Does Magic Really Exist?

Before I ask this question I will admit that I already believe the answer to be no. Magic is fun and entertaining but is it real? Are there people who can actually practice magic and “do” things?

Have you noticed that even in movies and programs aimed at children it is typical to see magic wands, wizards, charms, symbols and even spells spoken?

Is it just completely fantasy fiction entertainment or is there some real magic somewhere? I mean are there witches and wizards and other characters out there using magic? Even Criss Angel faked it though he did it very well it was but a performance and an illusion.

Sent in by zeikos

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  1. Hi Zeikos

    Many years ago ‘Spirit’ told me the magic was coming back into the world. Over the past 10 years I have watched the changes in the energy, and begun to see that it’s perfectly true. Oh, people can’t shoot flames from their hands yet, or can they? I hope not. But they used to be able to do that, and they will again.

    Go and read mythology, most of it is based in fact, to some degree. I think a more interesting question is why the magic left? The other thought I have, almost daily, is that human beings are too irresponsible to all be able to do magic. We would do far more harm than good. I hope it comes back to only a select few who are old enough, wise enough, and responsible enough to use it for the greater good .. and not just entertainment.

    In the meantime, perhaps my grandchildren (don’t have any yet, but I will) will learn how to work it. My children have been raised to be responsible people, hopefully they will pass that on when the time is right.

    Would you like to learn magic?

    Love & Light’

    • Hey, um I read all these things like you guys wrote and to be honest it just seems really hard to believe. I mean what the heck is black and white magick. It’s almost as if you guys are talking about a magic story or a dream.

      • Hi Anonymous,

        There is no such thing as black and white magic. Magic is manipulating energy. What you intend to do with that energy is what makes the ‘magic’ black (evil) or white (good). In between are miles of shades of grey, but a spell done to hurt someone or force them to bend to your will (do what you want them to do taking away their right to choose for themselves) is black (evil) magic. It does exist. You might never have experienced it, and I hope you don’t, but I have removed curses from people over the years, and some of them were as simply as love spells gone wrong.

        Love & Peace

  2. Yes, Magic is exist! Believe it or not, that’s your problem. I can’t force you to believe what I believe, can I?

  3. I do have a strong belief in magic. I can feel it in my heart that it exist. I have the strongest urge for being able to do magic. I get so lost in Harry Potter movies and Lord If The Rings. I just love the Idee of it coming back

  4. Some one may not like what I am about to say but it changed my life.When I was heavy in to black magic and curses,well one day I was deep in to meditation doing my magic and communicating with spirits and I started to speak evil against this pastor.Well the next day I found out he was in a bad car accident and his wife was hurt badly but she lived.Magic,tara cards,quija boards,seances,colar codes,and deep spirtual meditation calling forth a demon by name all these things are not a jokeing matter.So many have tried to convince me that white magic isnt wrong but magic is magic,it is a portal to opening one self to demonic powers.Its like this what ever you give a spirit times that by a thousand he will take.I have met hundreds of people who have been destroyed and this is why I wrote my book A PSYCHIC DISCOVERS JESUS.See I am no expert but what I can say is for more than 17 years I was going after all that was demonic and it destroyed every thing in my life.

  5. Hi Tim,

    i am sorry you got so badly hurt, but your intention was to contact the demonic .. that was where your ‘magic’ led to harm.

    White magic, which is mostly herbalism and various other light work, does not include contacting demons. You can build up some negative karma if you do spells that interfere with other people’s right to choose, but it does not invite demons into your life.

    I am Christian, by the way, not Wiccan, and I do not use magic, but even wishing intensely for something, willing it to happen .. and I’m sure you’ve done that .. is using ‘magic’ of a sort.

    Don’t let your fear of the dark, which is perfectly justified because of all your life experiences, turn you into someone who sees ‘demons behind every door’. Fundamentalism of any kind is just as dangerous as playing with black magic. We exist in a world that was created for Love to be the ruling energy, not fear, and yet it is so easy to fear first and use common sense afterwards.

    I do not mean to offend you, I know your intention is to warn people against being stupid .. and I agree with you completely on that … but I have seen so many people hurt when fear rules their lives instead of Love.

    Wishing you a wonderful Easter,
    Love & Light

  6. I have personally witnessed the effects of black magic on people. Black magic is not something I would ever consider getting involved with.

    Love and Blessings

  7. I can speak from first hand experiience that whay some call “black magic” is simply “magic” used for sinister purposes. “Magic”, per se, is neutral, it can be used for good or ill, depending on the practioner and what he or she or they wish to accomplish. I’ve dealt with it, in various types, over 10 years, and I have used “magic” in both color characteristics. Either is not something to play with and a summoned demon can do as much damage as a summoned angel, neither like to be jerked around by mortals and without sufficient training, and necessary knowledge, either can slap we mortals silly.

