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Imaginary Friends A Haunting That Follows My Family

Ever since I was a little girl I can remember talking to kids, well at least I thought they were real like me. I had two imaginary friends which with time I found they were once like me.

I lived in a home where we had a huge yard that had a little house as if someone had lived there. The house we lived in was very old and the little house in the backyard seemed more old, and creepy I would say. It was locked when we first moved in but my dad opened it as extra storage for our things. In it were old toys and clothing of two little kids, a boy and a girl. My mom never told me about the clothes until later but I kept the toys.

I would talk to a little girl about my age, I was five at the time and her brother was seven, he did not talk much. She and I would spend all day playing and exploring the yard. She even asked me to live in the little house with her but I would never say yes.

One day my sister in law told my mom that she saw a little boy chasing me and they got scared because I would say it was my friend that lived in the little house. He would point to a bushy spot where my mom would not let me wonder out to because she would say there were snakes and spiders down there. His sister told me that she was there and so was her brother. At the time I did not know what it was but later I told my mom about it and she and my dad found it was a grave in the backyard dated from 1889.

We eventually moved out to a new home where I also experienced visits from a little boy. He would move things in the kitchen and everyone experienced strange things there.

I had my worst experienced not so long ago. My mother left to go to Mexico and asked me to watch the house so I did and I kept feeling that someone would watch me. I fell asleep and in my sleep I saw my self waking up and looking towards the door and saw the little boy soaking wet just looking at me. I freaked out and woke up and I realized that I had my feet crossed in the dream and waking up I had my feet crossed something I never do. It seemed so real. I also felt as if he had been there and it wasn't a dream.

The next day I feel asleep and again in my dream he appeared and grabbed my arm asking for help. He wanted to find his parents. I started crying and woke up and I told my husband what had happened. I looked at my arm and realized four little hand prints, but they were bruises left in my arm. His little finger prints.

I found out that before we moved into that house there was a couple and their five year old son living there named Mani. He drowned in the backyard pool and died inside the home. We never would have thought there was once a pool there but we checked and indeed there was. The parents covered it and a year later sold the home and moved away.

Now the little boy looks for them. He is still there and his presence doesn't bother us anymore. My sister lives there now with her two little daughters and one of them talks to him. That's how I know his name was Mani, because my niece told me about him. She described him just like I saw him and she is always trying to dry him up. My sister hears wet footsteps coming from my nieces' room almost daily.

Contributed by "gabbylicious" and Copyright © 2008 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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Children - Imaginary Friends and Ghosts

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