Some of the fruit was familiar, but the wrong color, like blue bananas; other fruits I had never seen before. At this point I felt a small voice of caution within because in my waking life I had heard the folk tales that if you ate fairy food you would have to stay with them. They never said they were fairies; they never told me where they came from and I never asked; they were just there. The tall people seemed so friendly and harmless that I went ahead and ate and drank with them. I can’t remember how anything tasted though.

The next night the tall young man and the two females were back again with another male. This time they drove me to a local beach in a red convertible car, laughing and singing, their beautiful hair flying out behind them. I got the impression they were a rather hedonistic race. When we arrived, the mood changed. The man I’d met originally seemed to be in charge of the others. They stood in a line on the rocks, silent and serious, whispering amongst themselves from time to time while I dived into the water. I have no idea why they didn’t dive in too, I just know I felt compelled to because it was so inviting. The water was clear and beautiful and I could see a seal darting gracefully about in the mottled rocks and weed. I swam after it for some time. I came out of the sea feeling like that had been a really meaningful experience, but I couldn’t figure out why. The next moment, we were back in the car and I was still wet. They took me to a house where the females let me put on some of their clothes. Then the dream just merged into a “normal” dream without those people there.

Those first two dreams were the most vivid, but for a year or so afterward, even after moving house 30 miles away from where I first met them, those tall people got into my dreams on a very regular basis. It was usually the original man with the two girls. I would be in the middle of dreaming something very mundane, and wherever I was I would look up and there they were, standing in the background, just watching me. Sometimes the man would raise a hand as if in greeting or smile as if he knew something I didn’t. I never felt either good or bad energy from them although I was certain they meant me no harm. Gradually, the tall people stopped visiting me. I have no idea why, but it could be because I got pregnant and around the same time began to follow a particular religious path quite strictly, which I am still practicing.

So what was going on? Has anyone else encountered these tall, “perfect” people with yellow eyes, in dreams or awake? Who could they be? Why did they visit me?

Sent in by Sarah, Copyright 2010

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Tags: Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, Tall People

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