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Changes in My Mother and the Evil Looking Creature

You can’t even trust someone as close to you as your mother

Hello, I’m 17 but this activity happened to my dad, brother, and I before my parents divorced when I was 12 my brother was 10. Not many people believe what I’m about to tell you but heck I’m not even sure how to explain what happened, but it did. We all experienced the same thing well here goes…

When I was 12 years old my grandpa was very ill so my dad took him to his doctors appointments in San Antonio, Texas at least once a week. My parent’s marriage was going downhill. My mom had a deep rage for my dad, who knows why but my mom didn’t feel like my mom anymore she seemed darker and distant so I didn’t want to stay alone with her and my little brother so on this particular day my brother and I decided to go to San Antonio with …

July 5th, 2011 by CareTaker 

The Rosa Witch Legend

In the early 1800s, William Wolcott moved his family from North Carolina to California, the area we now know as Sonoma County. They settled in the small town of Jose Ramon, which later became Santa Rosa. Wolcott purchased some land and a small hotel his family soon called home. The Wolcott’s had three children: the eldest Billy followed by Dennis and Tracie whom they called by her middle name Aileen. Over the next several years William acquired more land, increasing his holdings to 472 acres. A number of acres were used for pumpkins and grape vineyards. The townspeople took a grand liking to the Wolcott’s and appointed William as the county marshal for many years.

On a day like any other, William Wolcott was inspecting his pumpkin patch that grew behind the hotel, when he saw a figure in the middle of the patch. As he approached, the figure took shape of an elderly woman hunched over as if she …

August 19th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Natural Witch?

When I was about 14 I began to experience many unexplainable out of this world things. One day my brother found a Ouija board in the back yard of our apartment building. He came in shouting of excitement that he had found one and wanted me and my two other siblings to play with it. My mother heard him and asked to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Days passed and I found that board was under his bunk bed. I confronted him and asked why he didn’t throw it away as our mother had asked. He replied, he simply was curious and wanted to play with it only once. He admitted to me that he had played with it several times. Every since I can remember, my brother Joe has always “seen” ghosts. This explains why he’s so interested in the paranormal and such.

My mother found the board and threw it away. Days passed and I …

July 7th, 2010 by CareTaker 

A Story of Witch Craft

Hi you may have remembered me from the last story I sent. As I said in my last story many things have happened to me and my family and some times still occur. The story I’m about to tell you also happened a long time ago. It was a story my mom told me about when she was a child.

Again, as I also mentioned in my last story, my family had a history of “brujeria” meaning witch craft. Now this isn’t a real long story but it is true, you see my mom’s grandma on her mother’s side used to practice witch craft and one day she told my mom and her sisters to move out of the way because satan was going to pass by.

My mom was young and innocent at the time and didn’t know what her grandma meant by ‘satan’. Moments later a white dog passes through the living room in front of them and …

October 30th, 2007 by CareTaker 

A Story About Witches and Children From Nepal

Submitted to us by Selene

This is a story that my granny told me when I was ten years old. My granny lived in Nepal in the mountains. In Nepal lots of ghosts are lurking in every corner.

One day five families got kids at the same time. The night they were born they all disappeared. Only the bodies were left. So the parents cried and dug graves for them. The following night a man happened to be walking near a grave yard. There he saw five witches asking each other which child they had eaten. The kids had got eaten.

The man saw the ghosts of the kids playing around the witches. Luckily he was a fortune teller and a wise man so he got the ghosts of the kids and put them back into their body. The next morning the babies were back in their cradles.

Here are some related links:

Interview With a Witch


Real life

September 7th, 2007 by CareTaker 

Do You Know a Real Witch?

Do you know a real witch? Most of us would answer ‘no’ to that question and many others may reply with a yes and be mistaken.

It only follows that if there are any real witches then they must know people – so someone out there knows a real witch.

Of course there are many more people who know a real witch without knowing that she is a witch!

We have an interview with a real witch. Paul Dale Roberts of the Haunted and Paranormal Investigations of Northern California met with a witch and provided us with a full record and discussion of the interview.

Read it and see what you think, then ask yourself again, “Do you know a real witch?”

Interview With a Witch


September 2nd, 2007 by CareTaker