Need Help With Demonic Activity

My husband and I live in Stockton, Ca. I was sent to a doctor who caused me to have seizures, convulsions, left my body and many other symptoms. I have been hospitalized 2 times for physical symptoms. My heart has been pounding off and on for 4 years and my skin is on fire in the morning. I can barely eat without excruciating pain. We are both Christians. I had someone from the catholic church come in because of all of the demonic activity going on in our apartment. We are not catholic but cannot find anyone to help us with the spiritual problems.

My husband and I have both had the paralyzing dreams, seen shadowy figures. Things move in our apartment. I do not want to sleep in my bedroom anymore. My husband sleeps on the couch because of breathing problems. If you cannot help us do you know of anyone in northern Ca. who can? Thank you for any help you can give us.

Sent in by Joyce Kreis

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  1. Moving is a suggestion. If it’s linked to you, you need serious help.

  2. I suggest you check out She is wonderful and can do long distance work. If she can help you, she will or she will help you find someone who can. You should also maybe look up Lorraine Warren. She and her late husband worked together with demonic cases. Good luck and God bless you.

  3. Clense the house with black candles that may help.I hope this helps!:)

    • Black candles? How does that help cleanse a house?

    • Although i have not heard a thing as black candle ! but I suppose may it is a magic suggest and such manners make it worse. it is not a sure way rather may increase to demons audacity

      • Hi Manns

        Yeah! I’m kinda thinking the same thing as you …..

        • A.J , actually I accept you are an educated author and are very respectable for me

          wish health and happiness for you

  4. I wonder why no one has mentioned the only solution so far, Jesus. It is the only thing they really respond to. If it is demonic just say Jesus rebuke you and it will work. This has been written all over the net and in the Bible for ever. Wake up, you do not need a priest you need Jesus. Next attack say the Name above all names Jesus and the evil cannot stay.

  5. Sorry JK, but even as a Catholic I have to disagree with you. I agree the one sure fire way to rid oneself of demonic entities is through Christ, but invoking Christ alone could provoke the thing. She needs a professional. Maybe even a priest to come and see what he can do. I found through personal experience that invoking the name of God in the presence of a demon without proper preparation and/or training will only provoke it and could lead to physical violence on its’ part. My son ended up with a scratch on his face that missed his eye ball by less than a half inch.

    • I agree, Teresa. Earthbound spirits can be helped to move on to where they should be by JK’s methods. But the expulsion of demonic entities should be left to the professionals. Its too dangerous for the uninitiated to attempt it themselves.


  6. Hello, my husband is a pastor and is very educated on demonology. With the help of Jesus Chirst he has cast out msny demons from people,homes,and objects.

  7. If you would be so kind as to give me your husband’s name as well as your own (first and last) or the name of the spirit and I will try and help. I’ve been bothered by the demonic ever scince I was 8 years old, so i’m always happy to help. Remember that in the Bible Paul said, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against high powers in high places.”

  8. Hi Joyce Kreis

    My first question is: How did your doctor cause you to have “seizures, convulsions, left my body and many other symptoms”?. Did he/she put you on some kind of medication which disagreed with you? The pounding heart and burning sensation of the skin and osophagus(sp) certainly sound like some kind of reaction.

    As for the poltergeist activity and sightings of spirit, I would strongly suggest you go back to the Church and request an exorcism rite to be performed on your home by a trained exorcist. (it sounds like they blessed you home previously, not cleared it.) If the Catholic church won’t help further, try other churches locally. You don’t have to put up with the behaviour of this horrible spirit – nor should you have to.

    All the best to you & please keep us posted.


    • I’d like to know the answers to those questions too. The fire in the skin is a damaged nerve sensation, among other things.

      Love & Peace
      Ama Nazra (demonologist)(listed here under Friends)

  9. I’m not exorcist , magician ,sorcerer, medium , and etc but I can help you wholly. what I do is by particular real gods names and some luminous prays which is sent by god surely. That names and prays are too much all- powerful as (I say faithful ) it is possible the mountain be moved by those (if god will ). Some of that holly gods names and prays protect me against demons like a citadel in all situation. None demon can resists against me with that great names and that heavenly prayers . I see many people complain of involving by demons I pity for them and become sad that I can’t help them remotely.I become uneasy when I see some persons are suffering from demons harass and frighten here but what I can do and how I can save them while they are out of the way . Often I have to offer them ( and offer you now ) some unessential instruction which are not certain . Anyhow now , I can offer you some recommendation that has heard from common peoples or some persons that know demons approximately :
    - Keep a sharp steely thing as scissors about yourself ( especially when you are going to sleep)
    - keep a bottle of Mercury about yourself
    - keep some white animals in your house especially white pigeon

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