What do you Think About Auras?

What do you think about auras, and “seeing” auras around people, or auras connecting people?

Asked by Ben

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  1. Hi Ben,

    I hope you don’t mind me splitting your questions up this way. Anyway, I’ll answer this one first. Auras are fascinating.

    Think of your car. It has an engine. That energy makes heat, electricity to power the electronics etc etc .. well the human body is also like an engine. It makes electricity (which can be measured in your brain and nerves), and energy so that your muscles work .. without it you would be dead. It also makes heat.

    What does this have to do with auras? Stand beside your car, can you feel the heat radiating off the engine when its running. Stand beside a person on a cold day, can you feel it too .. give them a hug, take their temperature when they are sick .. that’s energy. That is what the aura around every person is, to begin with – their energy radiating off their bodies.

    Then it gets interesting. The energy is created by our chakras, which exist both within the physical body and outside it in our aura. Each of the 7 major chakras are different coloured and represent different parts of our human nature. They are too complicated to explain in detail here, but this link is good:

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakra its worth a good read, though its complicated.

    Healer’s page: http://www.healer.ch/Chakras-e.html

    This one is just fun. http://www.eclecticenergies.com/chakras/chakraevaltest.php

    That’s my results.

    Root: open (44%)
    Sacral: open (50%)
    Navel: open (50%)
    Heart: open (56%)
    Throat: open (62%)
    Third Eye: open (44%)
    Crown: open (62%)

    Root .. I am a bit low in energy, and still recovering from my surgery .. so I expected that to be a bit low. Sacral and navel are balanced, which is good. Heart is higher .. good to know, though ‘balance’ is better. Throat .. I am communicating a lot, so it is not surprising that it is high. Third eye .. I have a headache .. not surprising then that it is low. Crown is way open .. which is usual for me. Don’t pat me on the head, or even swoop your hand through the energy over my head, or I will jump out of my skin. LOL

    They can change hourly, or daily .. it depends on what is happening in the person’s life.

    The chakras provide the colours and patterns of energy within the human aura. So when a person sees an aura they can see movement of energy, or colours or both.

    The aura tells the story of the person, from everything they believe in, everything they have experienced in their lives and in past lives, and what their physical and mental health is. A good reader can tell you all about yourself – I am talking about ‘in person’ not from aura photos. Aura photos are just ‘representations’ of what the person’s aura looks like, not the real thing – though they are fascinating too. Mine are usually red .. lots of energy to spare! usually true.

    The aura actually exists as 7 layers, all representing different parts of our spiritual selves. The first part is the physical aura and is usually about 2″ wides, and comes in a variety of colours, depending on your ethnic family group. I’ve given you another webpage to describe the rest. Please realise I am just picking random pages with good information on that one particular page. I can’t speak for the rest of the site.


    I see auras. As a kid I used to horrify my parents, and their friends, by saying what I saw in everyone’s energy. I learned to turn it off. I had to grow back into it, so sometimes I see colours, but these days, mostly, I see patterns, or I ‘sense’ them, and can read various things about the people who I meet. But … I never do it unless they ask me to, because I respect people’s privacy.

    Connections: this is the really interesting bit. You and I are chatting here to each other Ben, so wherever you are in the world, you and I have an energy connection with each other. You have an energy connection with every single person you love, and everyone you hate. You are connected to people you are angry with, and those that make you really happy when you see them. We ALL end up looking like Man of War jellyfish .. with all those dangling arms connecting us to every person we have ever met .. unless you’ve learned how to cut ties with people and put yourself back in your own personal space .. in other words, back inside your aura with no attaching cords from anyone, or to anyone. It’s good to do that once in a while, and if you ever feel frightened for no good reason. Believe me, those who are supposed to be connected to you, like family and friends, will reconnect quickly enough .. and those who are having fun draining your energy (we call them psychic vampires) will get in contact with you really quickly to try and ‘re-connect’. When in doubt (no idea why they really rang) say no and disconnect again.

    Sometime when we meet a person we like them at once, they might feel really familiar, they are certainly someone we want to get to know .. and sometimes the opposite happens .. we take an instant dislike to someone without a good reason. Why .. its because, in the first instance, our aura energy and theirs is compatible and intermingles, and in the second .. we are not compatible with the person we cannot like, our auras cause friction .. which our bodies read as dislike or even anger .. and we choose to stay away from them. And yet, as each of us changes our minds, our world views, our beliefs or our feelings, the next time we meet the irritating person we do not have the same reaction? Very interesting ….

    So there is a brief summary of auras and chakras. It’s a very broad subject and well worth researching as you get to know not just your physical self, but your spiritual one. And no, it has nothing to do with the devil. God created us as spiritual beings having a physical journey .. our bodies are the machines that carry our spirits .. and the chakras are where the two are combined together. And as I said somewhere else, when we die it takes about 72 hours for the two (actually 3, but that’s another subject) parts of our selves to separate before we can return to heaven.

    Wishing you a wonderful day,
    Love & Peace

  2. Aura is an energy that surrounds a thing. Usually, a body of living creature, but some material can collect the auras for a while. Some people look it as a thick mist, cloud, or even a light. Aura have various colours, you can see almost all colours on one’s aura. But, there is only 1 or 2 colours that dominant than the others. The dominant colours is considered as the colour of that aura. Some people, who have develop a deep “bonds”, physically and mentally with the other people, usually have their aura connected to that person. That allow them to feel what the others feel, even when they are separated in a far away place.

  3. This is mine:
    Root: under-active (0%)
    Sacral: open (25%)
    Navel: open (38%)
    Heart: open (50%)
    Throat: open (38%)
    Third Eye: over-active (75%)
    Crown: open (38%)

    What do you think?

    • Hi Ancika,

      Your chakras are way out of balance, and you could use a little TLC (tender loving care). I suggest you find someone who does Reiki and ask them to balance your energy.

      In the meantime, please stamp your feet hard, to draw some of that brow energy back down to your base chakra. And I mean that literally.

      All our chakras should measure around about the same .. such as 50%. We will be just as psychic and feel much healthier if they are.

      Love & Peace

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