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Civil Defense Shelter Hole Tacoma

I am from Indiana and I lived in ther Tacoma, Washington area 30 years.

Iwas sleeping in a boiler room under Tacoma Avenue in the basement of the Brant Apartment Building. I worked there as a painter, I had the room to myself, bars on the only window, 2 doors one steal door padlocked from the outside and a stick propping the inside, the other led to a room with a civil defense manhole cover and out through a broken down wall which I had covered with around 8 old doors to keep out the cold, that door to the room I was in was hook locked from the inside, the lights were out the wind blew cold and hard as the door squeaked open and the tone of male voices and the sound of soil scratching under their weight moved closer, they lifted the tarp I had over me, I stayed still, it changed shape like a leviathan?

Any …

January 24th, 2012 by CareTaker 

House on Green Sreet

This happened a few years ago at a house on Green St. in Spokane. My boyfriend and his brother moved into this house together, and when I came over the first time, I got a really uneasy feeling about the place. I have always been sensitive to spirits, not really able to see them, but I can sense them, and I can usually tell if they are positive energy or negative energy.

Anyway, the house in itself looked creepy.  Even before I entered into the house I was getting feelings of wanting to go away.  My boyfriend just told me that I was being a baby about it, so I stayed. Weird things were always happening in this house but one experience my boyfriend and I had in this house one night will always be in my memories.

We went out for a little while and we arrived back at his place around 9 pm. We weren’t tired, so we …

December 12th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Yacolt Washington Lady in White

I know its a town that you have never heard of before but I have a bunch of ghost stories to tell that I experienced from a young age to now. The first ghost I ever saw is when I was about 8 or 9. Me and my older sister shared a room we slept in the same bed for some reason. It was about five in the morning. I don’t know why but I opened my eyes and there was this man standing right in front of the bed! Staring at me he did not even blink. He was right next to my sister and seem to come closer to me the more I stared at him freaked out. I hid under my blanket and when I peeked out he was gone. It was the same guy who appeared to my other sister when she was about 3 she was playing with her toy car by a window and …

December 3rd, 2010 by CareTaker 

House on Highway 603 in Napavine Washington

As long as I can remember I have had paranormal experiences. Me and my sister were always “followed”. My family moved into a house on Highway 603 in Napavine, Washington. It wasn’t old it was built in the late 70′s and my parents were renting from a Guy that received the house in his fathers estate.  My sister had picked out her bedroom  and so it left me with the one next to hers and my parents of course got the master down the hall.

I slept in the room soundly for at least two weeks, but then I started waking up frequently and hearing noises, feeling as if someone was watching me, and cold touches to my legs and arms. I would turn on my light and read and always feel uneasy and uncomfortable. As silly as it sounds I would often ask my mom to come lay with me in my room… at 15 that seems a bit …

October 26th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Insomnia – The Boy In The Radio 2

Some of you may have read the story written by Taylor Weston entitled “Insomnia – The Boy In The Radio“. You may have found it hard to believe and wondered if perhaps Taylor made it up. Trust me, he did not. How do I know? I’ve also met Jayson; I’m the “friend with the newspaper” mentioned in his post. I asked him if it was all right for me to post my own experiences and he consented. Thanks Tay!

My experiences with Jayson parallel and in some cases overlap Taylor’s. The house he grew up in is indeed an old house (I had no idea it had been a hotel but it certainly is built like one) and signs of previous owners have shown up from time to time; one day his mother unearthed what had apparently been an old garbage pit in the backyard, and recently while doing some repairs, they found pages from a 1950 newspaper …

October 3rd, 2010 by CareTaker 

Loon Lake Washington

Hello out there! Jim, again. 2005 to 2007 my wife and my son lived in Loon Lake Washington, well I was there too. Our first place, have you ever seen anything out of the corner of your eye? You turn to look and you see a bug or the corner of the curtains moving in the a/c vent or whatever. But what about the times you can’t find a reason for seeing..something. Our first place was like that. Shadows every where!

Besides the tale of your eye thing, my wife and her mother were in the living room when suddenly the clock on the wall launched itself across the room. It didn’t fall down the wall it flew across the living room. I didn’t see this but I believe my wife.

Second, I was reading in our bedroom. I had five lights on at the time, suddenly a shadow the size of a king size bed came up over me! …

July 8th, 2010 by CareTaker