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Haunted House On Maple Street

The house is located in Cleveland, Tennessee on Maple Street. It is an old ordinary looking house. We moved there shortly after my brother had passed away when I was six. There were 3 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, a den, living room, 2 bathrooms and an old dirt cellar.

My room was the one down stairs. I was sick when we moved in and the doctors could not figure out why. My cousin and uncle helped to move my stuff into my room. I was laying in my bed when they had just finished unpacking my things and threw my suitcases to the back of my closet. Instead of hearing the usual thump when the suit cases hit the wall in the back we heard several thumps, one right after the other. That is when we discovered the burial ground underneath the house. There were small markers of some sort but they could not make out what they were. This, of course, scared me greatly.

Every night I had my sister make sure my closet door was closed tight. Every night I awoke and found it open. During this time I grew sicker and sicker. I started to run a high fever. Now I know some people are going to read this and say it was delusions from the fever but I know different.

One night I awoke to a voice. That voice was speaking in a different language. I looked over at the closet and saw a large man dressed in traditional Indian garb. He was looking at me with great kindness and concern. I felt like I was dying. He spoke only three words I could understand,"Sleep now child".

I went to sleep right after that and awoke the next morning feeling just fine. I was not weak and showed no signs of being sick for the last month and a half.

I am still drawn to the house and still go by it. I feel his presence is still there. We lived there for about a year and a half. He was my constant companion the whole time.

It was later proven that indeed there was a grave yard under the house. The land lord knew this and rented it any way. My mother was going to try and buy the house but decided not too. I think it was the biggest mistake she made not too. She was just too frightened even though I told her there was nothing to fear.

The house still stands today and the graves are still there. I do not know if the new owners know this but the land lord boarded up the back of the closet after we moved out.

Contributed by Sherry and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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