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Sharing our House With Ghosts

I was always a believer in ghosts and the supernatural, however the rest of my family were firm skeptics. That is, until the military took us to Virginia where we moved into a large 4 bedroom house in an over-populated suburb. Not a very likely place for a supernatural presence.

We moved in and felt very comfortable there. It had a finished basement, in which was our family room, a guest bedroom, a bathroom and the laundry room.

About three months after we moved in, my mom was staying up late, in the basement, working on my sister's Halloween costume. She began to hear footsteps coming from the laundry room, heavy footsteps like work boots or something. Needless to say, that was the last time she worked late in the basement. After her experiences there, the things that happened got steadily more numerous and worse.

I would get up very early in the morning to get ready for school and would be sitting in the kitchen. I would hear footsteps constantly going up and down the stairs to the basement and sometimes it would sound like the cupboards were opening and closing, but nothing was actually seen. Until one night, my mom and my dad were sitting in the nice living room on the second level watching TV, when the door to the basement swung open. It had been latched and somehow the door knob had turned and the door had literally swung all the way open. By this point, even my skeptical dad was beginning to think that there was something odd about the house.

Then, a few nights later. My brother woke us all up screaming about a figure in his doorway. When my mom and dad did not believe him, he started to cry, and my brother is not one to cry. He was serious. He described the being as a girl with black hair, wearing a dress. Apparently, she walked past his doorway and then was gone.

At one point, I was sitting in the basement and I heard the sliding glass door that led out to the porch on the second floor open and then close. My mom was outside, and we were the only ones home. Something had opened the door, let my dog out, and closed it behind them.

The weirdest thing that happened though was a few weeks before we moved out. During us packing up to move, a young guy came to my door and wanted to come and clean our carpets. My mom told him no, but he was very forceful. My dad was gone and my mom was scared that this guy was going to break in. If anyone would, they would probably come through the basement. If someone broke the window down there we wouldn't be able to hear him come in, so my brother had these little alarms that would go off if you opened the door. So we put it on the door leading down to the basement, that way we would know if the intruder came upstairs. Sure enough, in the middle of the night the alarm started to go off. My mom woke up my brother and both him and her rushed downstairs. While climbing down the steps, they heard the alarm fall once and continue sounding. The door was closed and the chair they had put under the doorknob as an extra precaution was still in place. The alarm, however was on the floor, about ten feet away from the door, still going off.

Pretty freaked out, my mom and my brother turned off the alarm and went back to bed. The next morning we did some tests of our own. We took the alarm from the height we had it at that night and dropped it, not only did it not bounce or slide, but the alarm actually broke. So what happened that night? And who was out house guest that we had for the two years that we lived there?

Contributed by Katie and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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