What Would it Take For You to believe in Ghosts?

For me, when it comes to things like the paranormal, the only way I can really believe something is to experience it or see it for myself.

As for the question I have encountered ghosts. Yes, I definitely believe that ghosts exist but I don’t know exactly what they are.

I have had experiences with “things” that may be considered ghosts and once there was even a witness who experienced the same things as I did.

So, what would it take for you to believe in ghosts?

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  1. I would have to really see it with my own eyes and go through it myself before I fully believed it. I am very intrigued by the idea of ghosts and crazy curious but just not convinced

  2. Man I believe in ghosts because I have seen them. I dont think I would truly believe it if I hadnt seen them myself

  3. yes i very much so believe ghosts..they are everywhere..you feel them, hear them, sometimes see them..

  4. Although I believe in demons and ghosts as well as a few other “strange phenomenon” I am very much a skeptic. If I hadnt went through what I did with this stuff I never would have been convinced. Its one thing to say ‘yeah, that makes sense and I bet thats how it is’ but another to say “Man! I experienced first hand that there are things going on in the so-called paranormal realm that are real’ and have no doubt.

    This sort of thing is just about like a belief in God – it takes a personal experience and it is not something that you can just toss out onto the table and prove to everyone (or anyone) else.

  5. Hi guys,

    My answer is ‘not a thing, I’ve been tapped on the shoulder too many times.’ LOL

    Love & Light

  6. Well, I have befriends with them for a long time. So, I believe their existence.

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