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The Shadowy Lady

It started when I was 5 and I remember clearly. I was sitting on the floor playing with my baby born. I was upstairs alone. We used to have bunk beds then. So while I was playing somehow my doll sing a long Suzie flew off my bunk bed onto the other side of the room.

After that the next few years I had nightmares every night if I didn’t face the wall. Since then I have seen shadowy demon things every night. When I was little I called it The Lady so the name has kind of stayed. It’s hard to describe what it looks like. It’s pretty much a semi circle with a helmet shaped head. It’s completely black and it wriggles around to walk because it doesn’t have legs. The ‘queen lady’ lives outside of my folks rooms and when I used to sleep with them if I had nightmares I would watch the ‘queen lady’. It’s …

June 21st, 2010 by CareTaker 

Almost Demonized in Colorado

I moved to the house I now live in Colorado when I was four, ever since that age I’ve been having dreams of a man like a shadow and a woman with a blackish brown dress. I never really listened to what my dreams were telling me.

When I became eleven my sister left to Mexico so I had to sleep by myself because we shared rooms. At first I thought it would be cool til it came to be midnight, I turned off the light and turned to my left. Then suddenly I felt someone climbing up on my bed. You could hear the sound of the bed going down. I was so freaked out that I turned to my right quickly nothing was there. I turned on the lights everything was okay. I turned off the lights again but I was just looking at the ceiling trying to sleep when suddenly I felt something trying to climb on …

June 20th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Hell is Actually Real

This story will start off when I was a little kid. I always believed in God. But what happened would change my life for ever. I’ve been visited by demons for two years! Shadow figures, what I called them, would surround me when I’m in bed. I couldn’t move, their eyes glowed white, I felt fear like I never felt before! I couldn’t say a word, and when I made the tiniest noise, they stared at me, and sent fear to me.

Now believe me or not, the shadow figures lifted me up from my bed, silently, they were cold, and when they walked, they were fast. When we got to the door to outside, I would pass out, and I would wake up in the morning, nothing in sight, but I felt them. Same thing happened almost every night!

Oh yeah, they would be thin, tall, but it was dark. It was hard to see. The weird thing, they …

May 30th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Demon Experience at Pentecostal Church Camp

Okay, well I started going to this church when I was 9 years old (I’m 18 now). It was a Pentecostal church that I attended with my parents and my brother (he is 3 years older than I am). At that church they had different bible classes depending on what age you were. My brother was old enough to be in the “youth class” at the time but I was still too young.

Well I remember, I’d always tell my brother that I wanted to be older already so I could be in the same class as him, because every year around July they’d have a youth camp for kids that were from the age of 12 – 18 and I wanted to go really bad. I continued to go to that church for a couple more years, then when I finally turned 12, I was really excited that I could finally be in that class so I could go …

May 11th, 2010 by CareTaker 

The Truth and Dangers of Ouija Boards

Growing up in a Pagan home, ghosts and such were never new to me. I’ve seen them my entire life. It starts when I was six. My mother had an image of god and Jesus, where she got it or who gave it to her I don’t know. Anyway I saw demonic faces in the picture all the time, finally I told my mother and she removed it and that was that.

When I was seven we moved two houses down and things were great for awhile then weird things started happening. When I was 14 my friend swore up and down she saw a dark figure behind me in my hallway with a knife raised to my back. It spooked me so, I would walk with my back to the wall.

Anyone who came over would see red glowing eyes peeking out of my bedroom and then my door would slam shut, after awhile most of my friends refused …

April 12th, 2010 by CareTaker 

The Green House

I never really put two and two together before reading a few stories on here and other websites, but now, I think my situation is very strange and I would like to share it. To start off with I will give a little bit of family history since without knowing that, this story will be confusing.

When I was very young, both of my parents were abusive towards each other. My Dad got sick of the abuse and left. He moved to Michigan, and my Mom, Sister and myself stayed in Arizona with my Grandma and Grandpa. Before we moved in with my grandparents my Mom became a recluse. Somewhat a recluse I should say, she spent time outside of the house, but when it came to my sister and I, (especially me) she avoided much responsibility.

My Dad wanted to take my sister and I with him but wasn’t sure of the legal rights and my grandpa was a …

April 7th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Demonic Thing that Torments

The story I’m about to tell begins four years ago for me. But for the one who is truly plagued it has been a lifetime of torment. I am writing this story for some help or idea, it is truly strange how the events have unfolded for my wife and I.

