My Life In A Haunted House

My family bought a house in the late 60's in a small town in Southeast Missouri. It seemed like a Mansion to us 'cause it had 3 bedrooms and a basement. I was 9-10 years old and my brother was around 5 years old.

It didn't take long for things to start happening. My mom would get locked out if she left the house. When we went to the basement, we always had a feeling we were being watched. That was me and my mom who always had that creepy feeling, although my mom never discussed this with me 'til later years.

We only had a few neighbors out in the country where we lived and hardly ever locked our doors. My mom went into her bedroom one day to hang her sweater in the closet. When she opened the door she saw someone or something standing behind the clothes, she said all she seen was a pair of old jeans and old shoes right before she took off running out of the house.

She went to our neighbors and called my Dad home from work. They went and looked in the closet and whoever or whatever was gone. They searched the house, nothing.

My mom told me the house had set empty for a long time before we had bought it.

One night I walked home from the roller rink, which was not to far from where we lived. I noticed when I got close to home that the house was dark, no lights at all. I unlocked the door and went in calling for my mom and dad, no one home!

I turned on the light's and TV, I was sitting in the living room when I heard footsteps coming up our basement steps. I got up and went and locked myself in the bathroom, we had a vent in there and you could hear any sounds coming from the basement. I sat quietly listening and I heard the footsteps again coming up the stairs.

We had a closet in the bathroom, I got inside, shut the door and crawled up under a shelf. I could hear something out in the hall rubbing up against the bathroom door, well guess what? I fainted.

I awoke to the sound of my parents voices and knocking on our front door for me to let them in. I was terrified.

Then once, I was down in the barn brushing my horse down. No one was at home except for me, I often went down to be with my horse and sometimes I would sit on her and braid her mane. All at once something scared the heck out of her and she darted out the door. I fell off backwards, hit my head, and I guess I was knocked out lying on the ground.

Next thing I remember my mom was trying to wake me asking me why I was covered in dirt and straw and lying on my bed. I have no idea how I got there. I had one thought, but I don't like thinking about it.

Even after I was grown and would go to visit, I hated being alone in that house and that basement still creeped me out. That feeling of being watched, and not being alone down there, still was there. Someone else lives there now, I just wonder if they experience the things we did. I hope not.

Contributed by Deborah Litton and Copyright © 2007 all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission.

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