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My Beloved Grandmother's Ghost?

I was very close to my grandmother. She had raised me since my birth mother gave me up at a very young age. My grandmother was everything to me and I had always felt a stronger connection to her than I had ever had with anyone else in my life.

A very strong hard working woman with my alcoholic grandfather who preferred his drinking over providing for my grandmother and my dad. My life was a very hard life growing up in the hands of my abusive grandfather while my "mama" worked in a factory in Dallas and my young father had decided to make a better life by going back and getting his GED and later his degree.

My grandmother had a terrible accident on the job and would never work again. I would in later years, as I got older, try to help her in the time of need and her last days since she had done for my father and for me. She had than turned seventy-two and very sick. My biggest regret was that I had not been able to see her before she had passed on.

I had just found out I was going to be a mother and was thinking on how I was going to tell her the good news when I rushed in my house to pick up the phone and I dropped it. A cold feeling came over me. I ran out of the room in a state of shock. When I came back into the room my dad had told me of her passing.

We decided to make a trip to go to her house to talk about funeral arrangements. I was thinking so many things. The only woman in my life that had meant so much to me was gone. I should have been happy about giving life but I was mourning death. It was so hard being there going down memory lane.

That night I decided to sleep in her bed since everyone else had taken the other rooms. I didn't think anything of it. I was so drained mentally and physically. I went ahead and went to sleep trying to convince myself that this was a bad dream and wouldn't believe it until I actually viewed the body the next day.

I had been awoken by a very cold breeze similar to the one I had that day when I had rushed to the phone. I was just about to turn over to grab the blanket and thought it was odd about what I had felt since it had been a very hot summer and the air conditioner had not been working in her house. I was just about to lean over and grab the blanket when the breeze hit me again in the face.

I looked up, holding my right hand to my face, and saw a ghostly like figure by the corner of the room. It was looking at me with a slight grin on it's face. I could have jumped or screamed but I had felt my body had locked up. I could not move. I didn't know what to do. I kept my eyes locked on the strange figure. It kept it's eyes on me. It had told me in a low voice to close my eyes. The voice seemed to appear closer than it was. Oddly, I did as it told me. Yet with the fear I had experienced, I had felt a sense of peace that went through me that night. Whatever I had thought about ghosts in the past, I know whatever was in that room that night was not meaning to hurt me. Nobody can convince me otherwise. It was just odd that it had been where they had found my beloved grandmother that morning.

Contributed by Kiowa, Copyright © 2007 TrueGhostTales.com all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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