This story begins back in the fall of 2006 when a young naive ghost hunter (me) had just been published on the front page of a local paper, the day was Halloween of that fate full year and we had been receiving calls all day and it wasn’t until late that afternoon that I received the call that would change my life. I took the call but some how it was different the woman at the other end of the phone was upset but not frightened telling me that her daughter had been experiencing some kind of paranormal activity, I immediately made the case a priority one and we …

March 29th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Grey Gargoyle Like Demon

I’m not sure its a story exactly but I’ve know for some time that there’s something following me/attached to me, I think I’ve always been aware its there but until a few years ago I wasn’t sure what. Its almost like a memory half remembered, like a dream never dreamt.

I don’t tell people, in fact I don’t think anyone knows and anyone who does thinks its just a joke. The only way I can really describe it is that it looks like a grey gargoyle like demon, like the same colour as paving stones with hints of green as though moss was growing on it. I recognize the colour in my mind well. Its a little confusing.

The first thing I have to point out is that it doesn’t look menacing and it has never threatened me. I suppose I’m not worried about it really but I’d like to know what it is/ what it wants. If anyone has …

March 11th, 2010 by CareTaker 

My First Experience with a Demon

I’ve had two experiences in my life with demons. They did not and cannot harm me, because I believe in the good and I work with angels.

I went through a hard time in my life, when I got really sick and depressed, I was always a smiling and funny person but between 2005 – 2006 I saw no light, that’s when I got some signs, I should start working with angels.

Yeah but anyway, the first experience happened like around 1998, I think. I was living in Germany, in a small town, which had a big forest, so I decided to go for a ride with the bike and take my brothers dog with me, she was a brave and big dog and not really frightened about anything or anyone.

As we were in the middle of the forest, I saw someone coming out of like nowhere, where this guy came out of there was no path just trees …

March 9th, 2010 by CareTaker 

Seeing Demons in Everyday Life

In 2005 I was involved in a bad relationship with my youngest daughter’s father. Lorin was a hot tempered man. I was praying a lot and talking to god in my prayers. Several times I dreamed I was battling a demon in my dreams. Lorin started to abuse me and my children on occasion. In Lorin’s eyes sometimes I could see them change into a demonic eyes. Lorin’s eyes would get real squinty and look pure evil.

One day a trailer was being torn down. I drove up to the trailer to look for a door for my trailer. I saw an old woman dressed in black going through the trailer’s junk. The old woman told me her name it was Linda. I saw Linda on several occasions and she drove to my home one day to ask for a ride. I hesitated to respond to Linda’s request since I was pretty broke and Linda offered no gas money. But …

March 1st, 2010 by CareTaker 

Demonic Entity Experiences

Ever since my first possession, in the year 1996 or 1997 I have been experiencing strange feelings, presences, voices and visions. The issue is, I was possessed by some entity for two weeks between 1996 and 1997, but this demon/entity left and released control. It said (to me in my head) that it’d be back. (I am assuming the entity is a male), so I’ll call him a “he”.

Every year when coming up to my birthdays I get these feelings of the presence of it being around. I hear demonic faint voices saying strange things. I see visions of the underworld (whether or not that’s actually possible, but it seems like I am seeing these visions from the entity/demons eyes) and it’ looks really big, hot/warm, red and flame-type thing. I cannot describe it. I have meet really tired/sleepy, going into a daydream (whilst thinking or daydreaming I am unable to move at all) I cannot move my eyes, …

February 24th, 2010 by CareTaker 

They Come in all Sorts of Disguises

Hello it’s Me Crystal again, so nothing has recently happened to me but today I was just thinking about past activities. I never noticed how one can be connected to paranormal activity and never even know.

When I was younger, about 3, my parents divorced, my dad got custody of me and my older brother Isaac. My mom on the other hand decided to become a truck driver. She would go all around the states and also to Canada delivering I don’t know what. But I remember that I always used to miss her and would think of her all the time.

Well one day I was calling her in my thoughts because I hadn’t talk to her in a while. At the time she was in Wal-Mart and heard my voice calling her. Maybe it could’ve been another little girl but she said it sounded exactly like my voice and was right near her ear. My mom has told …

February 23rd, 2010 by CareTaker 
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