  8. Black Magic, huh? In my homeland, that’s a common events. It’s not strange to see 2 or more peoples or even 2 big families, involved in a black magic war in my homeland.
    @Ama: Yes, people still can’t shoot flames from their hands, but they can transform into a floating fireball or even drooling flames from their tongue. That’s a kind of magic that called “pangleakan” in my homeland. An ancient type of magic (not really ancient, just only 1000 years old, more or less). Unfortunately, there is no English page about this. But, if you are curious, try googling it.

  9. Hi Adhinferno,

    have you actually seen someone transform into a fireball, or has it happened to you, and were you chewing anything at the time? Drooling fire from their tongue I can find a number of scientific explanations for … but not the fireball. I have a very logical mind, even where magic is concerned.

    I found this page where it is mentioned. Could you please direct me to a good page for the information in your language and I’ll see if Babel can translate it for me.

    Thank you
    Love & Light

  10. No, it’s not happened to me. And i won’t chew anything strange, consciously. ^_^ “Pangeakan” is a secret practices, so I never see anyone transform into it closely. But, i ever seen it from far and even see that fire orb floating in front of my house. At that time, I choose to stay inside my home for safety, because i dont have any business with that fire orb. Hehehehe.

  11. I believe in something called The Law of Attraction. It simply means you create your own reality through your thoughts (with your emotions informing you of what kind of thoughts you’re having and the energy you’re giving off). Some people have turned it into something called magic, but really we all do it. I personally am a big fan of Abraham Hicks, who for me, really teaches everything I’ve always felt instinctually.
    It’s about your beliefs in my opinion. You can say you want more money, light green candles, burn incense and pray you Fortuna until the cows come home, if you don’t FEEL it is going to happen, it won’t. It’s why some people say they did a spell and it worked and some say they prayed and were healed–it’s about their beliefs which drew something to them. Again, Abraham Hicks does it for me.

  12. Ofcourse magic exists, it is practised on a daily basis in Africa and other countries.

    (Christian bible – Old Testament) What do you think Moses and the Pharaoh’s wise men and sorcerers were doing when they magically changed their staffs into serpents, the Nile water into blood, and a frog infestation, a plague of flies etc etc. They were in competition, trying to out-do each other, until the ‘Lord’ leader of the ‘sons of god’ proved to be more powerful and knowledgable in the art of magic – naturally.

    One of the things which angered the ‘Lord’ Leader of the ‘sons of god’, was the fact that the ‘sons of god’ or as some would say – ‘the fallen angels’ who became demons, (I call them ancient astronauts), imparted to the earthlings much of their knowledge on magical secrets. Obviously some of this magic, throughout the ages was retained and practised by some and hidden by underground movements.

    • And forgotten completely, to be ‘rediscovered’ later, when the magic comes back into the world.

      Love & Peace

      • Pat and Ama,

        Oh my… magick is a powerful and dangerous thing in ignorant hands. Just today, I was in a shop call “Vibes: Where good Karma Still Exists.” There, at the counter, contrary to the stores name, was a book full of spells to summon the dark spirits to do our bidding. If those are the ancient magick, then I want none of it, except to send them back where they belong! :) I knew it was popular book, as it was there where everyone could see it, and examine the writing on the back cover. For me, the books summation was very, very, very Dark in wanting to sell these things and spells as “the beginners ultimate source.” I looked at my wife and all I could mutter was, “Oh no.” The place where good Karma still exists? I’m beginning to wonder!


        • Oh the comments I could make about those sorts of books, but you can find it all on the internet too, without much difficulty. People either treat it as a great joke, or really believe it and often get themselves into a great deal of trouble .. and then come begging for help. And why .. because they want to feel powerful in the world.

          Problem is you don’t get ‘power’ from dark entities, you get lies and trickery. It might all start out ‘well’ but in the end the price demanded for your ‘power’ increases all the time, until you can no longer afford to pay it .. and I don’t mean cash, I am talking about your energy, or the deeds you must do to satisfy the entity you have called and ‘think’ you control. Don’t kid yourself. You don’t control anything. It controls you.

          I advocate book burning in the case of dark spell books. Only the dark ones. I have no issues with Wicca or witchcraft used with responsiblity and an good focus on the Rede ‘If it do no harm …’. That means ‘including to yourself’.

          Power comes from within ourselves, from mastering ourself, our ego, what we think we need and not what we ‘want’, because our wants are driven by our ego, not by our spirit. Our spirits ‘want’ for nothing, because as spiritual beings we are whole and perfect, but as human beings we have a lot to learn.

          Love & Peace

    • hmmm… Actually since i’m a christian this is actually quite a logical claim.

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