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Speaking With the Dead

My sister died in April after a five year long battle with Leukemia. In July of that same year I was visited by her. Everyone I've told this story to tells me I was dreaming. I know I was not, it was broad daylight and I was wide awake when this occurred.

Here's what happened. I was sitting on the couch in my living room when suddenly I found myself in my mother's car on the way to the hospital to see my grandmother. Although she had been sick for some time we did not know just how sick she was as she never complained.

We lived in a very small town in WV. and the hospital we were driving to was almost two hours away. When we got to the hospital we had to pay .50 to park our car. We then had to walk across a bridge that went across the interstate. When we entered the hospital we went up to the reception desk and asked what room my grandmother was in. "She is on the fourth floor in ICU", we were told.

From there we walked around the desk into a foyer and waited for the elevator. When we got off on the fourth floor we entered a long hallway; to the left was a wall covered with small quilts all done in heart motifs to the right were floor to ceiling windows. At the end of the hall you could see the large, wooden, double doors to the ICU.

As my mother, older sister and I walked towards the doors we could see a sign that said "only two visitors allowed at a time". When we were almost to the doors my sister who had just recently passed away came around the corner from the left where there was a waiting area and some restrooms.

I couldn't believe it. I looked at my mom and sister to see if they saw her. My mom obviously did not, my older sister put her finger to her lips and nodded. My mom and older sister went into the ICU and I followed my dead sister into the lounge. She looked exactly as she always had except no longer pale and sickly. She was dressed in the same clothes that we had buried her in.

"Maycle, is that really you, what are you doing here?" I asked.

She replied to me that she "knew I had been worried about her and she wanted me to know that she was okay and happy and that she was here to help grandma over to the other side."

I hugged her and told her I missed her and then just as suddenly as she appeared she left.

Less than a couple of weeks later, in August, my grandmother became ill. She was taken by ambulance to a hospital almost two hrs. away. My mom, grandfather, and I drove up there to see her.

Other than the fact that it was my grandfather and not my older sister that was with us, everything else was the same. We had to pay .50 to park, walked across the bridge to the hospital, was told grandma was on the fourth floor, the hallway was exactly as I had seen (even though I had never been there before).

My heart was pounding in my chest. I just knew my dead sister was going to come around the corner near the ICU doors. But she didn't. My grandmother slipped into a coma and died three days later. I still believe my sister was there to take her over to the other side. That is why I didn't see her that day. She was with my grandmother in that ICU room.

Although this occurred almost twenty years ago I can still vividly remember it as if it was yesterday. And as I've said, everyone tells me it was a dream but no one will ever get me to believe that. It was too real and to coincidental to have been a dream.

Contributed by Jazmin and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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