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The Ghost Of A Little Boy

This is what happen to me one evening while taking care of my grandma and my nephew and niece at my sisters house.

It all started it was around I will say 3 or 4 in the evening. My nephew and niece were crying because they wanted to fill up the tub with water and play in the restroom. I got tired of it so I decided to let them do so. I went with them in the restroom filled up the water tub and placed some toys in the water with bubbles. They both sat in there and I said I was going to time them.

So time went by and I was talking my granny, so looked at the time in it was going for 5:30 so I decided to go to the restroom and told them its time now so I will let the water go and put the shower on so they can rinse themselves, so I told them to stay in the tub while I go across the other side of the house to look for the towels which are in my sister's bedroom.

I walked to the room and it was dark. She had on the ceiling fan some weird light like disco (don't know what they do) anyway as I passed by the bed and walked to the closet where she has a big mirror where you wash your face, I opened the closet and something told me someone was inside with me in the room because I just felt someone staring at me very hard. As I looked up I saw a little boy, naked, standing right in the middle of the bedroom.

I looked at him and told him, Raul didn't I tell you not to come out because you will wet the rug? He just stood there and looked angry. When I turned around he just ran fast to the other corner of the room where I couldn't see him. Then all of a sudden I heard my nephew and niece in the other side laughing. I got so freaking scared I threw everything out and ran outside the living room and went to the restroom and saw them there.

I told my grandma and she just started to pray. This is so scary to me I have so many others you might read one of the other true things that has happened to me if I write. I have so many things happen to me and felt and see things. I don't know if they haunt me because I love reading and watching scary stuff.

My other experience was hearing my name being called. This happened at the same house while coming home from work doing my externship. I got home to do my soup and took my scrubs off and walked to get my food from the microwave. I placed my plate on the desk in the living room and put my favorite show on. As I was about to start eating, I heard some one call my name, they said "Hazel". I looked behind me and didn't answer because I had always heard this saying in my country that if you hear someone call you never answer because it might be a spirit that is lost and is looking for someone to help or it's a bad spirit and if they know you can hear them they will not leave you alone. So I just ignored it.

As I watched TV I heard my name called again. I turned around, looked behind the sofa and said Maggie, Raul are you here? No one answered, everything was just quiet. I got up and walked all through the house, nothing. As I sat there I heard it again, but just ignored it. The part that scared me most is when I heard it real close to me on my right side by my ear, but this is the creepy part, as I heard my name being called "Hazel", my hair on the right side flew up as if some one blew on it. I actually saw my hair go up and back down slowly. I just remember jumping on top of the table, throwing all my soup on the carpet and grabbing my car keys and running out.

I got in my car and parked on the other side of the street. My brother in-law came home and honked at me and asked me what I was doing out there. I told him what had happened. He started laughing and started telling me its ok, he had an experience one day while watching TV late. He said he saw a lady with a white long dress walking from my nephew's room to my nieces room. I just stayed with my mouth open. This is some of the things that have happened to me.

Contributed by Hazel and Copyright © 2007 True Ghost Tales all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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