Signs and Smells of a Poltergeist?

What are the signs and smells of a poltergeist?

And how can you tell if they want you to leave your home?

Asked by Valerie

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  1. Hi Valerie

    Classic poltergeist activity include moving or hiding objects (usually when you’re not looking!!) including doors, windows, house or car keys (tends to be one of their favourites for some reason), and have a real attractions to electrical items – tv channel changing, turning the clock-radio alarm off, turning other electrical items on/off.

    Some can eminate smells (usually quite nausious ones) whilst others do not.

    Poltergeists generally DO NOT want you to leave the home. The reason for this is because they need you in order to feed. You see, when a person becomes scared or angry, their energy changes. They imit negative energy which the poltergeist needs to use in order to do their poltergeist thing.

    Hope this has helped


    • Hi Valerie,

      Why are you asking about poltergeist? Another explanation of them is a being created from the accumulated energy of people like teenagers and menopausal women. The being does as AJ describes, but usually doesn’t make smells .. or not any I have heard of.

      What you might have is an unruly ghost, and there are ways of clearing a house of them if you are interested in doing so?

      Love & Peace

      • Hi Ama

        I’ve come across a poltergeist that, on occasion, ‘made’ a smell very much like pigs manure – yuck!! Usually the first time it manifested itself in front of an unsuspecting house guest – as a kind of “welcome to my world, look what I can do!!” Nice! – haha!. But that wasn’t, by far, the most elaborate or favourite poltergeist prank that it played … it was an ‘orrible ghost (not a self-constucted negative energy) but an earthbound spirit doing most everything I listed in my previous post. Thankfully, now in healing!

        Then there was the spirit which smelt of vanilla – that wasn’t a full-blown polt in the true sense of the word, although she did ‘hide’ the odd personal object … usually up in the loft!!


        • Morning AJ,

          I think we are back into ‘what is your definition of’ time. :-) Ok, a poltergeist, to me is the direct translation from the German of ‘noisy ghost’ . I don’t see it as an actual ghost, and your description is of actual ghosts, in my opinion. In that case, I agree with you – ghosts do make smells, all sorts of smells, and I’m very glad I can’t smell most of them – because I have friends who can and have seen them become physically sick at the smell. And ghosts lift things (that look like they are floating by themselves, if you can’t see the ghost) and throw things, when they have the kinetic strength.

          Poltergeists (a being created by the energy expressed by human beings, as I said teens and menopausal women) are more inclined to create noises like cracks and bangs and toss things about, but when you ‘look’ (if a person can see ghosts) for a source, there’s no person there doing the tossing.

          Amazing what human energy can do. Now I wonder why it gathers that way? Or is that the beginnings of a golem?

          Love & Peace

          • Hi Ama

            Have you ever read the South Shields Poltergeist by Michael J. Hallowell and Darren W. Ritson? It is a factual report of one of the worse Poltergeist cases these two investigators have ever come across.

            All the way through the book, two observations (or opinions) were constantly made:
            1. Poltergeists are forms of negative energy (daemon), emitted from a person and all activity revolves around that person (ie teenagers / menopausal women are the main culprits – as you quite rightly say.)
            2. These forms of energy run out very quickly – typically in a couple of weeks, two months at most.

            Now – the reason these guys wrote this book was because this polt broke all the rules. It was an incredibly nasty piece of work but it did not focus on one person – indeed, it did not focus on one place either. Nor did it disappear after a few weeks … in fact, the poor people in the house suffered major polt activity for months and months and months. The activity got worse (probably fueled by the two investigators ‘playing’ with it – as they do!!) and how those poor folk could carry on living in the house, I’ll never know!

            But – right at the end of the book, almost as a post-script of embarressment, Hallowell admitted that even after years of experience with polt activity and what he believed caused it, even he had to admit he might be wrong. You see, right at the end of the book, both him and other witnesses saw the polterguist. They were outside looking in through the window at the people in the house talking, and witnessed an entity gestating in a ‘frantic’ manner next to them, as if it was very frustrated that it could not be heard. Thing is, they all instantly recognised this entity – it was someone they knew who had recently died. However, it was still classed as a poltergueist because it was ‘noisy’ and did everything one would expect of classic poltergueist activity, and a bit more besides.

            What i am driving at here is that ghosts are just as capable of polt activity, as our own negative energy which has been externalised. I would say that any activity which exceeds a few weeks may well be the work of spirit and not the negative energy of someone in the house.

