Women More in Tune Than Men?

Why is it that on most of the “ghost” shows now and it seems for the most part in general that women seem to be more in tune than men? I even have a few friends that have told me that they feel and even see something while their husband is completely oblivious or chalking it up to imagination.

One particular experience for me was opening my eyes post-coitus to a hulking black mass above my face. I tried to scream and choked. He laughed and made some dumb joke but said there was nothing there. I felt like the air could be cut with a knife and he was snoring comfortably.

Anybody have any idea as to why this is?

Asked by Teresa

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  1. Hi Teresa,

    Easy answer. Women used to be more in touch with their emotions (and their intuition and psychic senses), and men with their logical minds. In the past men were taught that it was not good for a little boy to cry (feel their emotions), they had to control themselves severely. We hope it’s not that way these days. Men are now appear to be allowed to cry, to show and feel emotion etc.

    Where ghost hunting is involved (and I work as a medium for a group or two), I find more men are interested in the technical stuff and less of ‘feeling’ things, but then my partner (at 58, who was taught not to cry etc) feels and sees so many different things to me, I find it fabulous – but getting him to talk about it has been a bit of a challenge over the past couple of years. Now .. he warns me about stuff I can’t even sense at times, and I trust his instincts on it, and I am a clairvoyant, ghost hunter and demonologist – he’s more connected to the elemental world.

    The TV shows are mostly pure nonsense and made to ‘entertain’ the masses. In Australia and England I have been in a number of those ‘terribly haunted and frightening’ buildings, and either the nasty ghosts run when they see me, or the people’s reactions are inventions …. quite often it is them scaring themselves. There doesn’t have to be a ghost, or anything else, in the room. And, believe me, if most of those ghost hosts had ever had contact with a demon .. you’d have the camera on the floor and them outside terrified out of their minds.

    As the structure of society (and the way we raise our children) changes, more men are becoming aware, and paying attention to, their intuition and psychic senses, and the women are becoming less so, which is kind of sad. A good male medium is a pleasure to work with. Men and women were orignally created to ‘compliment’ each other. That doesn’t mean ‘say nice things’ it means to work as a team and learn from each other.

    The energy over you was probably feeding from the post-coitus energy you both created. I hope you never saw it again.

    Wishing you a great day,
    Love & Light

  2. @Ama,
    Thank God no. The healer friend I told you about took care of it. I actually met her because of it. She said it was just a “nasty” that was living on the fear of my son as it was scaring the hell out of him at the time. Either way, the lights stayed on after that… lol

  3. well i think its because in old history, the people who lead religious rites and such were women. Priestesses and their helpers who were all women worked with all things religious and healing. So when you think about it when most civilizations have priestesses who are familiar and more in tune with demons and earth spirits and such, and we all are descendant from somewhere… wouldn’t those priestess genes per say be in most women’s DNA today?making them more susceptible to such instances as yours..
    Men were the warriors and kings dealing with the present and non-spiritual things so overtime like the priestess genes, they become mostly oblivious to the supernatural.
    thats just my theory.

  4. This all BS wemon are no more a tune then men, but we all lead to this because of the belief that is wrong…. I am just as good if not better then any woman out there in turning in and finding anyone as the next, or more better yet seening things I don’t want too. the only thing is men don’t yat about it as much…just putting it out there………………………all this new age BS

    • RIGHT ON! In my view if anyone ascribes to that belief they are assuming that all men are the same and all women are the same. I think it parallel to saying “Women are naturally better cooks than men” or “Men can naturally shoot a gun better than women”

      I do not believe for a second that there is any innate spiritual sensitivity genetically built into all females. This is just another form of stereotyping

      HOWEVER, I do think that the differences in how girls are raised could be a factor. At least for certain generations or families. When I was a kid it was very much frowned upon for a boy to cry or show sadness or fear. It was perfectly acceptable and even normal for a girl to be emotional, to cry and to be afraid of things. I am leaving that very brief and general because I know that y’all can see what I am getting at. Girls and boys are not always raised with differences like this but many are.

  5. Ok, Natalie, I think you may have a point there, but more in that women were chosen because of their sensitivity, not sensitive because they were chosen. Anonymous and Caretaker, I meant no offense. My question is why does it SEEM like women are more in tune.I have known a few men that are so in tune I am inclined to believe they are psychic and then like my fiance that slept right through something that had my skin crawling although he has seen, has been touched and has been held down. I am not man bashing so, please don’t take it that way. And as far as how one is raised, I know for me, it didn’t make a difference. My dad saw the Blessed Virgin 3 times during his life and yet he told me the things I heard and saw at night were just figments of my imagination. Also, let me say that he was born in 1924, so anything he saw would have been a big deal because you didn’t survive fighting in WWII because you were “sensitive”. Anyway, I know men are in tune as well, it just doesn’t seem to be as common place. I would love to hear about some experiences from our male friends here….

  6. I think it all depends on the person, male or female. I’ve seen full apparitions in my house, but never been bothered by any of them; had premonition type dreams. And, my husbands mom is a medium, he gets genes from her. He rarely sees things, but is more “contacted”. He’s the one who hears the footsteps, hears knocks at the door, when no one is there, and he can’t sleep in the living room, because he says they touch him. Once, he was slapped awake. So, I don’t think sex matters, its genes and upbringing to recognize what’s around you.

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