            Fascinating things, Polts (but not necessarly when you’ve got to live with one)


          • Hi AJ,

            Have you read Colin Wilson’s book on Poltergeists .. it is very interesting. No, I haven’t read Hallowell & Ritson. It’s not a topic I deal with much, except to break the patterns of the energy so the whole ‘entity’ disappears. :-) I shall look them up.

            I agree ghosts are capable of behaviour that can look like poltergeists .. but as your comment shows, poltergeists can’t be seen to be ‘people’ .. they are just a collection of energy.

            Love & Peace

          • Thanks Ama for the heads-up and thanks CT for the link. Off to order a copy now …


          • Hi Ama

            ” .. but as your comment shows, poltergeists can’t be seen to be ‘people’”

            Not sure in what context you’re referring here, but the case I was on about they did see the poltergeist as a ‘person’ – a person they knew. Now, what that person’s character was like whilst they were alive, the book did not embellish (as far as i can remember) but the polt action stopped after they’d seen him. So wish I’d not lent that book out to someone … it would’ve been good to have read it again for some references.

            Anyhoo … bought a copy of the other book mentioned and look forward to reading it.


          • Hi AJ,

            Yes, I noticed Wilson had been republished recently. My copy is old and has been read many times. Perhaps I should replace it? Hmm.. I shall think on that.

            Wishing you a gorgeous day,
            Love & Peace

          • Sorry, AJ, let me re-write the sentence …

            In the case you were referring to, the ‘poltergeist’ turned out to be a ghost throwing things around. I can certainly understand the frustration involved with not being able to get people’s attention, and why a ghost, once it ‘can’ move things – would do so.

            A true poltergeist has no ‘form’, nor shape, and is not a ‘person’ – it is just an entity created of accumulated energy (thoughtform?).

            Is that a better explanation. I had not had any chocolate before I wrote the last one.

            Love & Peace

          • Oh! Dear ……. chocolate withdrawl can do terrible things to one’s brain ..LOL!

            Thanks Ama – I understand what you’re driving at now! Off to raid the fridge for a Galaxy ….


  2. Ama,

    You said in your last comment/reply that a poltergeist is not a ghost or person but instead “an entity of accumulated energy”. If you were to do some research by watching some shows on paranormal occurrences, search about what ghosts are online, etc. you would soon find out that a ghost or apparition is the exact thing you described a poltergeist to be, “an entity of accumulated energy”. I am pretty sure a ghost is an entity and it manifests by accumulated energy.

    • Hi Cody,

      I have done tons of research, starting with the history of ghosts and poltergeists over the centuries. I am a demonologist, among other things. I know about negative energy forms in far too many kinds, and poltergeists are generally a collection of negative energy, without intelligence – created by living humans, not dead ones. Ghosts are the spirits of living humans who have died and not gone into heaven (or a healing place of some kind, whatever you believe). A ghost will lift things and throw them about, at times, so will a demon .. its usually done to draw attention to themselves, and cause fear and pain in the living. A poltergeist, however, doesn’t do things with thoughtful malice and intent .. no, it takes a human nature, or a demonic one, to do that.

      I wouldn’t base my knowledge of the paranormal on some of the rubbish on television these days masquerading as accurate information about ghosts and other entites. Mostly its created to scare folks, not ‘inform’ them.

      Love & Peace

    • Hi Cody

      The word ‘Poltergeist” is defined differently, dependant upon the person.

      My overall definition would be ‘noisy spirit’ which means, it makes its presence known by physical means – ie throwing things, etc.

      If asked to further quantify ‘spirit’ in this context, I would define that spirit as either

      a) an earthbound spirit (ghost), or

      b) an externalised negative energy, created by the ‘host’ (a kind of daemon).

      In the form of (b), children entering puberty are often referred to as the main culpits, particularly if their childhoods are unhappy. In effect, making their own ‘ghost’ out of their own excess negative energy.

      Both types of poltergeists require ‘feeding’. Polt (a) will use any source available to it, whilst polt (b) will use a specific host (its creator).

      Poltergeist (a) can continue being an active spirit for months, or even years.
      Poltergeist (b) activity, on the other hand, tends to fizzle out after a few weeks.

      That is my definition. Other’s may not catagorize ‘ghosts’ who move things as poltergeists.


      • And then there are menopausal women, who make tons of energy and don’t know what to do with it .. this I know for a fact. LOL

        Love & Light
        Ama (wishing for a bit after a long day in the city yesterday) LOL

  3. Can anyone please explain (in the most simplest form) what a poltergeist is and why is it called poltergeist?
    Thanks in advance.

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